“Oldest Texas-made Mason”
The following family biographical note was scanned from the Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletter No.27; August 1990
Editor: Merle McNeese
“Major Arch Carmichael died at his home August 15, 1896. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. C. C. McConnell on Sunday the 16th, from the text, “Man dieth and wasteth away; yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he.” Job xi, 10. The remains were interred in the cemetery at Acton, with Masonic honors, the Acton and Granbury lodges participating. The ceremonies were witnessed by what was said to be the largest concourse of people ever assembled in Hood county.
“Major Carmichael was born in Roane county, Tennessee, April 4, 1819. He came to Texas in 1844 and resided in eastern Texas principally in Cherokee county until 1859, when he came west and settied the home where he resided at the time of his death. In all public matters pertaining to the good of his locality and county he has been a moving spirit. Mentally active, his voice has ever been extended, at times eloquently, in behalf of what he deemed right, and in denunciation of wrong. He became a member of the Masonic fraternity in 1845 and was said to be the oldest Texas- made Mason.
“He had been for several years a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church and was a man of strong faith in God and in the efficacy of prayer. Nor did his faith falter at the approach of the king of terrors. Truly, he had set his house in order, and then patiently awaited his departure. . .
“By his death the church has lost a, loyal member, the Masonic fraternity a worthy brother, his family a. devoted husband and ” father, the county one of its best citizens and society one of its bravest defenders. Peace to his ashes.”
“Tribute of Respect”
“In social convocation of Granbury lodge 392 it was announced to the lodge that our worthy brother A. Carmichael, Sr., who was raised to the sublime honor of a Master Mason in 1845, was called from labor to refreshment on the 15th of August, 1896; therefore be it Resolved, that Granbury lodge, at his request, assisted by Acton lodge, lay his body to rest with the usual Masonic honors, and that we wear the badge of mourning thirty days; that a copy of the proceedings be given a, full page on the minutes of the lodge and that the same be published in the Granbury papers, and, furthermore, that a certified copy of same be delivered to his surviving companion.
J R Morris
J F Kerr
A H Iverson
Sylvia Carmichael Campbell of Granbury has a number of mementos of her great grandfather, Archibald Carmichael, Sr., one of which is the copy of his obituary copied on the preceding page. Others relate to his service in the Texas militia organized to protect the frontier against Indian depredations during the years of the Civil War. Many young men had left to join the Confederate Army which left many women and children unprotected who lived in out- lying areas.
Following are copies of some of his papers relating to his mili- tary service. Hood County was a part of Johnson Co. at this time as it was not formed as a. separate county until 1866.
“Buchanan, Texas July 25th 1862
“Col. A. Carmichael is hereby authorized to enlist men for the Regiment of Partisans I am now raising. The recruits may join any company belonging to the regiment that has not the maximum number of men, or they may when a sufficient number of men are recruited organize a company and report to me at Camp McCullough and the company will be regularly mustered into the service pro- vided the regiment be not already full.
/s/ E. J. Gurley
Col. Comdg. Camp McCullough”
“Acton, Texas August 16th, A.D. 1862
Brig. Gen, N Terry.) A. Carmichael Regmt.
Fort Worth ) L S T of Johnson cty Texas
“Sir this is a trew(sic) report of the number & condition of my Regmt officers
A. Carmichael Col in comd. Elected March 22 day 1862 Lut Col James F Scurlock “
Company n Precinct No. 5 Feb 15 “
Capt Henry Duglas ” “
Ist Lut. A Monroy ” “
2nd ” jr J.L,A. Berry ” “
Company B Precinct No. 4 Elected Feb 22 1862
Capt A J Heart ” “
Ist Lut J M Cocks ” “
2nd ” G J Richey ” “
2nd ” jr. J B Maitland July “
Company C Precinct No. 1
Capt John W. Moody Feb 22 “
Ist Lut George R. Edgar ” “
2nd James B. Dunn Aug 1 “
2nd ” jr. G H Maxey July “
Company D Precinct No. 6
Capt David Swank Aug 1 “
Ist Lut
2nd ” jr
Company E Precinct No, 8
Ist Lut J. Mitchel March 22 “
2nd ” jr
Company F Precinct No. 3
Capt James Ross ” “
Ist Lut Luis Goen ” ‘
2nd n S. T. Quinn ” “
2nd ” jr s. a. Davis ” “
Company G Precinct No. 2
Capt Josiah P. Wittchier Aug 1 “
Ist Lut Dan C. Payne March 22 “
2nd ” James Kelley Aug 1 “
2nd ” jr R J Jennings March 22 “
Company H Precinct No. 7
Capt G. W. Mathews ” “
Ist Lut Joseph Winters July “
2nd ” John Allison March 22 “
2nd ” jr John L. Trimble ” “
Company I Precinct No. 9
Capt George R. Shannon Aug 1 “
Ist Lut George B. Granberry ” “
2nd ” J. R. McKinzy Feb 22 “
2nd ” jr T. B. Eliott Aug 1 “
Surgeon W.A. Kuykendall Appointed(sic) June 25th 1862
Asst Surgeon J.C. Cornelious “
Chaplin G. H. Richa.rds Apt July 10, 1862
Muster Roll”
Names of men subject to mulitia duty in Co. I, Precinct No. 9 Johnson Co., Texas for the month of July, A.D. 1862.
Gee. R. Shannon was elected Capt on the Ist day of Aug 1862. vice R. F. Cope resigned, Cope was previously elected vice. H. G, Bruce resigned. Gee. B. Granberry was elected same day first Lieut. Vice Gee. R. Shannon promoted, T. B. Elliott was elected same day as Jun. 2d Lieut. Vice G. E. Coombs resigned.
Capt Gee. R. Shannon
Ist Lieut J. R, McKinsey
2nd ” T. B. Elliott
O.S. M. Pendleton
? John Hunter
? Wm, C. Cra.wford
? M. Wood
Sergeant Wm. Osbern
Ist T. J. Mills
2nd I. B. Hudson
3rd Hugh Guinn
4th C. Dunaway
Pr ivates
L. D. Smith
J. L. Gant
G. R. Collins
B. Bransom
J. E. Jenkins
James Blair
A. L. Whitsett
;I. H. Hewett
J. E. Roa.ds
J. T. Stewart
I G R Sha.nnon hereby certify that the within Muster Roll exhibits
the true state of my company to this date Aug Ist 1862.
/s/ G R Shannon Capt”
“Buck Creek, Johnson Co. Texas
July 25th 1862
“This is to certify that Fred Lafon was duly elected junior second
Lieutenant at our regular company muster, on Saturday July Igth
1862, vice J. L, A. Berry, promoted.
To Col. A. Carmichael
Comdg Regiment
Signed H. Douglas, Capt
Comdg. Co. Beat No. 5
Johnson Co. Texas”
“Buchanan April 21st 186’3
Buchanan April 21st 1863
You will please detail a detachment of men from your Regt. to wit:
one Commissioned officer, one non-Commissioned officer, and at
least twelve privats, armed~& mounted, with ten rounds of ammun-
ition for each man if possible to report to me at this place as
soon as possible to assist in arresting, & forwarding some deser-
ters who are now in this county, one of whom I have arrested &
placed in the County Jail for want of men to guard him.
/s/ W. M. Heath Sergt Major
Actg by order of
Brig Gen Steele Comdg
Dept Indian Territory
A. Carmichael Col.
Comdg Johnson Co. Malitia
The men must be prepared to camp out–they will have subsis-
tance furnished after two days from the time they report to me.
/s/ E. M. H., S.M.