Hood County Texas Genealogical Society

Biographical Note: Nubbin Ridge

The following historical note was scanned from The Hood County 
Genealogical Society Newsletter No. 9;   February 1986
Editor: Merle McNeese


  The earliest recollection of the little community which
lies about seven miles south of Granbury was by the name Bald
Knob. The name was given because of the small hill on the old
Jim Price place upon which nothing grew on its uppermost part.
The schoolhouse and yard were on land taken from the Price place.
  About a mile from the school, down the road on the east
side of the Price place, was the community cemetery and the
Baptist Church. Later, one preacher called the church "Cedar
Grove Church" and tried to get the people to change the name
of the community to Cedar Grove.  No one would call it by that
name, though.
  However. the name was changed after the draught of 1886 &
1887. Those were such dry years no crops were made. The farmers
went to Johnson County to get corn for their livestock. Some
people made a few nubbins of corn in 1886, therefore, Bald Knob
was called "Nubbin Ridge". Almost no one made enough seed to
replant a crop and 1887 was too dry to even plant, anyway.
  Probably the school name was never changed and in 1928 the
school closed as the new consolidated school was built at Mam-
brino. Nubbin Ridge, Elm Flat, and Mitchell Bend schools joined
Mambrino in that consolidation.
  The Baptist Church quit having church for several years;
then, had services again for a short time. At the present time,
the church building has been renovated and is being used as a
Community Center. The Cemetery, nearby, is still used for all
the Mambrino and Nubbin Ridge area. It is well kept and a
Cemetery/Homecoming is held once a year: the third Saturday of
related by Troy Purselley

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