County Texas Genealogical Society
Headlines are molders of image. "The
Saga of Kristenstad" emphasized the truth of this statement. Articles
recounting the activities in the Hood County settlement contained many salient
points covering the true nature of the development; yet, the term "utopia"
was consistently associated with the community. Geographic isolation was
equated with clannishness. Cooperative effort was viewed as socialistic. The
initial plans announced for a Danish colony were repeated in subsequent reports
and superimposed upon the developing settlement when the description no longer
applied. Identical terminology used in many sources revealed the practice of
news writers copying each other. Repetition and building on previous accounts
resulted in a general acceptance of the narrative as factual information. If
seen in print often enough, it was accepted as truth. The lack of documentation
for news stories contributed to recurring misrepresentations; however, the news
coverage provided a indispensable tool when accompanied by research of public
records and interviews with those individuals closest to the unfolding drama.
Termed a development venture by Mrs. Myrtle
Christensen, the capitalist nature of the project was revealed in the terms of
the contract transferring ownership of 6,000 acres of land from the Burleson
and Johns families to the Rainbow Company on January 1, 1928.2 The
purchase price of $120,000 was to be paid and secured to be paid by the Rainbow
Company in a series of seven promissory notes of $15,000 each coming due on
even numbered years with a maturity date twenty-five years following the
initiation of each note. This arrangement included a down payment of $15,000
and forty years to complete the retirement of the debt. Interest at five
percent per annum would be charged on the unpaid balance with the condition
that no interest would be levied for the year 1928, providing that $10,000
worth of improvements were made on the property.3 A contract
accompanying the recorded deed outlined agreements not contained in the sale of
the property. Twenty-five percent of the net profits from the sale of lumber
taken from the acreage would be applied to the seven notes. Income from the
production of charcoal would be similarly allocated. Total compensation for any
land condemned for public usage would be applied to the debt. Finally a release
from the vendor's lien on the property securing the notes would be made for
such acreage on which $30 per acre was paid.4
The intricate financial arrangements of the
transactions indicated that Christensen was aware of the necessity to maintain
a favorable cash flow. However, the last provision of the agreement also proved
to be a most important detail for the historian. It refuted allegations of
duplicity on the part of Christensen in his land dealings with the settlers.
Many observers believed that Christensen sold land with the knowledge that he
could not provide clear title to the property.5 It was the inability
of settlers to pay for the land that resulted in default and forfeiture of their
Extensive advance planning of the real estate
development project was evident. Bearing the same date as the deed of transfer,
a plat of the surveyed townsite was filed. Located in the central part of the
6,000 acre tract, blocks, 8, 9, 14, 15, 23 and 24 from the original J.W. Moore
Survey comprised the boundaries of the map of Kristenstad.6 (See a
copy of the survey in the pocket.) The plat was similar to that of Washington,
D.C., with the main streets converging on a central plaza. These main arteries
bisected the townsite diagonally and were named Washington Avenue, Jefferson
Avenue, Lincoln Avenue and Roosevelt Avenue. Other main streets approaching the
central plaza at right angles were Kent, Johnson, Crockett and Zanco.
Horizontal streets skirting the perimeter of the town on the north were named
Oden, Johns and Houston; on the south, they were named Austin, Doris and
Mitchell. Connecting streets running north to south of this rectangular survey
were Olaf, Tonkaway, Seminole, Kickapoo, Cherokee, Burleson, Cordova and
Rjukan. Eight blocks, two lots deep, plus eight triangular pieces of land, were
divided into small business lots that surrounded the plaza. Two additional
tiers of lots completed the proposed downtown business district and residential
lots. Tracts of about two and one-half acres completed the central section of
the survey. Larger tracts were located on the outer radius of the area proposed
for development.7 Less than one-third of the 6,000 acres was
earmarked for resale in the first stage of development.
The financial arrangement for purchase of the
De Cordova Bend property was only one aspect of the capitalist intent of John
B. Christensen. In order to raise sufficient capital for the down payment,
Christensen deeded certain lots in his Rainbow development to members of the
Burleson and Johns families and gave them a mortgage on the remaining portion
plus a mortgage on two plots of land, two hundred acres and twenty acres, he
owned in Sabine County, Texas.8 His long-time friend and financial
backer, Homer Mitchell of Dallas, provided additional funds in the transaction
that included the reorganization of the Old Rainbow Company into a new
organization.9 Selling tracts from the De Cordova property at $40
per acre, Christensen charged six percent interest on loans extended to buyers.
He bought the property for $20 per acre at five percent interest. As director
of the colony, he expected to cover the purchase price of the 6,000 acres
through these sales, leaving him "a profit of his individual farm . . .
and rough timbered acreage unfitted for cultivation." The fact that the
surplus land was not suited for farming did not indicate a lack of worth, since
it was believed to be rich in natural resources and expected to make a nice return
on the capital investment.10
Location of prospective buyers was the first
order of business in the development. The original intent was to obtain from
the American-Scandinavian classes diligent, thrifty families to people the
settlement. However, other desirable buyers met the qualifications required of
applicants.11 Strict examination of prospective tenants as to
character and ability was maintained. A letter dated February 21, 1933, to Mr.
A.C. Campbell of Grace City, North Dakota, reflected this diligence. Christensen
requested the names and addresses of at least three people that would vouch for
him as "a loyal, law-abiding, industrious person of integrity." The
founder described Kristenstad as a common sense and practical business, based
on neighborliness and old-fashioned cooperation. Christensen denied the
existence of a dreamland, paradise, or "utopia" that had been
projected in "pen pictures" of the settlement.12 In view
of this candid description of the project to a prospective buyer, the
allegations of perfidious conduct on the part of Christensen was proven to be
without foundation.
The widely publicized announcement of the
Central Texas project as a Danish colony left an indelible impression in the
minds of readers throughout the United States. Realizing that Texas claimed
many settlements distinguished by the ethnic origin of its residents, readers
expected Kristenstad to be a Scandinavian community. Yet, only a few settlers
of Scandinavian descent made their homes in Kristenstad. Most of the tenants
came from Texas and many of them from only a short distance away.13
The seven family names of foreign origin reported in the Fort Worth Star
Telegram in 1932 were interspersed with many ethnically dissimilar names on
school attendance records.14 The list, including such names as
Whitehead, Buchanan, Wolske, Hinkle, Turner, Isreal, Thompson, Smith, Herring,
Paxton, Mall, Phelps, Molder, Cogdill, Miller, Corbett, Kinkade, Maddox,
Garnett, Aga, Caldwell and Long, reflected the mixed ethnic heritage of the community.15
The principal occupation of many of the residents was farming; however,
Christensen sought people of other various skills and abilities to achieve a
balanced and near self-sustaining society.16 Roy Corbett, a dentist,
Mrs. Paul Long, editor of the Southern Dairyman, Mrs. J.A. Cogdill, a
housekeeper, Francis Smith, who worked in the print shop, Tovrea Garnett,
teacher, A.C. Campbell, engaged in trucking, and Peter Molyneaux, publisher,
are all testimonials to the successful recruiting techniques used by
Personal contact and word of mouth added to
the increasing numbers at Kristenstad. Mrs. Maude Smith and her daughter,
Francis, came from Fort Worth. They were the contact by which Lester Maddox and
his father learned of the project.18 Ruth Harrison Rogers came with
her parents from Fort Worth.19 Raymond Cogdill formerly lived at
Falls Creek, a community across the river from Kristenstad. His uncle worked
for Christensen before his death and Raymond joined his widowed aunt and her
children when they moved to the community.20 Mrs. Emma Roberson came
from Erath County where she made contact with Christensen through the Grange
Organization.21 As the depression deepened, many people hearing
about the settlement came without invitation. Down on their luck, these
unfortunate individuals posed a serious problem for the developer. Reluctant to
turn them away, Christensen jeopardized the financial structure of the
settlement. He later observed that these transactions created insurmountable
problems for the development.22
The wide range of business activity of
Christensen was generally unknown to residents of the Bend. This lack of
awareness concerning the complexities of business arrangements relating to the
project resulted in resentment and distrust of Christensen on the part of some.
Working daily from 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., he required the services of a
secretary to help with correspondence.23 His secretary would become
angry with Mr. Christensen for using the common language of the people with
whom he was talking. She stated that he had the greatest command of the English
language she had ever known and felt that he "lowered" himself by
using the speech patterns of illiterates. Mrs. Christensen explained that her
husband did "talk just like the farmers" when conversing with them,
but used a more sophisticated approach with his peers.24 This effort
to alleviate resentment among the farmers of Kristenstad contributed to the
"Danish farmer" myth.
While Christensen was no farmer, he tried to
encourage local farmers to diversify their crops. They often discredited his
advice because he had little knowledge of the technical aspects of farming.
Christensen depended on a hired manager to supervise his own farming
operations. W.J. Phelps and his family from Palacios, Texas, were considered
indispensable. They raised horses, cows, Poland China hogs, and turkeys, plus
feed crops such as corn, maize, peanuts and garden products. Mr. Phelps
diplomatically guided "John B." in making farm decisions about which
Christensen knew nothing. The local farmers "resented this guy with a law
degree coming down there and telling them how to run their business."25
This friction between Christensen and the farmers was a contributing cause of
recurring accounts that depicted Christensen as a shrewd schemer who took
advantage of the unwary.
Work opportunities for residents of the Bend
had a two-fold purpose for the organizer of the development. Families had
additional income from which to repay loans made when they purchased their
homesites, and the profit from sales of the products allowed Christensen to
maintain his business enterprise. The arrangement was mutually beneficial to
Christensen and the tenants due to scarcity of available jobs. Descriptions of
the industries in news accounts, however, implied that these were only for the
mutual benefit of the settlers. Romanticized stories of complete utilization of
resources also hindered a realistic appraisal of the enterprise. The often
repeated narrative of using smaller, but good, parts of the tree discarded by
the sawmill to make chairs was inaccurate. The arrangement for the production
and marketing of chairs was widely misunderstood.
The primary operation was located in the
cedar breaks up the Paluxy River, near Glen Rose, Texas, not in the Bend. Mrs.
Myrtle Christensen's father, Thomas Caldwell, used machinery owned by
Christensen to produce chairs from the heart of the cedar trees.26
As the market expanded, Caldwell was unable to produce enough to meet the
demand. Christensen sub-contracted part of the work to the Gann Company at
Lufkin, Texas, where hickory wood was used to make a full line of chairs from
rockers to high chairs. Chair parts of at least two styles were brought into
the Bend where they were assembled then shipped to wholesale buyers. The chairs
with the cowhide bottoms were best remembered, but the split-bottom hickory
chairs were a popular seller. Mrs. Myrtle Christensen still retains a price
list from the operation.27 The cedar chairs made by her father were
used until recently in the old Glen Rose Hospital waiting room.28
The production of charcoal had three phases.
First, cordwood was cut -- not the remnants from the sawmill -- for burning.
Next, the four foot timbers were stacked symmetrically with a layer of grass on
top. Kindling was placed in the center with a tunnel to the outside by which to
ignite. The stack was then covered with dirt. Once lit, the hole was plugged,
then allowed to burn slowly. This step sometimes required as long as two weeks,
requiring twenty-four-hour-a-day supervision to make sure no holes appeared in
the mound.29 The burning completed, the charcoal was washed and
screened. This process was reported to be very dirty work -- as dirty as
working in a coal mine. Though hard, dirty work, the opportunity to earn a wage
was appreciated by the settlers.30 The lime kiln and farm operations
provided additional jobs, and combined with other Bend projects, were a tribute
to the business acumen and managerial skills of John B. Christensen.
Unfortunately, Christensen's ability as an
entrepreneur did not receive plaudits from all residents of the community.
James and Anna Raicoff objected to the business arrangements they found at
Kristenstad. While settlers could buy stock in the three corporations
established to administer the business of the colony, the Raicoffs objected to
what they viewed as monopolistic control of the industries and other business
ventures. Mrs. Raicoff alleged Christensen would not allow anyone other than
himself to operate a business within the Bend. "He wanted a cheese
factory, and he wanted -- well, ever so many different kinds of industry to be
brought in there, but be was going to run them."31 Mr. Raicoff
stated that Peter Molyneaux was the one who wanted to establish a cooperative
colony that would equally reward the residents, but Christensen wanted to
"hold the peons to bondage." Christensen allegedly vetoed a proposed
cannery that would divide profits on the basis of ownership. "He wanted to
control it all -- wanted the cream and give the people skim milk."32
Other expressions of discontent shared by
several families in the Bend were summarized in a narrative told by Lester
Maddox. Maddox and his father went to Kristenstad in 1931. Due to the
depression, living conditions in Forth Worth worsened. Mr. Maddox lost his job
and the family desperately needed a place to go. Unable to care for his
orphaned children, he placed the girls, all younger than Lester, in an orphan's
home. Lester and his father had heard that one could buy a small block of land
for nothing down and pay for it along as they worked for "the man."
"As a drowning person would grasp for a straw," they moved there and
contracted to buy five acres of land. Mr. Maddox, a former janitor for the
Forth Worth schools, worked on Mr. Christensen's farm. At the end of the week,
a percentage of their earnings was applied to the principal and interest of the
note. Maddox claimed Christensen knew he could not give them a clear title to
the land.33 The balance of their pay was made in aluminum coins that
could only be used at the company store. If workers could not pay on the
principal, Christensen accepted small payments against the interest owed. This
would not increase their security or gain the resident any greater claim to the
land, Maddox observed.34 The practice of charging interest for a
debt and using the purchase as collateral to insure payment was standard
procedure in the 1930's. It is unclear why this arrangement was considered
fraudulent when applied by Christensen.
Other aspects of the business posture of
Kristenstad entered around the community store. Popular news accounts left the
impression that it was a communal facility established for the convenience of
the settlers. However, inquiries about the commissary received mixed reviews
from former residents of the Bend. Most respondents recognized that it was a
business establishment producing income for the owner. Some felt that the store
provided a necessary service, while others believed it was just another tool by
which to control the money thereby control the lives of the people. The store
was stocked with all kinds of odds and ends, bolts of fabric, clothing and
groceries. Trips into Fort Worth for supplies were made by Christensen himself
in an old 1927 Oldsmobile car stripped down to serve as a pickup. He reportedly
shopped around for fire and bankrupt sales. On return to Kristenstad, he would
clean and polish the merchandise for retail. Sale items included slightly
damaged groceries and out of style clothing. Only salvage merchandise was
remembered by Lester Maddox; however, litigation between the Waples-Platter
Company and Christensen over payment of an account indicated that a significant
volume of first-line stock had been purchased for the store.35
The importance of the post office to the
business climate of Kristenstad should not be overlooked. It brought
distinction to the community and provided much needed contact with the outside
world. It also brought additional revenue for John Christensen, the first
postmaster. Housed in the same building with the commissary, Christensen could
attend to the store, the post office and business related to his development
projects in a single operation. John H. Foss served as clerk and assistant
postmaster in the absence of Christensen who made frequent business trips.36
Mrs. James F. Carey assumed postal duties following the death of Foss. Mrs.
Carey moved from the Bend in 1935, and Lester Maddox became postmaster, serving
until the post office closed in March 1937. The last day the Kristenstad Post
Office was open, there was a flood of self-addressed, stamped envelopes to be
cancelled. Stamp collectors from numerous locations over the United States had
received "inside" information about the closing and mailed last day
cancellation requests. Some of the requests were accompanied by "a little
change" to pay the postmaster for his trouble. Mr. Maddox was more than
glad to accommodate these collectors because he received 135% of 85% of total
cancellations as his pay.37 In fourth class post offices, the
postmaster was not paid a straight salary. Those operations were a losing
proposition for the government as the percentage allowed in salaries was
greater than the receipts.38 On a visit to the Granbury Post Office,
Maddox expressed concern to Mr. Chevis Cleveland about the difference in cost
of operations and receipts. Mr. Cleveland assured him that was not unusual and
to "think nothing about it," since the larger postal operation in
Granbury was also losing money.39
Many of the multiple-faceted business
activities of John B. Christensen were misunderstood, but careful analysis of
his endeavors refuted the utopian image of Kristenstad. While some historians
regarded his humanitarian efforts as socialistic, he, in fact, projected the
profile of an entrepreneur. The negative reports on his role as developer and
leader in the community stemmed from the dissension that eventually destroyed
the development.
1 |
Baker, "The Saga of Kristenstad," Hood County News Tablet, 29 January 1970. |
2 |
Interview with Mrs. Christensen, 28 July 1978. |
3 |
Texas, Hood County, Deed Records, Vol. 67, pp. 492-494. |
4 |
Ibid., pp. 494-496. |
5 |
Interviews with Mr. and Mrs. Press Williams on 17 June 1978; and with Lester Maddox on 27 July 1978. |
6 |
Texas, Hood County, Deed Records, Vol. 60, p. 319. |
7 |
Ibid. |
8 |
Texas, Somervell County, Deed Records, Vol. 33, p. 549. |
9 |
Ibid., Vol. 28, p. 317; and interview with Mrs. Christensen, 28 July 1978. |
10 |
Frances O. Landon and Verdi MacLennan, "Kristenstad, A Novel Colony on the Brazos," Dallas Morning News, 22 January 1933, sec. 4, p. 1. |
11 |
Ibid. |
12 |
John B. Christensen to A. C. Campbell, Grace City, North Dakota, February 21, 1933, located in the files of John Campbell, Irving, Texas. |
13 |
Interview with Mrs. Christensen, 26 July 1977. |
14 |
Star Telegram, 17 November 1932. |
15 |
Texas, Hood County, School Attendance and Grade Records, located in the office of the County Judge. |
16 |
Interview with Mrs. Christensen, 26 July 1977. |
17 |
Texas, Hood County, School Attendance and Grade Records; and Star Telegram, 17 November 1932. |
18 |
Interview with Lester Maddox, 29 July 1977. |
19 |
Interview with Ruth Harrison Rogers, 21 July 1977. |
20 |
Interview with Raymond Cogdill, 21 July 1977. |
21 |
Interview with Emma Roberson, 21 July 1977. |
22 |
John Christensen to Svend Waendelin, 3 February 1936, carbon copy of letter in possession of Mrs. Myrtle Christensen. |
23 |
Interview with Mrs. Christensen, 26 July 1977; and identification initials on letter from John B. Christensen to A. C. Campbell, 21 February 1933, in possession of John Campbell. |
24 |
Interview with Mrs. Christensen, 26 July 1977. |
25 |
Ibid. |
26 |
Interview with Cecil Collins, Glen Rose, 20 July 1977. |
27 |
Interview with Mrs. Christensen, 26 July 1977. |
28 |
Interview with Eugene Conally, Glen Rose, 15 July 1978. |
29 |
Interview with Lester Maddox, 29 July 1977. |
30 |
Interview with Raymond Cogdill, 21 July 1977. |
31 |
Interview with Anna Raicoff and Mrs. Wallace Reilly, conducted by Dr. George Green, 10 April 1975 (Transcript from the Oral History Project 1975 - Labor Collection, University of Texas at Arlington, OH54, pp. 17-31). |
32 |
Interview with James Raicoff, 27 July 1977. |
33 |
This allegation was refuted in an earlier section of the thesis. |
34 |
Interview with Lester Maddox, 29 July 1977. |
35 |
Interviews with Lester Maddox, 29 July 1977; Ruth Harrison Rogers, 21 July 1977; James Raicoff, 27 July 1977; Raymond Cogdill, 21 July 1977; and Emma Roberson, 21 July 1977; and Waples-Platter vs. Rainbow Company, Inc., 65 S.W. 2d 391 (1936). |
36 |
Fort Worth Press, 15 November 1932. |
37 |
This was the method of computation used to figure salaries in fourth class post offices. |
38 |
Interview with Maddox, 29 July 1977. |
39 |
Ibid. |
1978 by Vaudrene R. Smith Hunt. Written permission granted to the Hood County
Genealogical Society for reproduction to its Internet web site.
to Table of
Contents of Toward a History of Kristenstad