Hood County Death Records 1903 – 1940 A – C

The following records were scanned by computer from issues of The Hood County Genealogical Society’s Newsletter. This data may contain scanning and OCR introduced errors. If you find entries that contain suspicious spellings or dates you may request a photo copy of original
Newsletter Record.
These certificates may be ordered from the Office of Vital Statistics, 1100 W. 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756 Cost; $8.00.

         Index to Hood County Death Records,  1903 - 1940

                    Compiled by Sue Thrasher

            Name                     Death Date            Certificate No.

       Abbott, E, P.                      1-9-31              3711
       Abbott, William T.                 8-30-32             34976
       Ables, Joe A.                     11-24-35             52150
       Adams, Alta                        6-1-30              29896
       Adams, Inf. of Cliff               1-30-27             2008
       Adams, james Franklin              7-12-20             10876
       Adams, M. W.                      12-27-19             35677
       Addison, A. J.                     6-21-37             28454
       Addison, Isaac C.                  4-5-34              18517
       Aiken, M. N. Mrs.                  5-11-31             24318
       Aiken, W. J.                       3-27-36             15505
       Alderson, R. E.                    9-23-37             41936
       Alexander, Olin Franklin           3-19-31             13803
       Alexander, Willie Marie            8-28-15             18056
       Allen, John D.                     9-10-35             42875
       Allen, Roy                         7-10-14             6004
       Allen, S. D.                       4-27-54             18516
       Allison, Mary M                    2-18-14             3738
       Allison, William M.                8-15-29             40763
       Anderson, Mrs. John                7-10-14             15020
       Anderson, Ophelia                  5-8-17              15842
       Andrews, Ida Elizabeth Mrs.       10-27-12             23719
       Andrews, John L,                   4-3-40              19750
       Archer, Charles Wade               7-26-23             9098
       Archer, Henry Clay                10-22-17             28392
       Archer, Joel C.                    1-28-23             2007
       Archer, Ora Ellie                  3-10-37             46457
       Armstrong,  Inf. of Albert         2-7-19              7387                                          
       Armstrong, David W.                5-17-11             11239
       Armstrong, E. E.                  12-20-33             56042
       Armstrong, Elmer, Inf. of          2-17-20             6587
       Armstrong, Frances H.              9-13-29             45219
       Armstrong, Gertrude Perry          2-20-20             6594
       Armstrong, William Smith           7-26-31             34327                                                                 
       Armstrong, Wilmot                  8-13-15             18048
       Arnold, Julia Ellen                7-13-16             16976
       Arnout, Albert                    12-12-25             43770
       Arrington, John C.                 9-7-30              44730
       Arrington, Mary                    1-8-31              3310
       Arrington, Sarah Jane              5-4-33              24026
       Asborn, John S.                    2-14-10             758
       Aston, A. C.                       8-19-17             22473
       Atkins, Thomas J.                 11-21-29             44402
       Atkins, Thomas M.                  1-25-15             1417
       Ator, Junior M.                    6-7-17              16636
       Atwood, W. H.                      2-8-10              808
       Austin, Hardon Duglass            12-20-18             56806
       Avery, Jim                         3-18-39             13788

       Baccino, Rufus Aston            3-28-28                12817
       Baccus, Casandro               3-16-14                 6003
       Baccus, Orlena                 3-20-15                 5851
       Baccus, P. M., Inf. of         2-19-13                 4007
       Bagnell Carl                   1-6-14                  1396
       Bagwell, John Ishan:           1-26-40                 3343
       Bailman, P. G.                12-13-20                 38304
       Baker, T. H.                  10-20-18                 41857
       Baker, T. M. Mrs.              9-2-38                  42066
       Baker, James M.               12-6-40                  56069
       Baker, Pauline                 7-7-18                  28880
       Baker, Sarah Alice             2-7-27                  5062
       Baker, William Bryant         12-17-33                 56041
       Ballard, T. M.                 8-14-40                 78156
       Banard, George                 9-5-17                  25750
       Bane, B. F. Jr., Inf. of       4-15-13                 8799
       Barber, Raymond                4-7-14                  8215
       Barker, Virgil Marcellus       4-19-17                 10911
       Barlow, T. J.                  8-24-18                 71844
       Barlur, Unk                    2-29-12                 4643
       Barnard, James Henry           4-26-19                 17457 
       Barnard, Norsus                7-22-16                 16977
       Barnes, Lucretia               9-22-36                 45834
       Barnes , Berner               10-10-40                 46565
       Barnhill, Barner H.            9-16-22                 26319
       Barr, Thomas Anglin            4-30-15                 8231
       Barton, Emma Lu                5-16-37                 26900
       Barton, Florence Evelyn        7-14-32                 60494
       Barton, O. R., Inf. of        11-7-11                  24570
       Bastis, Glodia                10-12-12                 27718
       Baty, James William            4-13-37                 21655
       Bausley, Flora                 5-17-15                 5854
       Baxter, France Price          12-16-32                 52956
       Bearden, John C.              12-28-23                 758048
       Beaty, Florence                1-17-19                 3026                          
       Beaty, James Samuel            8-16-32                 34978
       Beauchamp, Hardie Frances      2-6-13                  4004
       Beidleman, A. M., Mrs.         9-2-72                  78374
       Belt, Wm. Franklin            10-28-76                 50788
       Bennett, Emily                 9-18-52                 78972
       Berry, Morrison Tom            4-5-14                  8219
       Bevel, Jane A.                 4-15-13                 8801
       Bevel, Jettie                  9-22-18                 34495
       Bills, C. F.                  11-50-38                 51122
       Bi11s, Mildred Lucille         1-28-17                 2071
       Bills, Sidney L               11-19-10                 1745
       Bird, Benjamin Franklin        2-20-33                 8788 
       Blackwell, Thomas Wiley        8-1ยท35                  71165
       Blair, Leroy Jackson           9-12-31                 43315
       Blake, Annie (E.A)            10-26-14                 20757
       Blake, Jewell Elizabeth       11-14-14                 22690
       Blanton, Sarah Catherine       2-12-31                 8622
       Bobo, Andrew Jackson           5-24-11                 11241
       Bolt, Melinda Jane            11-21-26                 55351
       Bowden, John K.                3-6-30                  14249
       Bowers, Mary Elizabeth         5-13-20                 17187
       Bowman, Charles Henry          9-7-39                  42614
       Boyt, M. Elizabeth             1-27-40                 3346
       Boyt, Thomas F.                5-27-30                 34637
       Bradley, Berta                 6-10-37                 41e49
       Bradshaw, A. H., Inf. of       4-5-12                  10583
       Brady, Elizabeth              11-5-10                  2314
       Branch, Mildred D.            11-15-14                 22689
       Brandon Luvisa                 7-23-23                 21601
       Brandon, Minnie Meryl          7-31-35                 33889
       Brewer, Alice Lu              11-17-19                 32660
       Breck, Dora                    5-7-21                   14264
       Breck, George, Inf, of         2-28-11                  26851
       Brogdon, James Mathew          6-14-29                  31203
       Brooks, Artie Marie           10-2-15                   22349
       Brooks, David                  7-16-35                  7389
       Brouks, Ie Iola, Inf. of       5-11-25                  18548
       Brown, C. E., Mrs.             2-11-24                  5784
       Brown, Charles E.              9-3-31                   47316
       Brown, Frances Andrew         12-7-32                   52958
       Brown, George                  1-7-13                   1651
       Brown, Joe W.                  1-13-36                  3193
       Brown,  Polly                  2-19-10                  2737-A
       Brown,  Inf. of W. T,          3-22-15                  5853
       Brown,  Mrs. W. T.             7-27-15                  5856
       Browning, Aaron               11-24-22                  31907
       Browning, Aron Jarrett         7-23-14                  15018
       Browning, Caleb                2-23-12                  4650
       Bryant, Betty Elizabeth        5-8-31                   24316
       Bryant, Idalou                 2-19-13                  4007
       Bryan, James Thomas            7-3-10                   2820
       Bunch, Unknown                 7-12-11                  15342
           (Child, male, white)
       Bupp, Jessie May               6-29-32                  26?71
       Bupp, Emory Max                7-1-14                   15025
       Bupp, Frank                    9-20-12                  31876
       Bupp, Mary                     3-1-22                   8649
       Burgess, Miissouri             8-7-15                   18051
       Burgess, Tilla Janes           6-1-20                   20065
       Rurgess, Troy                  7-17-38                  3312
       Burnett, Frank                 4-13-37                  21656
       Burnett, Ila                   3-3-16                   7244
       Burnett, 0llie H.              5-26-30                  24678

                       Compiled by Talmage Hawthorne


       Callaway, J. J.                    1-21-16                  1829
       Calloway, L. V., Mrs               2-21-33                  8786
       Calvert, Andrew Monroe             4-12-31                  19190
       Calvert, Pearl, Miss               1-26-21                  1904
       Camp, Allis                        2-18-13                  4008
       Camp, B. W.                        1-13-13                  1662
       Camp, G. W.                        2- 9-13                  4609
       Campbel' Elisa T., Mrs             4-30-11                  8702
       Campbell, Lou                      6-27-16                  14658
       Campbell, Redick Palislm           7- 7-20                  10877
       Caraway Archplalus E.             11-10-21                  31216
       Caraway, J. C. Inf. of             9- 7-14                  18856
       Caraway, L. George                12-13-27                  41134
       Casdwell, Henry Clay               4-25-10                  3481
       Carey, Roberts                     9-26-35                  42877
       Carl, Push M.                     11-21-19                  32665
       Carmaechel, Tina                   5-28-14                  10440
       Carmichael, Archibald             12-22-40                  74004
       Carmichael, George W.              6-12-36                  31597
       Carmichael, William Euclid         8-16-18                  31846
       Carmichael, Willie                 1-14-10                  3529
       Carmichall, Wm(?) (H?)ale         12-23-09                  35212
       Carmicheal, E., Mrs                4-19-21                  11187
       Carpenter, Annie                   2-19-18                  7907
       Carpenter, C. W.                   7-18-21                  19911
       Carpenter, E. C., Mrs              7-24-20                  23077
       Carpenter, George                  2-27-17                  5088
       Carpenter, Jeanette M.             3-16-32                  12404
       Czrpenter, Montie Clara            8-19-14                  17035
       Carpenter, Randel                  8-7-30                   40207
       Carrell, William Edgar             4-27-34                  18T19
       Carter, Arkansas                  11-20-18                  50595
       Carter, E. J., Inf. of             3-24-30                  14245
       Carter, Stephen Monroe             3-20-34                  13497
       Carter, Sylvia Dean               11-29-38                  51124
       Carter, Verme Ellen                5-26-34                  23341
       Carter, W. G., Inf. of            12-11-30                  59019
       Casey, Floy                        2-13-12                  4645
       Cash, George W.                    5-30-35                  24261
       Cash, Lawrance                     9- 7-12                  21873
       Cass, Ansh Beatrice                4-15-33                  18807
       Catts, William Howe                2-24-23                  5454
       Chapman, Clarence                 10-31-15                  22352
       Chapman, George                    3- 3-15                  5857
       Chapman, John C.                   1-3-29                   4441
       Chapman, Julia Ann                 8-11-19                  24451
       Chapman, Loyd C.                   8-11-19                  13444
       Chapman, Ruby May                 12-11-21                  34154
       Check, Claudia                     8-2-20                   26043
       Check, Jimmie                      5-7-33                   23618
       Cheek, Leona                      10-14-21                  29539
       Cheek, Myrtle                     12-20-18                  56810
       Cherry, Franklin Meriman           3-23-36                  18189
       Cherry, James C.                  12-13-32                  52962
       Cherry, Joseph H.                  2-7-28                   7298
       Cherry, Leon Douglass              3-10-32                  14685
       Cherry, Lillian                    5-25-31                  24722
       Cherry, Lucendy Mchelen            2-3-18                   7901
       Cherry, Mary Jane                  1-21-16                  1830
       Cherry, Mary Ruth                  1-17-21                  1901
       Christian, Bettie                  5-28-13                  10879
       Clement S. S.                      4-10-26                  14777
       Cleveland, G. W.                   4-1-14                   8223
       Cleveland, Larkin C.              11-22-21                  31214
       Cleveland, Louis                   5-24-33                  23619
       Cleveland, Myrl                   12-17-16                  28281
       Cleveland, Will W.                10-31-14                  20763
       Clonch, Ruth Winona               10-19-18                  41851
       Cloyd, Mards D                    11-2-12                   24524
       Cochran, Asonith                   4-27-12                  1059O
       Cochran, L. N.                     3-18-12                  7712
       Cochran, Robert Mitchell           3-22-32                  12402
       Cogdell, B. H., Inf. of            1-17-16                  1826
       Cogdell, Jefferson M.              7-27-25                  26212
       Cogdell, J. A.                     6-11-33                  26233
       Cogdell, Lucy Norfleet             6-5-24                   20194
       Cogdell, T. S.                     7-23-20                  23075
       Cogdell, Wayne                     5-18-36                  26464
       Cogdill, Clifford                 10-3-22                   29109
       Cogdill, F. P., Tnf. of            4-19-14                  8229
       Cogdill, Homer Lee                11-27-15                  24740
       Cogdill, S. A. M.                  7-1-21                   19913
       Coliier, Mary Roena                7-16-35                  37890           
       Collins, Andrew Jackson            1-28-22                  1963
       Coll.ins, James Elers              1-8-38                   3082
       Csllins, W, T.                     3-8-33                   13882
       Collins, William Oliver            3-26-18                  12567
       Cook, I. J.                        1-17-18                  2863
       Cook, J. Matt                     12-3-37                   61154
       Cook, Rastus T.                    2-20-31                  8621
       Cooper, Bessie May                 8-31-13                  17857
       Corcoran, Fey Auline               1-30-36                  3194
       Cotten, A. J.                      2-27-34                  8250
       Cotten, Doyle Wesley               10-7-37                  50973
       Cotten, J. L.                      6-23-36                  71594
       Cotten, Mary K.                   10-19-19                  29815

          Compiied by Talmage Hawthorne                             

       Cottcn, Bertha L                   5-29-38                   27778
       Cotton, Novel Lee                  6-25-20                   20066
       Cox, C. H.                         12-8-11                   56808
       Crews, Nannie                      1-22-13                   7030
       Crockett Anna Maria                2-5-35                    8477
       Crockett Harold Ashley            11-12-16                   25771
       Cross, Anah Beatrice               4-15-33                   18807
       Cross, Annie                      10-22-16                   23574
       Cruce, Ina Estell                  5-5-18                    21337
       Cruce, Oscar                       1-15-10                   4957
       Cruce, Willaim J.                  9-24-39                   42612
       Crum, Elvira Elizabeth             6-17-10                   4955
       Crum, Thomas C.                    7-31-39                   33787
       Crum, William Riley                7-3-13                    15754
       Culberhouse, J. C. Mrs.           10-3-38                    46391
       Cummings, Edna Earl               11-21-30                   53832
       Cummings, Joseph Henry            11-5-29                    54405
       Curl, Leroy                       11-28-25                   39999
       Curl, Max                         10-20-25                   36475
       Curl, H. M.                        4-17-21                   11185