From History of Texas Published in 1896

Dr. G.B. Walker, who is living a retired life at his pleasant home in Hood county, comes of an honored family that has been prominent in the military history of the country.

His great-grandfather, John Walker, was a native of the Emerald Isle and reared seven sons and several daughters. In colonial days he crossed the broad Atlantic to America, taking up his residence in Pennsylvania amoung its early settlers. He and his sons served in the Revolutionary war and were fearless patriots, ever loyal to the cause of independence and of liberty. John Walker also became the possessor of considerable wealth, and when he refused to disclose the hiding place of his fortune to the Tories, he was arrested and tortured. His thumbs were pulled in a vise and his feet were burned, but he possessed a fearless determination that physical suffering could not quell and he told his captors that they might kill an old man, but he would die before he would yield. Finding that they could gain nothing by this torture, the Tories finally released him and he lived to a good old age to enjoy the freedom for which he had so bravely battled. His death occurred in Pennsylvania.

The grandparents of the Doctor were John and (?) (Wright) Walker, natives of Georgia, whence the removed to Dallas County, Alabama, where they spent the remainder of their lives. They had two sons, one of whom served under General Jackson in the war of 1812 and more firmly established the reputation of the family for valor in times of their country’s danger.

The Doctor’s parents were William W. and Elizabeth (Green) Walker, natives of Georgia, and in 1818 they removed to Alabama. For many years they were residents of that State, where the father engaged in the work of the ministry as a preacher of the Baptist denomination. At length he came to Texas, in 1853, settling in Leon county, where he made a permanent home, purchasing land on which he spent his remaining days. He brought to the state with him his wife and five children, namely: Jefferson, Betty, Reuben, George and Frank. Three other children did not accompany the parents at the time, and John lived and died near the old homestead in Alabama, but the others afterward became residents of Texas. Rev. William Walker was a man of intellectual talents and a preacher of great force. He did much to raise the standard of Christian excellence among the people wherever he lived and worked, and his noble life left its impress for good upon all with whom he came in contact. Old and young, rich and poor were his friends, and his death was deeply mourned by all who knew him. He passed to his final home in 1863, at the age of sixty years, and his wife, who was born in 1805, was called to her final rest in 1864.

Dr. Walker, of this review, is one of the worthy citizens that the Cotton state has furnished to Texas. He was born in Dallas County, Alabama, in 1822, and acquired his primary education under the tutelage of private instructors. Determining to enter the medical profession, he began his preparation for that work by reading in the office of Drs. Eddings and Schaffler, who were his preceptors for three years. He had previously read medicine for a year under another physician, and practiced with his preceptors for a brief time in Greenboro, Alabama. Removing to Jefferson, Alabama, he opened an office and continued the active prosecution of his profession from 1846 until January, 1850, at which time he removed to Arkansas, locating near the boundary line of Louisiana, where he practiced until 1857. Since that year he has been identified with the interests of Texas.

Making his home in this state he was soon recognized as one of its most capable and progressive physicians and enjoyed a large patronage. He afterward practiced in Johnson county for two years and, in 1872, came to Hood county, locating at Thorp Spring. He is now living upon his excellent farm, which comprises three hundred and twenty acres of rich land, of which two hundred and forty acres are under a high state of cultivation and yield to him a good income in return for the care and labor bestowed upon it. The improvements are modern and well kept and indicate the enterprise and thrift of the owner.

In 1853 was celebrated the marriage of Dr. Walker and Miss Rachel Kennedy, who died on the 9th of March, 1889, at the age of fifty-seven years. They had ten children, seven of whom reached adult age, while six are now living.

The Doctor has now laid aside the cares of active business life and is resting in the enjoyment of the fruits of his former toil. He has always been a deep and earnest student, not only of his profession but also of many other topics, and is especially well informed on all matters of general interest, including the current events of the day. As a converser he is entertaining and instructive, and his hospital home is a favorite with many friends. To do good has been the motto of his life, yet those acts of kindness, generosity and charity which have won him the gratitude of many and the respect of all have ever been performed in a most unostentatious manner. In his political views, he has ever been a Democrat of the Jacksonian school. Every enterprise having for its object the promotion of the best interests of the county is sure of his cooperation and support, and he is a valued citizen that the community could ill afford to lose.


History of Texas, 1896, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.

Web Page by Mary Maxwell