Data, Rules, and Regulations of Granbury College 1898 to 1899 Term

W. J. Moore, Secretary

Contributed by Shirley Mendelson & Virginia Hale



W. J. Moore, President, Mental and Moral Philosophy

Charles S. Potts, A.B., Mathematics (absent – taking higher course)

B. P. Lane, A.B., Languages

Rev. W. J. Hearon, A.B., Mathematics

John D. Boon, Science

Miss Bessie Baker, A.B., Prin. Preparatory Department

Miss Rose Smith, Art and Elocution

Miss Sara Miller, Vocal and Instrumental Music

W. E. Thrash, Stringed Instruments

Board of Trustees

Rev. E. A. Smith, DublinGeo. Mulkey, Ft. Worth
Rev. E. A. Bailey, WeatherfordJ. M. Robertson, Meridian
Rev. John S. Doirs, WaxahachieT. T. Ewell, Granbury
Rev. O. M. Addison, WaxahachieJ. R. Morris, Granbury
Rev. R. A. Hall, ClarendonJ. H. Hiner, Granbury
Rev. R. F. Dunn, BreckenridgeS. H. Smith, Granbury
Rev. B. R. Bolton, WaxahachieE. A. Hannaford, Granbury
 W. J. Moore


Miss Aurora Archer, Ph.B.

Miss Zenna Cogdell, B.O.



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