from Indian Depredations in Texas – Published in 1889

1871 Mr. Weir was a resident of Hood County. In the fall of 1871, eight Indians, seven men and one squaw, came into Hood County. They succeeded in stealing fifteen head of horses and left. A company was raised and went in pursuit of them. The company followed them one day and night, and on the second day they overtook the Indians and attacked them. The Indians took their position in a deep ravine

While the Texans were consulting as to the best plan of dislodging them, twenty-five more citizens came to their assistance. They maneuvered for some time to draw the Indians from their position in the ravine, but all to no purpose. At this juncture a very heavy rain fell, which so swelled the little stream at the bottom that the Indians were compelled to show themselves. As they came into view the Texans charged them and poured a deadly fire into their midst. The Indians defended themselves with desperation and let fly their arrows thick and fast among the Texans. Mr. William Weir, the subject of this sketch, marched boldly up to the edge of the ravine and shot down the Indian chief, who fell into the water. Mr. Weir stepped down to see if he was killed, and having satisfied himself that he was dead, he was about returning, when the squaw, who was standing near, let fly an arrow and shot him in the breast, inflicting a fatal wound. The Indians also wounded a Mr. McKenzie, but not seriously. The fight continued until the last Indian was killed – not even excepting that bellicose squaw.

More Hood County Indian Depredations