Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor


E. K. Wilson, our Rio Grande agent, is just recovering from an attack of la grippe.

J. S. Bosson and I. A. Stewart made a trip to your city last Monday.

John Clemens has the Dont’s. He don’t do anything but go to see his girl.

Ed Stringfellow has brought his horse over so he can go back to Granbury occasionally to see his better half. Ed gets mighty lonesome after supper.

Yarn telling was the order of the day last Saturday, and Dr. Jones and J. W. Adams took the crackers for telling the biggest ones.

J. A. Ryburn will take a trip soon, for reasons best known to himself.

Willie Murdock has returned to school, after recovery from a bout of pneumonia.

George Simson and George White went quail hunting Saturday and report good success.

J. S. Adams is improving his residence by adding a long porch to it; he also has a nice new barn just completed.

Dr. Jones has not had an attack of rheumatism for several weeks.

Reprinted from Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletter dated November 1991