From History of Texas Published in 1896

DAVID MORTON WOOD, who represents a family that has been long and closely identified with the interests of Hood county, and who was one of the gallant defenders of the south during the war between the two sections of the country, was born in Hall county, Georgia, on the 11th of February, 1836. With his parents, Lorenzo D. and Louisa Wood, he lived through the period of his boyhood and youth, accompanying them on their removal to Alabama in 1852. He was reared on a farm and early became familiar with all the duties that fall to the lot of the agriculturist, so that when he entered upon the same pursuit in his own interests he was well prepared for his labors by practical experience.

When starting out on life’s journey for himself Mr. Wood chose as a companion and helpmeet Miss Mary E. Read, and their wedding was celebrated in Marshall county, Alabama, on the 11th of December, 1856. The lady is a native of North Carolina, a daughter of George and Eleanor Read. Taking up his residence upon a farm in Marshall county, Mr. Wood successfully continued its cultivation until after the civil war had been inaugurated, when he went to the defense of the south. He was a southern man by birth, training and interest, and early in 1862 he joined the “boys in gray” of the Fourth Alabama Infantry, commanded by Colonel Russel. The regiment was joined to the Army of the Tennessee and with it he remained until hostilities had ceased, participating in many engagements. He was a brave soldier, loyal to the cause which he advocated and made for himself an honorable military record.

Returning to his home and family when the war was over, Mr. Wood carried on farming in Alabama until 1869, when he removed to Texas and purchased 320 acres of land on Paluxy creek. This was in its primitive condition, not a furrow having been turned or an improvement made, but with characteristic energy he began its development and acre after acre was placed under the plow until the cultivated tract comprised 85 acres of rich and productive land.

Mr. and Mrs. Wood have a family of eight children, six of whom are still living, namely:

Delva Jane, wife of Ezekiel Dunnigan, of Erath county

Mary Louisa, wife of N.O. Jackson

Kizzie Emma, wife of George Henley, of Hood county

Isabella Ray, wife of Archie Caraway, of Hood county

Martha Ellen, wife of W.J. Lawing, of the same county

George W., who is living on the old homestead

Robert E., who died in infancy, and

Elizabeth, who died at the age of 13.

Mrs. Wood died on the 15th of September, 1894, at the age of 64 years. She was a consistent Christian lady and for many years was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Wood has also long been connected with the same church and is an active and tireless worker in its interests. For 25 years he was superintendent of the Sunday-school, aiding in the work of training the children to lives of uprightness and honor and planting in the young minds the seeds of truth which in due time will bring forth fruit. Socially Mr. Wood is connected with Paluxy Lodge, No. 393, F.&A.M., and in politics he is a Democrat.

David Morton Wood died June 21, 1905 and was buried in Rock Church Cemetery in Hood County, Texas


History of Texas, 1896, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.