NATHAN S. DAVIS 1842 – 1921

From History of Texas, Published in 1896

N.S. DAVIS. The lives that furnish the best examples to be followed by those who wish to attain success are not the lives of the men who are most prominent in military, political or professional circles. It is not possible for all to be statesmen and warriors, but America offers boundless opportunities in the lines of business for all who will enter and by earnest effort press forward. Prosperity thus comes to them, and it is this class who form the real bulwark of defense for the country. The gentleman whose name introduces this review belongs to this class. Though his life is not marked by events of thrilling interest, it contains many valuable lessons which may be profitably followed.

Mr. Davis was born in Grainger County, Tennessee, July 12, 1842. The place of his birth, however, is now in Union County, owing to a division which has been made in the former. His father, William Davis was a native of Virginia, born of Welsh ancestry. He married Rebecca Capps, who died in January, 1849, while his death occurred in Tennessee in 1879, at the age of sixty-one.

Our subject was reared on the old home farm and remained with his father until the south and north had become engaged in civil war, when he entered the Confederate service, being at the time eighteen years of age. He enlisted on the 20th of June, 1861, becoming a member of Company D, of Colonel Ashby’s cavalry regiment, and was mustered into the confederate service at Knoxville. He participated in the Battle of Wild Cat, in Kentucky, Fishing Creek and Richmond, and was afterward with Wheeler’s cavalry forces at Chickamauga, where he was taken prisoner. He was sent to Camp Morton in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he was held until the close of hostilities, when on the 12th of June, 1865, he was released.

When the war was ended Mr. Davis returned to Tennessee and after a tour through Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, he went to Missouri. In that state, in January, 1870, was celebrated his marriage, the lady of his choice being Miss Malinda McBee, who was also a native of Grainger County, Tennessee, whence she was taken to Missouri at the age of two years by her parents, Silas and Rebecca (Beler) McBee. The wedding of the young couple took place in Newton, and by their union two children were born; but the elder died in infancy. The other is a daughter, named, Ada, who married Huston Brooks. One child was born to them, whose name is N.S. Davis and is living with his adopted parents.

For several years Mr. Davis carried on farming in Missouri and in 1876 came to Texas, having since made his home in Hood County. Here he pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres of land, which proved to be an old survey and therefore purchased it. He also bought an additional quarter section and now has about one hundred acres transformed into rich and productive fields. He has also for some years engaged in stock-dealing and his honorable dealing in all business transactions has gained him the confidence of the public; while his energy, guided by sound judgment, has brought to him a comfortable competence. He is now the owner of one of the finest farms of Hood County, its rich fields and many excellent improvements, all indicating the careful supervision of the owner.

In 1888 Mr. Davis was elected on the Democratic ticket as county commissioner and served in that position for two years, during which time he introduced the resolution to erect the courthouse at Granbury. He has served as deputy assessor and at this writing is holding the office of deputy sheriff. In politics he is an uncompromising supporter of the Cleveland Democracy. Socially he is a member of the Paluxy Lodge, No. 393, F.&A.M., and both he and his wife adhere to the faith of the Cumberland Presbyterian church of which they are worthy members.

N.S. Davis died April 15, 1921 and is buried next to his wife in Rock Church Cemetery in Hood County, Texas.