From History of Texas, Published in 1896
Transcribed by Julian Dendy
HON. BALLARD WOHLFORD, who has served his district in the state legislature and has been prominently connected with the various enterprises and interests which have developed the resources and aided in the upbuilding of Hood County, is numbered among the honored and representative citizens of this section of the state. His identification with all that tends to promote the county’s welfare materially, educationally or morally, has been most commendable, and he is a citizen that Texas could ill afford to lose.
Mr. Wohlford was born in Grainger county, Tennessee, November 23, 1849, a son of John Louis and Louisa (Coose) Wohlford. His father was born in Wythe county, Virginia, September 1, 1826, a son of Jacob Wohlford, who lived in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, during his childhood, and who was descended from German ancestry that located in this country prior to the war of the Revolution. The father of our subject went to Tennessee when about twenty years of age and there married Miss Louisa, daughter of William Coose, a pioneer of Grainger county. Mr. Wohlford had learned the cabinet-maker’s trade under the direction of his father, and after removing to Tennessee he studied medicine. During the Mexican war he joined his country service and went as far as Buena Vista, participating in all the engagements in which his command took part. In 1859 he came to Texas, making the journey with ox teams and reaching Grayson county after weeks of travel. He first took up his abode in Kaufman county, and in 1862 went to Ellis county, where he practiced medicine two years, when in 1864 he removed to Henderson county. He was not long permitted to enjoy his new home, however, for his death occurred that year. He left a wife and four sons, of whom our subject is the eldest, the others being John, of Stephens county; Robert, who died in Hood county, at the age of thirty years; and James, also of Stephens county. The mother removed to Johnson county, now Hood county, in 1866, and there married Robert P. Crockett, a son of the celebrated David Crockett, the pioneer whose bravery and courage have become a matter of history. The mother of our subject continued to live with Mr. Crockett until her death, which occurred in 1888, at the age of fifty-seven years.
Mr. Wohlford, of this review, accompanied his mother to Texas and resided with her until her marriage to Mr. Crockett, when he went to Acton and attended school there for about two years. He was married November 5, 1871 to Miss Margaret Hiner, a native of Navarro county, Texas, and a daughter of James Hiner, deceased. Mr. Wohlford and his bride began their domestic life on a farm six miles east of Granbury, where in connection with general farming he engaged in stock-raising. He lived there for seven years, after which he purchased a place three miles from his first home. Here he has seven hundred acres of good land, of which three hundred and seventy-five acres is under a high state of cultivation. He is progressive in his business methods, enterprising in all things and is recognized as one of the leading and influential citizens of Hood county.
Nine children are included in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Wohlford, seven sons and two daughters, namely: Charles A., James L., Henry E., W.B., E.N., J.B., Margaret L., Martha P. and John Milton. The home is noted for that gracious hospitality for which the south is so justly celebrated, and their friends throughout the community are many.
Socially Mr. Wohlford is connected with Acton Lodge, No. 285, F.&A.M., and has filled all the chairs. Both in principle and practice he has always been a strong temperance man and an earnest worker in the interests of that cause, laboring earnestly for acceptance among all classes. He and his wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal church, south, and he is now serving as one of its trustees. He exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Democratic party, and in 1893 he was elected to the legislature, proving an acceptable and valued member of the house, where he served on a number of important committees, including the committee on land and land offices, mining and minerals, insurance statistics and history and county boundaries. He has the grasp of mind that enables him to reach far beyond the exigencies of the moment and see the needs of the future. This made him an able state official, and his public career, as well as his private life, commanded the confidence and respect of all with whom he came in contact.
Ballard Wohlford was born November 23, 1849 and died January 21, 1908. He was buried in Acton Cemetery in Hood County, Texas. |
History of Texas, 1896, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.