The closing exercises of Add-Ran College began of Thursday last.
Prof. Switzer and family left for a two week’s sojurn at Glen Rose on Wednesday.
Mr. J. P. McKinney was poisoned last Saturday by eating potted ham. He was quite sick until a physician administered the necessary antidote.
A large iron safe for the safe keeping of the county records, weighing 9,000 pounds, is now at Weatherford, waiting for some plucky freighter to tackle it.
A report was current here on Monday that the Fort Worth and Rio Grande had decided to build on to Stephenville at once, but the rumor was not confirmed.
The track of the Fort Worth and Rio Grande will be finished to the bridge by the middle of next week and then the work of putting up the great iron bridge will begin.
The engineer corps of the Fort Worth and Rio Grande were busy during the early portion of the week locating the boundaries of the company’s land, west of town.
The engineering corps on Wednesday finished cross-sectioning the line to the depot site, preparatory to grading. They also made some slight changes in the location of the line near the depot.
Mr. J. W. Day of Cleburne was in town on Monday prospecting with a view of establishing an ice factory here. The citizens are required to donate a lot for the purpose and operations will commence within thirty days.