Hood County Texas Genealogical Society
This is the index to the Book "Cresson, Community Crossroads by Shirley Robert Smith. This book contains a collection of Historical & Genealogical notes relating to the community of Cresson from prior to 1850 to 1990. The book was published as a limited edition and is now out of print. Mr Smith's goal was to include in the book everyone who lived in the Cresson area. Cresson is in the far north east corner of Hood County almost straddling the Parker and Johnson County line. The Cresson Cemetery is located in Johnson County. Many of ther people indexed in the book may actually have lived in Parker or Johnson County.
If you find a family name in this index that is of interest to you, you may order a photo copy of the page from the Hood County Genealogical Society. Click HERE for ordering information
Information about an individual that is also posted in a Hood County Genealogical Society Web Page is highlighted in the index as a link.
NAME PAGE NUMBER Abbott, 53 Abernathy, 48 Adams, Grady, 40 Aiken, 132 Allmon, 51 Anderson, Aaron Ben, 7 Anderson, B., 31 Anderson, Clyde, 76 Anderson, Eva, 32 Anderson, Hattie May, 32 Anderson, John, 32 Anderson, Pete, 42 Anderson, Raymond, 31 Anderson, Susan, 31 Anderson, William, 41 Archer, 125 Arp, 75 Ball, Julian, 130 Ball, Larry, 130 Baker, 84 Bankhead, 130 Baptist Church, 27 Beasley, 117 Berry, 133 Bobo, A. G., 18 Bobo, C 3., 32, 129 Bobo, Eva, Bobo, Sallie, 33 Bolton, 96 Bone, Andy, 51 Bone, B. F., Sr., 9 Bone, B. F., Jr., 95 Bracken, 66 Braden, 75 Brannon, 41 Brawner , 131 Braxton, J. W., 86 Braxton, Hubert, 86 Brothers, 49 Brown, Billie, 117 Brown, Sudie, 68 Bryant, J. Fred, 115 Bryant, E. C. Bunt, 95 Buntin , 126 Burnett, 21 Calahan, 98 Caldwell, 49 Callaway, 31 Calhoun, H. C., 120 Calhoun, Jim, 128 Carr, Jack, 130 Carr, Brett, 59 Cash, 125
Cemetery History, 137
Cemetery Listings, 149
Chadwick, K. U., 21 Chadwick, J. L. 21 Chadwick, S. E., 21 Chadwick, J. Q., 21 Chadwick, W. H., 22 Chapman, Tom, 94 Chapman, John, 57 Charles, Kate, 60 Charles, Willis, 113 Church of Christ, 114 Claypool, 21 Click, Claude, 68 Click, Ivan, Click, Joe 83 Click, Travy, 122 Code 59 Collinsworth, 130 Conclusion, 146 Connaway, 127 Cosby, 131 Cowart, 75 Crawford, A., 51 Crawford, Mrs. A. C., 18 Crenshaw, 9 Cresson Banks 34 Cresson Schools, 134 Crocker, 83 Crook, E. J., 21 Crook, James, 26 Crook, Dr. L. F., 18 Crook, Lee Frank, 53 Crook, Wiley M., 18 Curry, 97 Davis, Frank, 41 Davis, Jack, 120 Dillard, 42 Dollar, 44 Donathan, 27 Driskill, 56 Dunlap, 126 Dunn, 13 Dunivant, Lindsey, 43 Dunivant, W. R., 21 Elam, 2, 18 Ellis, 125 Estes, 53 Evans, 118 Farmer, 21 Fidler, Cal, 29 Fidler, Calvin, 115 Fidler, Charles 116 Fidler, D. W., 28 Fidler, Elma, 66 Fidler, F. 0., 6 Fidler, Frank, 63 Fidler, H. M., 98 Fire Department, 140 Flowers, 42 Flynn, 60 Freeman, 132 Gage, 97 Gaiser, 38 Garrett, 74 Gibson, Travis, 64 Gibson, Oliver, 121 Gilbert, 18 Glenn, 18 Glascock, 93 Goforth, Jack, 22 Goforth, Jack, Jr., 33 Goodlett, 39 Grafa, Frank, 127 Grafa, Olin, 48 Gunn, Claude, 58 Gunn, Claude, Jr. 58 Goodwin, 126 Gunn, T. H. , 58 Guthrie, 47 Hamilton, 64 Hardesry, J. W., 61 Hardesty, Pat, Harmon, 57 Harp, 42 Harrell, Fred, 93 Harrell, Guy, 93 Harvey, 34 Havenhill, 26 Havens, 133 Hewett, 47 Hinds, Leonard, 62 Hinds, L. Leon, 62 Hinds, Paul, 62 Hoffman, 112 Holmes, 35 Holmsley, 117 Homecomings, 135 Horton, 42 Hudnall, 95 Hudson, 95 Huggins, 97 Hulsey, 42 Hunter, Beve, 77 Hunter, Sam, 27, 78 Hunter, T. M., Hunter, Waiter, 78 Index, 160 Industries, 89 Ingram, 39 Ivan 81 Jackson, 5 Johnson, Herschel, 36 Johnson, Matt, 96 Johnson, Roy, 120 Jones, 61 Kinder, 23 King, 124 Kirkendall, Henry 9 Kirkendall, Levi, 25 Lanham, Abe, 13 Lanham, Abe, Jr., 30 Lanham, Charley, 30 Lanham, Edna, 31 Lanham, Kate, 31 Lanham, Otho, 31, 44 Lanham, Ralph, 31 Lee, 31 Lemons, 28 Leonard, 35 Long, 94 Lowrance, 60 Magers, 86 Maize, 15 Manuel, 132 Marrs. 133 Martin, Shelby, 73 Martin, 14 Mason, 30 Massey, 53 Masterson, Arlen, 129 Masterson, W. F., 62 Masterson, Clarence, 113 McDuff, 83 McFarland, James, 11 McFarland, Charley, 11 McFarland, Hayes, 11 McGhee, 125 McMicken, 118 Methodist Church, 23 Middleton, 4 Milburn, G. E., 84 Milburn, Carlton, 124 Miles, John, 118 Miles, John, Jr., 128 Miles, Mike, 122 Miller, 129 Mitchell, 112 Monroe, 47 Moore, 25 Morgan, 124 Merrow, 41 Moss, 22 Nelson, 8 Newman, 54 Nimmo, 59 Nix, 83 Ogden, 124 Parham, 36 Parkinson, 2 Pate Museum, 141 Pearse, 33 Penuel, 65 Perry, 122 Peterson, 13 Phillips, 133 Pitts, 58 Pinkerton, 54 Pope, 83 Porter, 75 Postmasters, 134 Price, 36 Pullin, 40 Putteet, B. J., 12i Putteet, C. F,.j512C Putteet, Roy, Randle, Grady, 54 Randel, Winston, 11 Rash, 68 Ray, David, 131 Ray, George, 133 Ratliff, 55 Reichstetter, 126 Robbins, Cluss, 68 Robbins, 0. L. 67 Robbins, O. N., 67 Roberson, Bill, 125 Roberts, 86 Robertson, 117 Robinson, 98 Rogers, 47 Row, 47 Rudolph, 130 Ryburn, 8 Salters, 47 Sanders, 93 Savage, 31 Sears, Dick, 54 Sears, T. W., 5 Scaling, 132 Scarbrough, 77 Scott, Bill, 58 Scott, Tom, 59 Secular, 131 Sharp, 117 Shirley, 8 Shipps, Emmett, 120 Shipps, Emest, 121 Shipps, John G., 121 Shipps, Will, 1 Shupps, 125 Skinner, 62 Sledge, 44 Slocum, A. W., 50 Slocum, A. W., Jr., 126 Slocum, Ferd, Sr., 12 Slocum, Ferd, Jr., 49 Slocum, Ferd Taylor, 126 Slocum, Jeff, 50 Smith, Cecil, 109 Smith, G. W., Sr., 60 Smith, G. W. Jr.. 121 Smith, Gin, 66 Smith, Halbert S., 85 Smith, Halbert A., 85 Smith, Herbert, 85 Smith, Hilbert, 85 Smith, Shirley R., 38 Smith, T. B., 22 Smith, Zack, 83 Snell, 133 Stansberry, 131 Starr, 97 Stewart, Alta, 40 Stewart, Curtis, 37 Stewart, Ella, 3 Stewart, Gale, 48 Stewart, Henry Clay, 3 Stewart, I. A. Family, 2 Stewart, I. A. (Bud), Jr., 3 Stewart, Jack, 57 Stewart, James 3 Stewart, Joe Clark 3 Stewart, Linda, 39 Stewart, Mary Helen 38 Stewart, Marjorie, 38 Stewart, Mark, 57 Stewart, Robert, 3 Stewart, Terrell, 38 Stinnett, 133 Stoneman, 132 Swinney, 64 Sykes, 2 Tankersley, C. G., 17 Tankersley, L. L., 124 Teich. A. R., 59 Teich, E. K., 36 Teich, Henry 119 Teich, Kenneth, 128 Telephone Company, 89 Tennison 117 Thomas, ALbert, 131 Thomas, Alonza, 14 Thomas, Roy 97 Thrasher, 95 Threadgill, 96 Tipton, 18 Tywater, 96 Utilities, 88 Walker, 130 Wallace, E. Y., 96 Wallace, Henry 113 Wallace, Joe, 85 Waiters, 56 Waltrip, 28 Warner, 60 Wells, 126 West, Jim, 94 West Harvey, 117 Westbrook, 64 White , 129 Whitlock, 48 Williams, Seth W., Sr., 56 Williams, Seth W., Jr., 56 Willoughby, 35 Wilson, 41 Winsett, Alfred, 92 Winsett, Fate, 52 Wolfe, 14 Wood, John A., 9 Wood, Lloyd, 123 Wood, Marvin, 123 Wood, Roger, 57 Wood, Waiter, 129 Woods, Dick, 41 Woodard, 25 Wooten, 20 Wyatt, C. L. (Dutch), 96 Wyatt, David, 129 Wyatt, H. Lee, 128 York, 69
Visitor since 15 October 1997