Contributed by Tommye Hiler
Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletter No. 12 – November 1986

In the summer of 1877, the District Conference of the Methodist Church met in Acton. Part of the business of this conference was to decide on the location of a District High School, to be built by the church.
At this time Weatherford was the largest town in the district and everyone supposed the school would be located there. However, others who were not in favor of Weatherford as a site for the school had been making plans prior to the meeting and went before the Conference with their ideas. They presented plans and promoted Granbury for the school location. The Methodists were convinced of Granbury’s possibilities and benefits, so the school was established.
A building committee composed of V.S. Anglin, C.H. Blake, and P.H. Thrash was appointed. Their task was to choose a building site, draw up plans and build the school. The conference also selected a Board of Trustees who were J.R. Morris, James Hiner, Judge Thomason, Thomas Ewell, V.S. Anglin, B.F. Williams, with the Rev. James Jones to serve as President of the Board and to manage the school affairs.
The school was scheduled to open in September 1873, and as there was no building planned, a rock building on the southeast corner of the square was used. The president was Rev. W.P. Wilson.
A small frame building was constructed and was used for several sessions. The growth of the school made it necessary to erect larger quarters. The city of Granbury had raised the money to build a large stone structure on the hill where Granbury Cemetery is now located. The school was 42 x 62 feet and was three stories tall.
On July 6, 1875 the high school had grown sufficiently to become a chartered college. A fire on January 8, 1887 destroyed the inside of the building, including the library, furniture and other material. The loss was estimated at $10,000.
A new and larger building was built on almost the same site. The new school was 62 x 80 feet and was also three stories tall.
This construction created a considerable debt for the college. Citizens of Granbury, aware of the importance of education, took charge and once more raised funds to finish payments.
A publication of the College printed these notes in January, 1888:
This institution opens on the first Monday of September of each year and continues for ten scholastic months. The school is graded from the Primary Department through the Intermediate and Preparatory to the Collegiate. The Collegiate includes a course of four years. Rate of Tuition per term of four months, Primary, $8.00; Intermediate, $10.00; Preparatory, $12.50; Collegiate, $17.00. Board (including lights, fuel, etc.) per week, $2.50 to $7.00; washing and ironing per month, $1.00 Discipline, mild and firm; commodious buildings; competent faculty in every department; good society; healthful location; daily stage (except Sunday) from Cleburne and Weatherford. For catalogue, address the Secretary. |
D.S. Switzer D. S. Switzer, President | W.J. Moore W. J. Moore, Secretary |