County Attorney’s Docket and Register 1887-1892

Transcribed by: Society Members

Compiled by: Mary Hayden

County Attorney Docket & Register    Apr 1887 - Oct 1900 
Description of Source: Ledger 11 x 16 inches.    Titled "County Attorney's Docket and Register, Hood County." 

Column Headings: Number, Style of Case, Charge, Date of Arrest, State's Witnesses, When Suspended (date), When Attached (date), 
Forfeiture Taken (date), Orders Taken, Law of Case and Memoranda.
*  Note:  This book is extremely hard to read.  Please research all
*         possible versions of each name carefully.

A certain red-headed man           39
Ables, Eli                         120
Adams, A.                          112
Adams, Ambros                      96
Addison                            3
Addison, Geo.                      3
Admires, Mary                      7
Admires, W. T.                     7
Algood, J. N.                      8
Allen, Jess                        91
Allen, John                        2
Allison, Ben                       7
Amerine(?), A. M.                  128,129
Anderson, Newt                     24
Anderson, Willis                   71
Andrews, Geo.                      114
Andrews, George                    100,119,124
Andrews, Phil                      24
Angelin, Pete                      88
Anglin, Alf                        35,44,51
Anglin, Alf.                       19
Anglin, Pete                       27,32,33,34,42,43,50,51
Arington, A. C.                    68,75
Arrington, Jno./John               8,10,25,95,106,111
Arrington, T. W.                   19,20
Arrington, Walter/Walters          3,10,11,12,16,93
Aston, A. C.                       7,13,15,17,18,76,77,128
Aston, Andy                        126,128
Aston, Hugh                        37,94
Atwood, S. G.                      80
Austin, W. W.                      102
Bagwell, J. I.                     3
Baker, C. W.                       3
Baldwin, Frank                     28
Bales, Jesse                       37,44,51,55
Ball, T. J.                        47,52,55,60
Bankston, Jno./John                5,8
Barker, Marsalys                   89
Barker, Will                       90,129
Barnard, Bob                       33,43
Barnard, Murray                    131
Barnes, Jno./John                  77,80,84,85,87,103
Barton, E.                         53
Baty                               30,40,49
Bergin, Mike                       8
Berkley, B. F.                     4
Berkley, M. E.                     4
Berkley, Mary                      4
Berry, F. M.                       5
Berry, H. E.                       131
Berry, H. T.                       2
Berry, Manuel                      33
Berry, Wilmer                      86,98,108
Bice, G. W.                        4
Bice, Geo.                         31,41,50
Bice, Jno.                         22
Bice, Layfaett                     5
Bidwell, E. B.                     91
Blackwell, Jim                     63,66
Blanton, Elisha                    57,58
Boswell                            3
Boswell, Tom                       97,107
Boty                               12
Bowen, Ben                         8,29,39
Bradshaw, Pat                      2
Brady, Jeff                        38,44,51
Branch, T. H.                      7
Bray, Ike                          29,39,49
Brazelton, Will                    54
Bridges, Jno.                      6
Brinlee, Dick                      5
Britt, Oscar                       72
Brown, H. J.                       10
Brown, J. M.                       107
Brown, Jim                         98,112
Brown, John                        4
Brown, W. J.                       10
Broy, Ike                          8
Burckholter, J. W.                 4
Burk, Dr.                          90,104,110
Burke, Doyle                       130
Burnett, Ed                        68
Burnett, Frank                     8,96,106
Burnett, G. T.                     9,10,11,12
Burnett, Jeff                      9,10,11,12,14,19,30,40,49,55,
Burnett, Jeff (cont'd)             69,94,105,111
Burnett, Sam                       14
Burton, John                       5
Camp, Alice                        47,52
Camp, B. W.                        7
Carlisle, Allen                    4
Carlyle, Allen                     6
Carter                             116,120
Carter, Berry                      35
Cathern, Walter                    118,123
Cathey, Dave                       132
Cauley, James                      2
Chadwick, J. M.                    14
Christian, Ed                      7
Chultz, Chas.                      80
Churchman, H. C.                   2
Clapp, Lou                         3
Clemens, Payne                     4
Clendenen(?), Henry                90,110,104
Cleveland, John                    80
Cloyd, Fayette                     115
Coffee, John                       81
Coffee, John                       85
Cogdell, Gaston                    35
Cogdill, Gaston                    121
Coldwell, Jno.                     8
Cole, Bill                         14,30,40,49
Coleman, Henry                     132
Collins, Jim                       79
Cook, Sam                          125
Cooper, Hugh                       19
Cothern, Walter                    98,108,112
Cotts, W. H.                       25
Couts, J. R.                       80
Crawford, Frank                    5
Crawford, W. J.                    6
Crites, J. E.                      34,44
Cross, Heck                        79
Crunk(?), Raymond                  91,92
Cruse, Tom                         7
Cudney, R. A.                      88,103
Culberhouse, Clint                 78,79
Daniels, R. C.                     2
Davis, Burt                        115,120
Davis, Lige                        126
Davis, W. H.                       4
Davis, Will                        8,47
Deavenport, Dan                    16
Deavers, W. C.                     47
Dennis, B. H.                      5
Dennis, Bert                       21
Dennis, Bill                       3
Dennis, Burton                     77
Dennis, C______                    3
Dennis, Jim                        68,95,106,111
Dennis, William                    5
Dismuke, Jeff                      52,55,60,64
Dobbs, Johnithan                   4
Doster                             27
Doster, Garland                    32,50
Douglas, Ben                       47
Douglas, Fred                      24
Douglas, Jess                      91
Duke                               21,22,30,31,40,41,43
Duke & Stribling                   84
Duke, Ed                           69
Dunnagan, Chas.                    19
Duttan, John                       67
Dutton, H.                         3
Dutton, Jno./John                  95,105
Duval, Earl                        120
Duval, Will                        14
Duvall, Wm.                        37
Earl, Hal                          132
Eaton, Jim                         68,97,107,112
Eaton, Joe                         116,120
Eddleman, Az                       116,120
Edens, Burl                        130
Edens, Ed                          4
Edens, F. M.                       4
Edens, M. E.                       4
Edens, Milton                      4
Edwards, Joe                       4,5,21
Ensley, Bus & Marion               122,124
Ensmenger/Ensminger, D. L.         6,53
Ernest, Walter                     94,116
Erwin, Chas.                       9,10,11,12
Estes, Dick                        8
Farley, George                     127
Felder, W. R.                      99,109,113,119,123
Fettens, Joe                       96,106
Fidler, N. O.                      8
Fines, Oscar                       1
Finton, Jack                       86,94
Floyd, O. E.                       128
Foster, Jack                       1,2
Foster, Willis                     4
Franklin, Dock                     3
Freeland, Jack                     81
Freeman, Add                       63
Gafford, J. C.                     78,79
Gafford, J. P.                     76
Gardner, R. G.                     131
Gartrell, Oliver                   36
Gatlein, Will                      100,114
Germany, J. T.                     6
Gibson, N. M.                      119,124
Gibson, Noah                       99,109,113
Gifford, Bob                       100
Gifford, Ira                       36
Gifford, John                      37
Glenn, Ben                         95
Glenn, John                        1
Goffard, J. P.                     84,87
Goforth, D. H.                     52
Gooch, William                     47
Good, Zeke                         25
Goode, Abner                       4
Goode, N.C.                        4
Goodspeed, Willie                  67
Goodwin, Gus                       115
Goodwin, J. N. A.                  3
Goodwin, Joe                       114
Goodwin, John                      3
Gordon, Charlie                    66,75
Gordon, L. F.                      23,24
Gortrell, Olin                     99,108
Graham, Henry                      54,56
Green, Barney                      45,52
Gregory, Harve                     11,12
Gresham, Newt                      131
Guffee, E.                         3
Guiles, Geo.                       121
Gunter, W. T.                      3
Hale, M. R.                        1,2
Haley, C. H.                       6
Halford, Graves                    92
Halsel, Jeff                       8
Harmon, Jane                       26
Head, J. S.                        38
Heathington, Ben                   52
Heathington, Dick                  6,52
Heathington, John                  5
Helsey, H. T.                      9
Helsey, H. T., Mrs.                9
Henden, Wm.                        128
Henderson, J. F.                   8
Herring, Josh                      27,28,32,33,34,42,43,44
Hickey, Walter/Walters             1,7
High, Lee                          1
Hightower, Hettie                  14
Hightower, Tom                     3
Hilburn, Claud/Claude              14,66,75,83
Hindman, Luther                    56,61,64,73,82
Hiner, J. H.                       2
Hix, Steve                         8,29
Hix, Steve (alias Miller)          39,47
Hobson, New/Newt                   91,104,111,124
Hogan, Tom                         2
Holley, G. P.                      1,2
Holly, George                      78
Holmes, A. H.                      3
Holt, J. B.                        3
Houston, Charlie                   53
Houston, Lou                       37,101
Howard, Chas.                      10,11,12,13
Howard, Harley                     9
Huffstedler, Alto                  6
Huffstedler, Oliver                6
Huffstettler, Henry                98,108,112,123
Hunnicutt, Chas.                   129
Hutchison, Jim                     9
Hyman, J. W.                       3
Hyman, M. K.                       3
Irby, Alf                          63
Irby, Dr.                          4
James, John                        7,74
Johnson, J. H.                     90
Johnson, J. L.                     16
Johnson, John W.                   5
Johnson, W. J.                     7
Jones, E.                          127
Jones, George                      1,2,79
Jones, John                        66
Jones, Robt.                       1
Jordon, Jas., Rev.(?)              88
Keith, Bob                         47
Keith, John                        80,84,87
Keith, Lewis                       57
Kennon                             130
Kennon, Perry                      53
Kerr, Ben                          66,74,83
Kerr, Billie/Billy                 8,78
Kerr, H. J.                        8,78
Kesy, Wheeler                      4
King, Gregory                      127
Kolf, John                         8
Lacy, Jess                         99
Lacy, Nat                          96
Lado, Bill                         38
Landers, D. L.                     7
Landers, G. W.                     7,13,15,18,19,35,76
Landers, Geo.                      127,128
Lee, Frank                         2
Lee, J. O.                         92,104
Lee, John                          1
Linthicum, Jim                     26
Little, John                       121
Longacre, John                     71
Lowe, J. M.                        2
Lowe, James                        2
Lowe, W. C.                        2,4
Madison, James                     33
Magness, B. A.                     16,17,97
Magness, Bill                      107
Mahan                              7
Maloney, Oscar                     4,115
Mariman, Bud                       109,113
Marrs, Steve                       5
Marshall, F. O.                    81
Martin, Albert                     25
Martin, Lute                       124
Massey, H. E.                      7
Massey, J. E.                      1
Massey, Walter                     86
Mattox                             128
Maxwell, Chas.                     97
Maxwell, Estel                     94,105
McClelland, Old Man                3
McClelland, Tom                    3
McCoy, J. C., Dr.                  4
McCuen, Jim                        67
McCullough, B. E.                  11
McGaughy, S. B.                    14
McGuire, Neil                      63
McGuire, Rube                      93,96
McHowell                           45
McIlroy, Arch                      6
McKinnie,Jim                       11
McPherson, Wm.                     133
Meek, Bob                          9,10,11,12,13,67,75,76,78
Meek, R. D.                        95,105
Melton, Dave                       63,66,74,83
Merriman, Bud                      99
Meyer, A. L.                       130
Mierman, Bud                       119,123
Mikel, E. S.                       14
Mil_______, J. K.                  4
Milam, Frank                       36,45
Miller (Alias)                     39,49
Miller, L. C.                      4
Miller, Mrs.                       59,62
Miller, S. H.                      5
Miller, S. H.                      6
Miller, Steve                      8
Miller, W. M.                      8
Millikin, Sam                      116
Mitchel/Mitchell, Walter           53,56,60,64,73,82
Mitchell                           7
Mitchell, Bradford                 95
Mizell, Watson                     35
Mooney, J. M.                      81,85,88
Moore, A. E.                       5
Moore, Hardin                      96
Moore, J. M.                       3
Moore, J. M., Mrs.                 3
Moore, Jack                        6
Moore, Jim                         6
Moore, R. C.                       3
Moore, R. C., Mrs.                 3
Moore, W. J.                       2
Morris, B. W.                      6
Morris, Geo. A.                    1,2
Morris, Lon                        99,108
Morris, Stella                     8
Mullins, Ed                        69
Mullins, Tom                       67
Mully, Gregory                     127
Munice(?), A.B.                    80
Murphy, Will                       93,105
Nason, LeRoy                       9
Nealcroft(?), J. M.                122
Needam, W. L.                      5
Neeley, Monroe                     70
Nelson, J.G.                       77
Nelson, John                       1,2
Nelson, Will                       26,32,42
Norman, Will                       117
Nutt, J. F.                        7    
Oliver, Elwood                     3,77
Oliver, John                       56,61,64,76
Oliver, Willis                     3
Olliver, Dugan                     70
Olliver, Wit                       76
Oram, Sam                          3
Oran, George                       89
Parker, Monroe                     52,57
Patterson, Andrew                  38,45,52
Patton, Bob                        68
Payton, Lou                        4
Pearce, Jim                        8
Penson, Eliza                      22
Peoples, Bird                      101,114
Perry, F. M.                       71
Peters                             2
Peters, Joe                        70
Peyton, A.                         52
Peyton, Jno.                       81
Phenix, F. S.                      2
Philips, Jim                       116
Porstege                           58,62
Porston                            58,62
Powell, Robert                     26
Prestige, Jim                      70
Price, J. T.                       4
Price, Jim                         4
Price, Pet                         5
Price, Will                        8
Putnam, A.                         84,87,103,110
Putnam, A., Jr.                    80
Putnam, A., Sr.                    80
Putnam, F. P.                      80
Radmon, Bob                        9,10,11,12
Raifsnider, Fred                   3
Raifsnider, G. W.                  25
Rash, Else                         122
Reece, Judge                       69,101
Reece, S. H.                       3
Ren, J. L.                         3
Rentfrow, J. M.                    92,104,118
Rentfrow, James                    92
Rentfrow, Jim                      111
Reynolds, Eugene                   89,100,113,119
Reynolds, Gene                     71
Reynolds, Isaac                    37
Rice, Hez                          90
Richsteller, John                  2
Roberson, Albert                   101
Robins, W. C.                      129
Robinson, W. C.                    6
Rodes, Miles                       125
Rodgers, Chas.                     89,115
Rodgers, Frank                     8,29,39
Rodgers, Jno./John                 89,103,110,118,123
Roe, Ed                            130
Roxbury, Jimmie                    131
Rucker, Bill                       57,70
Rucker, Bill & Kelly               52
Rucker, G. A.                      85
Runnels, Isaac                     1,2
Russle, Andy                       3
Rylee, Chas.                       91
Rylee, Don                         9
Rylee, Jeff                        7,27,32,42
Rylee, Willis                      7
Sadler, E.                         1
Sandlin, J. L.                     5
Sarter, A. J.                      3
Sears, Wit                         4
Shelton, Chas./Charles             90,92,104,110,111,118
Shelton, W. H.                     3
Sheridan, Tom                      3
Shipman, Jno.                      8
Skipper, J. M.                     2
Skipper, Joe                       122
Slaton, Carry                      47
Smith, Bert                        20,21
Smith, Bill                        132
Smith, Dave                        12
Smith, H. D.                       58,61,62,65,73,74,82
Smith, Harvey                      16
Smith, Henry                       36
Smith, J. R.                       57,58,61,65,73,82
Smith, Jim                         28
Smith, Joe                         45
Smith, S. W.                       3
Steel, A. T.                       1
Stelle, Zack                       69
Stephens, Merrell                  6,29,39
Steward, Bud                       75
Stewart                            57
Stewart, Bird                      70
Storage                            75,83
Storgage                           69
Strain, Dave                       36,44
Stribling & Duke                   84
Strickland, Rube                   116,120,124
Stutt, O.                          128
Sue(?), Fred                       86
Tarrant, Eck                       95,105
Tarrant, Will                      97
Tarrant, Wm.                       89
Tarror(?), Jim                     10,11,12,13,16
Taylor, Andrew                     2
Teague, J. F.                      98,108,112
Tellor, W.                         9
Terrell, Jim                       8
Thatcher, Dr.                      7
Thompson, D.                       79
Thompson, J. S.                    54
Thorp, Chas.                       101
Thrash, Bob                        13,18
Thrash, Lee                        22,23
Tidwell, Albert                    5
Tidwell, D. M.                     5
Tidwell, L. A.