After sitting in the dark for over six decades, the Granbury Opera House opened its doors to live theatre on June 19, 1975 and has been playing to capacity crowds ever since.
Built in 1886, the Opera House presented many forms of entertainment until it closed in 1911. For the next 64 years, the beautiful old building wasted away to little more than a roofless shell of four Hood County stone walls.
The restoration of the Granbury Opera House and the raising of the curtain on the first performance fulfilled the dream of a dedicated community and the foresight and inspiration of the members of the non-profit Granbury Opera Association. The half-million dollar Opera House was restored entirely with private money. The first summer season of smash musical comedies featured a company from area colleges and universities.
The Opera House now boasts a year-round professional company performing 46 weeks of the year. Summer seasons are enhanced with college interns who receive a small stipend and credit from their college or university. The Granbury Opera House is dedicated to preserving a secure future for the performing arts.