W.W. Baker was born in Tomball, Texas, December 14, 1925. He was “born again” on Mothers’ Day, May 8, 1936, in the First Baptist Church of Tomball and was baptized by the pastor, D.P. McGowan. He was ordained to the work of the ministry August 8, 1945, in Seventh & James Baptist Church in Waco, Texas. The ordaining council was composed of the pastor, Dr. Woodson Armes, Wendell Johnson, Holland Smith, and J.D. Bailey. He received his college training in Baylor University and his theological training in Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

On May 10, 1949, he was married to Miss Lucius C. Trussell in Fort Worth, Texas. They are the parents of three sons and one daughter, all of whom are graduates of Baylor University.

Brother Baker’s first pastorate was with the Tokio Baptist Church in Waco Association. He has been pastor of a number of churches in Texas and one in Oklahoma. While pastor of the First Baptist Church in Granbury in 1952, he was elected moderator of Paluxy Association and served one term. He has worked with the Home Mission Board in revivals in pioneer areas, Alaska, California, Iowa, Michigan, and Missouri. He has been on a special mission to England, Ireland, and Scotland. He has led two groups to the Holy Land and Hawaii for special learning missions. Since 1973 he has been pastor of the First Baptist Church, Farmer’s Branch, Texas. Five foreign missionaries and eight full-time pastors and evangelists have gone out from his ministry.

Paluxy Baptist Association Centennial Story
1880 – 1980