Hood County Texas Genealogical Society
Organized in 1944
Hood County News Centennial Edition - Sept. 23, 1971
The Granbury Home Demonstration Club was organized on Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1944 at the home of Mrs. L.C. Andrews. The club met first and third Tuesdays for sometime, then by proper vote and consent of the County Home Demonstration Agent, Mrs. Myrtle Neggy, the meeting date was changed to the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. The officers elected at the first meeting were:
Mrs. Russell Wallace, President; but she refused to serve and Mrs. Winford Carter was elected at a later meeting
Mrs. Elmer Davis, Vice-President
Mrs. L. C. Andrews, Treasurer
Mrs. Grady Clark, Secretary and Reporter
Mrs. Winford Carter, Program; when Mrs. Carter was placed as Chairman [should be President], Mrs. Clay Phillips was elected Program Chairman
Mrs. Doyle Holmes was elected Council Delegate.
Charter Members:
Mrs. L. C. Andrews
Mrs. Winford Carter
Mrs. Grady Clark
Mrs. Elmer Davis
Mrs. M. T. Holmes
Mrs. Doyle Holmes
Mrs. Mary Peveler
Mrs. Clay Phillips
Mrs. E. P. Swindall
The Motto of this club: "We believe in the sanctity of the home. We believe the home is a place where love, faith, trust, and devotion must be lived each day; where obedience and reverence grow; and where God is known. We believe those within its walls should be taught to work, to play, and have compassion for those less fortunate. We believe sharing responsibilities is necessary, and that from the fireside will come the citizens who will uphold the best way of life."
The Home Demonstration Club designs and presents worthwhile programs in homemaking and consist of cooking, sewing, designing, antiqueing furniture, canning food, preservation of different types of material, gardening, flower arrangement, and gracious living for the family. Mrs. Dale Boynton is president now.
The Club participates in civic, social, and religious activities, [and] contribute[s] to many worthwhile causes.
Web Page by Virginia Hale