From History of Texas, Published in 1896

AARON H. ALLARD – In the gentleman to a review of whose life the biographer would now invite attention is found a native son of the Lone Star State and a representative farmer of Erath County. In a frontier home in Hopkins County, Texas, February 7, 1856, he first saw the light of day, his parents and grandparents being pioneers of this state; and before passing on to a sketch of his life we wish to refer briefly to his parentage.

James Burleson Allard, his father, was a son of Aaron Allard, the former a native of Missouri and the latter of Kentucky. About 1850 the Allard family immigrated to Texas and located in Hopkins County, where the grandfather of our subject improved a farm and passed the rest of his life, dying in 1866. He was a man of considerable prominence in his day, owned slaves and carried on farming extensively. Religiously he was a Primitive Baptist. His son, James Burleson, was eighteen years old at the time they came to this state; and about that time or prior to it there settled in Hopkins County a family by the name of Hamilton, from Tennessee. A pleasant acquaintance soon sprang up between these two families, resulting a few years later in the marriage of James B. Allard and Miss Amanda E. Hamilton. The young couple settled down on a farm in that county and remained there until 1858, when they sought to better their condition by a removal to Erath County where they figured as pioneers and where he turned his attention to the cattle business. He brought with him a drove of cattle, bought more after his arrival, and was soon established in a successful business, having for a partner Mr. E. Cox, who was subsequently killed by the Indians. About 1860 the Indians began to be troublesome, and for ten years thereafter gave the cattlemen and people on the frontier almost constant annoyance. Mr. Allard had great difficulty with them. He was in numerous raids after the intruders and in some battles with them, and, besides having much of his stock stolen and driven off, he suffered the great loss of his partner. Mr. Cox’s death is referred to elsewhere in this volume. His heirs sold their interest in the cattle to Mr. Allard, who continued in the business until after the close of the war, when he disposed of his stock. After this he went to Johnson County, bought land and settled down to farming, remaining there some years and then selling out. His next move was to Granbury, Hood County, where he invested in both town and farm property. He is still living and now a resident of Cleburne, retired from active business life. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Church. Of their family, five sons and one daughter, we make record as follows: Sarah is the wife of W. R. Robinson, a prominent farmer of Erath county; John is a farmer of Johnson County; Aaron H. is the subject of this sketch; James, Edward M. and Price are residents of Cleburne.

Aaron H. Allard was only two years old at the time he was brought by his parents to Erath County. As soon as he was large enough, he was put into the saddle and sent out to assist in the care of his father’s cattle, and he made himself useful in this way as long as his father was in the business. After their removal to Johnson County he helped with the work on the farm. When he started out in life on his own responsibility he returned to the cattle business and followed it for some years longer. He married in 1880 and about that time bought a farm, on which he spent the next four years. From farming he turned to freighting, having Granbury for his headquarters and being thus occupied three years. His next venture was to California; but after an absence of about six months he returned to his family in Texas and again resumed farming here. A year later he bought a small tract of timberland, where he has since resided. To this he has added by subsequent purchase until he now has two hundred acres, sixty of which are under cultivation. He has a comfortable frame residence and is nicely situated. In 1894 he built a steam gin and mill, which he has since operated. During the past season he ginned over six hundred bales of cotton. The mill he runs only at stated times, one day out of every week the year round. Some time ago he owned and ran a thresher. He has been fairly prosperous in his various undertakings, and the success to which he has attained is due wholly to his own efforts.

Mrs. Allard, neeParalu Austin, is a native of Tennessee and was born inMay 1862, her parents being J.D. and Mary Austin. The Austin family came to Texas about 1876 and after one or two moves settled in Johnson County. In 1881 Mr. Austin moved to his present home in Erath County. He is the father of ten children, one son, Dee, by his first wife, and the following by his second marriage: Mary J., Alice, Paralu, Ellen, Newton, James, Lew, Hermon and Sterling.

Mr. and Mrs. Allard have seven children: Docia, Ina, John, Doss, Bena, Harvey and Ruth-all at home.

Mr. Allard was formerly a Democrat, but like many of the most intelligent men of his community, he is a believer in the principles held by the Populists and has left the old party and given his support to one he believes to be better. But he is not a politician, nor has he ever sought official honors. He and his wife are members of the Primitive Baptist church.


History of Texas, 1896, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.

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