Jerry L. Glisson was born in Dyer, Tennessee, March 15, 1922. He was baptized into the fellowship of the New Bethlehem Baptist Church of Dyer in August, 1936. On July 23, 1944, he married Miss Helen Barron. Four children were born to them. One son, Philip Ray, is Staff Evangelist of Leawood Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee.

Jerry Glisson is a graduate of Union University, Jackson, Tennessee, and of Southwestern Seminary. From the seminary he received the B.D. and Th.D. degrees. He also holds an honorary D.D. from Union University. He held student pastorates in Tennessee and Kentucky while in college. During his seminary days he was pastor at Acton and Allison, and was Moderator of Paluxy Association in 1948, 1949, and 1950.

Since March 15, 1956, Dr. Glisson has been pastor of the Leawood Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee. Membership in 1980 was 4,597 with an average attendance in Sunday School of 1,231. He has been Moderator of Shelby Baptist Association, President of Shelby County Baptist Pastors’ Conference, President of the Executive Board, Tennessee Baptist Convention, President of the Tennessee Baptist Convention, member of the Executive Board of the Brotherhood Commission, SBC, member of the Executive Board and of the Executive Committee, Union University, and member of the Christian Life Commission. He has participated in one evangelistic crusade in the Hawaiian Islands.

Paluxy Baptist Association Centennial Story
1880 – 1980