County Texas Genealogical Society
The community of Kristenstad, Hood County,
Texas, has been widely perceived as a utopian experiment of the 1930's. The undeniable
similarities between nineteenth century utopian models and Kristenstad led
historians and area residents alike to believe the settlement was indeed an
anachronism. However, numerous characteristics attributed to the settlement by
the news media were merely romanticized accounts of circumstances surrounding
the real estate development of John B. Christensen.
Other attempts to describe the socio-economic
nature of Kristenstad resulted in its being labeled a Communist community, a
tiny kingdom, a Mennonite settlement and a Danish colony. Christensen
stridently denied any socialistic, communistic or utopian connection or intent.
Therefore, a survey of the origin and application of the various labels
associated with this venture is essential to a clear understanding of the
historic significance of Kristenstad.
The educational background of John B.
Christensen, his previous business activities, his social, political and
economic philosophy as revealed in many published articles, all point to the
conclusion that Kristenstad was a capitalistic venture. While the colorful
personality of Christensen can readily be seen in the development, it is also
obvious that many of the dreams of previous owners of the Hood County property,
as well as other prominent figures in history, have been superimposed upon the
real John B. Christensen, projecting an image of the man and his project that
is far from accurate.
The eager acceptance of the saga of
Kristenstad reflects the important role history plays in shaping our lives.
Suffering misery and defeat during the Depression of the 1930's, the people
sought relief from unlikely sources. In searching for a solution to their
dilemma, they were prompted to reexamine social experiments of the past.
Although abandoned in the mid-thirties, the widely circulated stories of
Kristenstad provided a ray of hope; and for a brief span of time, this unusual
community drew national attention and acclaim.
15, 1978
1978 by Vaudrene R. Smith Hunt. Written permission granted to the Hood County
Genealogical Society for reproduction to its Internet web site.
to Table of
Contents of Toward a History of Kristenstad