Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor
Mr. & Mrs. Glaze of Fort Worth visited Mr. Bolton’s family last week.
A. M. Pierce of Arkansas has been visiting his son here and contemplating locating at Tolar in the fall.
Rev. Rushing filled his appointment here last Sunday.
Mr. John Oxford of Parker County, visited relatives here last week.
Mrs. S. E. Bolt is very sick.
C. E. Bloss has been in bed with tonsilitis the past week.
Grandma Tidwell is not expected to live.
A nice social and super, in honor of Miss Lola Mason, was given last Wednesday night at the residence of C. E. Bloss.
Master Oscar Love has a very severely burned hand.
Messrs. Ator and Hurn visited Dallas a few days ago, making orders for new goods. We learn that Mr. Hurn contemplates adding dry goods to his groceries.
Mr. M. S. D. Lewis is teaching suscription school at the Halsell school house, Miss Lois White’s having closed some time ago.
Mrs. Collier is on the sick list this week.
Mr. Ator’s new bee-gum hat is the latest and most attractive thing in Lipan.
Our mail carrier, Mr. Waldrup, faced the snow storm for 20 miles last Saturday in order to bring our mail, for which we return many thanks.
Mr. Davis, who hs been editing a paper in Weatherford, passed through our village on Monday with his outfit, enroute for Stephenville, where he will locate.
The infant child of Mr. & Mrs. Swak was buried yesterday.
J. C. Longacre was visiting friends and relatives on Paluxy last Saturday and Sunday.
Married — at the residence of Mr. J. O. Lee, on last Wednesday evening, Russell Meek and Miss Addie Lee. Quite a number of relatives and friends were present to witness the marriage, after which all were served with a fine supper.
Reprinted from Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletter dated November 1991