FromĀ History of Texas, Published in 1896

HARDIN GRIFFITH is an able representative of the agricultural interests of Hood County and a man who by the faithful performance of every duty devolving upon him, whether public or private, has won a place among the best and most highly esteemed citizens of this section of the state. It is a feeling of gratification that the biographer enters upon his task of portraying the life of one who has ever merited the esteem of his fellow men, for such a record serves as a source of encouragement and inspiration to others and as an example to the youthful members of society.

Mr. Griffith was born in Tennessee, December 26, 1850, a son of Samuel T. and Nancy (Price) Griffith, of Welsh descent. The great-grandfather, Jonas Griffith, and his two brothers were natives of rock-ribbed Wales, whence they immigrated to the New World, settling in Tennessee. They were the founders of the family in this country. Jonas Griffith was then sixteen years of age. He became a close friend of Daniel Boone, and with him explored considerable portions of Tennessee. His last days were spent in that state. The parents of our subject were both born in Gainesboro, Tennessee, and the father served his country as a soldier in the Mexican War. In 1859, with his wife and two children, he went to Granby, Missouri, where, in 1860, the mother died, leaving our subject and a sister, the latter being Willie, now Mrs. Sparks, of Commerce, Delta County, Texas.

During the Civil War Samuel T. Griffith enlisted in the Confederate service, in which he remained until the close of hostilities. Being captured by the Union troops, he was held as a prisoner of war in Alton, Illinois, for eight months, and for a year at Delaware Bay. He had been engaged in the occupation of mining and had his capital invested in mines at Granby, but lost all his property during the war. When the trouble between the two sections of the country was over he came to Texas, where his son H.H. had preceded him, and settled in Fannin County, where his death occurred in 1870.

Hardin Griffith, of this sketch, enjoyed good educational privileges in his early youth, but after the war had no advantages in that direction. At the age of seventeen he left home, and since that time has been dependent entirely upon his own labors, so that whatever success he has achieved is due entirely to his energy and good management. On leaving home he engaged in herding cattle, and for fifteen years he was a participant of camp life. His associates were the worst element of the frontier, made up of cowboys, buffalo-hunters and manydesperate characters, but his career was an exception to the rule that evil communications corrupt good manners. His self-respect was always dear to him, and he demonstrated the fact that a man can be a true and honorable gentleman in any surroundings. He would never use tobacco or liquor in any form, and though his companions were men who often scoffed at virtues, they respected him for his strict adherence to what he believed to be right, and any man among them would- have stood up against a multitude for Hardin Griffith. During all these years Granbury was his headquarters, but his operations extended over a number of the western frontier counties.

In 1885 Mr. Griffith secured a clerkship in a hardware store in Granbury, his employers being Baker & Smith. He served in that capacity for five years, and on the expiration of that period he came to the farm where he now lives and which has since been his home. He had previously purchased the property, but the land was entirely destitute of improvements. He has developed fifty acres of his farm, which comprises three hundred and five acres, and the tract is now highly cultivated. In addition to general farming he is also extensively and successfully engaged in stock raising, and now has a number of fine thoroughbred Jersey cattle upon his farm.

On the 25th of September 1889, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Griffith and Miss Maggie Blair, daughter of Samuel and Susan Blair. The lady was born in Batesville, Arkansas, while her parents were natives of Tennessee, the former of Irish and the latter of Scotch descent. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith have lost two children, but now have a bright little boy, Guy, born April 29, 1893.

Our subject exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party at national elections, but at local elections, where no national issue is involved, he supports the candidate that he thinks best qualified for office, regardless of party connections. Both he and his wife occupy a high position in social circles where true worth and intelligence are received as the passports into good society. Fond of reading, they keep well informed on the questions of the day and on all current literature, and their views on all questions indicate well-stored minds. They are liberal in their religious views, and are deeply interested in all that pertains to the moral upbuilding of the community, and their lives, honorable and conscientious in all things, commend them to the high regard and confidence of their many friends. 

History of Texas, 1896, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.