Hood County Texas Genealogical Society
From History of Texas, Published in 1896
AARON BENJAMINE ANDERSON - There is something in the life of every self-made man that excites admiration and respect, for those qualities which can overcome difficulties and obstacles and press forward to success are worthy of the highest commendation and furnish an example that is indeed worthy of emulation. When men make the best of their opportunities to improve themselves and their surroundings and by the exercise of those abilities with which nature has endowed them win success in a chosen calling, they command and receive the respect and esteem of those with whom they are associated. The subject of this review is such a man. He started out for himself empty-handed, but diligence and perseverance have brought to him prosperity and today he ranks among the leading farmers and stock-raisers of Hood county.
Mr. Anderson was born in Pendleton county, Kentucky, April 21, 1850, and is a son of William and Jane (Tucker) Anderson. He was reared on the old homestead, remaining with his mother until he arrived at years of maturity. During his early childhood the family removed to Knox county, Missouri, where they remained until the year 1860; they then moved to Dade county, Missouri, and remained there until 1863, when all the property they possessed was stolen and burned up by the soldiers. They could not remain there any longer, and at once constructed a cart out of the two hind wheels of an old wagon, which was drawn by two cows, and moved, in this conveyance, to Arkansas, and afterward came to Texas, settling in Lamar county, in 1865.
There Mr. Anderson turned his attention to farming and continued the cultivation of his land there through the succeeding decade, when he removed to Hood county in 1875.For three years after his arrival in this section of the state he rented land and then pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres, which at that time was still in its primitive condition, not a furrow having been turned or an improvement made on the tract. With characteristic energy he began its development, and it was soon transformed into rich and fertile fields. As his financial resources grew Mr. Anderson also added to his property from time to time until his landed possessions now aggregate sixteen hundred acres, of which two hundred are under a high state of cultivation and yield to the owner a golden tribute in return for the labor he bestows upon it. In connection with general farming he is extensively engaged in stock-raising and now has three hundred and fifty head of cattle and seventy-five head of horses. He is recognized as one of the leading farmers of the county, for he is progressive in his methods and keeps fully up with the improvements of the age and with advancement in any way connected with his chosen occupation. He is today the possessor of a good property, all through his own efforts.
In 1871 Mr. Anderson was united in marriage with Miss Victoria Ann Gunter, a native of Texas, and resided in Nacogdoches county. They have three children, two boys and one girl. The first boy, Robert Newton Anderson, was born in Lamar county, Texas, on January 28, 1872; the second, a girl, Susie Anderson, born in Hood county, Texas, on August 23, 1878; and the third, a boy, Bee Anderson; born in Hood county, Texas, July 31, 1880. Their mother died in Hood County, Texas, May 18, 1881. Mr. Anderson was married on September 6, 1882, in Hood county, Texas to Miss Mary Frances Ring, who was a native of Johnson county, Illinois, and came to this state in the spring of 1877; she was born June 11, 1861. By this union there are four children: John Anderson, born in Hood county, Texas, May 13, 1883; Evaleaner Anderson, born in Hood county, Texas, May 7, 1885; William Anderson, born in Hood county, Texas, September 21, 1889; and Hattie May Anderson, born, in Hood county, Texas, March 15, 1894.
Mr. Anderson is a member of Jubilee Lodge, No. 599, A.F.&A.M., in politics is a stalwart Democrat, and is deeply interested in all that pertains to the county's welfare and upbuilding.
History of Texas, 1896, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.
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