Mary Jane Ferguson
Experiences Of Early Settlers
Grandmother then said that they continued on into Texas, and that they went to Stephensville and Hamilton, Texas for supplies, and that they had grain ground at at grist mill in Puluxy. Texas. She also said they resided on the Brazos River. They arrived Texas by 1862, this as a child born to Alford H. Cox and Sarah Ferguson, grandmothers eldest sister, was born in Texas in 1862.
Grandmother then told about an Indian problem. It seems that two white boys murdered two old Indian trappers. The Indians wanted these boys but of course the settlers wouldn't give them up. Grandmothers father thinking there would be a significant Indian uprising decided to back off into Ark., whereupon, according to grandmother, a relative offered him 40 acres of bottom land if he would remain, but at this her father replied, "I would not trade the hair of any of my children for all the land in Texas", and he did return to Ark. The date of his return would have been no later than 1864, this as the second child of Alford H. and Sarah Cox was born Ark. in 1864. I have used the stories of grandmother as avenues for additional research, and in so doing I have come upon documented data that proved the stories, and in none of these stories have I found anything that was contradictive, so I must assume this story about the Indian problem was factual.
Do you have any knowledge as to such an Indian uprising?