Hood County Death Records 1903 – 1940 L – M

    The following records were scanned by computer from issues of The 
Hood County Genealogical Society's Newsletter.  This data may contain 
scanning and OCR introduced errors.  If you find entries that contain 
suspicious spellings or dates you may request a photo copy of original 
Newsletter Record.
    These certificates may be ordered from the Office of Vital Statistics,
1100 W. 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756 Cost; $8.00.

            Abstracted by Dorothy Stewart

                                 L - M

Name                          Death Date               Certificate No.

Lambert, Burr, Inf. of            2-24-17                     5085
Lambert, John B.                  2-18-36                     9213
Lambert, M. M., Mrs              11-11-14                     22692
Lambeth, Acey Lee                12-6-28                      53875
Lanacusleo, Ella Duval           12-13-26                     42513
Lancaster, Judie Stewart          4-4-14                      8314
Landers, C. L. D.                 1-8-25                      2666
Landers, William D,              10-30-16                     41862
Lanham, A. E.                     5-26-19                     16255
Lanham, Abe, Inf. of              7-7-17                      19464
Lanham, Abel                      7-25-?                      12809
Lanham, Laura Bell                1-13-30                     3389
Lania, Julia                      6-3-22                      17812
LaRia, Inf. of                   12-13-14                     24913
Larned, Clyde Zolotia             6-17-20                     20070
Larned, Fredrick S.              11-8-14                      22891
Lashley, Beatrice                 9-27-39                     42613
Lawrence, Lottie                 10-4-20                      32356
Lawson, Marguerette M.            2-11-12                     4649
Laxston, Sarah I.                 1-27-27                     2244

Ledonne, G.W.                       1-23-26                   2308
Lee, Jarmes Crow                    6-11-32                   26232
Lee, Minnie Sabie                  11-28-40                   51091
Lehew, Vernita Loree                4-1-13                    8796
Lester, Bulah Lee Peters           11-8-14                    22693
Lester, John Burkes                12-2-11                    26853
Lester, Lorine                      7-1-19                    21657
Lester, Martha Ann                  7-14-28                   31143
Leva, David, Inf. of                8-24-17                   22471
Lewis, Audrey Pearl                 3-11-16                   7242
Lewis, F. Grundy                   12-13-19                   35676
Lewis, Herbert, Inf. of             7-12-12                   17951
Lewis, S.W., Inf. of                8-24-12                   20054
Lewis, Zachariah                    3-27-16                   7243
Liles, Minnie R.                    1-6-13                    1664
Linthicum, Bobby                    9-5-12                    21874
Linthicum, George Henry             1-7-31                    3314
Linthicum, W.C., Inf. of            10-?-15                   22347
Linton, Effie May                   1-21-14                   1398
Little, Columbus Franklin           5-24-35                   24260
Little, Lucy                        2-7-17                    5086
Little, Wm. H.                     11-10-25                   39997
Locke, George W.                   10-1-33                    46321
Locke, Linnus n.                   10-26-31                   47719
Locke, O.K., Inf. of                2-20-12                   4638
Lockhart, Milton Brown              1-8-35                    3060
Lockhart, Beatrice                  1-18-19                   3022
Loftin, Max Elmer                   6-11-40                   28865
Lolia, Esther                      10-?-16                    23576
Long, J. L. C.                      9-17-23                   2073
Lott, Lucy Ireland                  6-10-18                   25293
Love, Stella                        6-8-15                    13178
Lovelace, James                     8-3-12                    20053
Lowe, Alanse P.                     3-16-26                   10700

McAmic, Cina                       11-18-29                   54399
McBride, Glenn Jerome               7-9-19                    21656
McBride, Tessie Pearl, Krs          3-24-40                   42282
McCallan, Stella                    8-12-15                   18053                                                 V~jl,llrc; a,c: luvĀ·

McCallon, A.B.                      9-24-15                   20145
McCarty, Ralph, Inf. of             2-20-29                   11065
McCarty, William                   10-11-31                   47715
McCloud, Eugine, Mrs.               2-7-40                    9418
McCombs, Earl                       6-2-14                    12705
McCoy, n,II.                        2-20-37                   9613
McCuan, James T.                    2-1-40                    9416
McCuan, Robert Wilch                8-5-31                    39008
McCuan, Jim E.                      2-18-18                   7905
McCuin, Gladys                      9-11-14                   18857
McCuin, Melinda                     4-24-14                    8216

                      Abstracted bu Helen Henderson

McDaniel, Don Alvin                12-30-30                   59018
McDaniel, George E.                12-4-17                    32580
McDaniel, John H.                   2-20-36                   9216
McDonald, J.S.H., Inf. of           6-14-24                   20395
McDonald, Katie Florence            3-13-22                   8651
McDonough, T. J.                    7-23-17                   19466
McElhaney, Thelma May               4-14-19                   13443
McElreath, Eddie                    5-11-21                   14293
McElroy, Sarah                      4-22-34                   18518
McFall. J. W.                       6-6-20                    20068
McGaughey, W. L.                    3-28-12                   7709
McGottes, J. M.                     2-12-40                   9417
McIllroy, Mary Jane Gretchen        2-23-13                   3999
Mcllroy, unknown                    8-31-12                   20056
Wcllroy, P. Y., Mrs.                3-12-34                   13500
Mclnroe, Hazel                     11-8-29                    54398
McInroe, James C.                  12-6-17                    32581
McIntosh, F. A.                     5-3-25                    18550
McKee, M. D.                       12-28-38                   56275
McKinsy, Nelda Ruth                 2-10-37                   9615
McLemare, Jennie                   11-1-18                    50602
McLemore, Edwin Lee                 6-15-22                   17815
McLemore, George Lee A.             2-3-30                    8858
McNutt, Eula Mae                   11-10-36                   55349
McPherson, Ola May                  3-17-15                   5849
McPherson, William Lowery           8-24-13                   17860
McQueen, Nancy                      3-17-31                   13806
McQueen, Sam                       10-13-39                   46828
McWhorter, David Patterson          1-17-13                   1666
McWhorter, J.C.                     4-15-14                   8226
McWhorter, Mary                     5-1-25                    18549
Maddox, William Webster            10-24-40                   46567
Mahan, Sarah Elender               11-7-11                    24523
Mahan, Willei G.                    2-21-21                   4891
Maker, Lucile                       5-22-15                   10635
Maloney, A. A.                     12-10-40                   56073
Maning, William Melton              3-8-13                    6432
Mankin, Rachel                      7-19-15                   5352
Manning, Samuel Sidney              3-25-20                   10873
Manning, Samuel Wesley              3-22-13                    40OO
Maples, Charley, Jr.                6-14-18                    25298
Marrison, Myrite                   10-29-18                    41860
Marro, Lucinda, Mrs.                9-25-40                    42283
Marrs, Edward Newton                3-8-33                     13880
Martin, Imogine                     8-2-35                     31590
Martin, John M.                     2-2-12                     4648
Martin, Lewis Allen                12-5-40                     56072
Martin, Mary Etta                  11-25-32                    47383
Martin, Sallie Jane                 1-8-29                     4440

Martin, Valee Odie           10-19-31                         47716
Martin, William Edgar         5-31-35                         24258
Mason, Annie Lou             11-9-11                          24522
Massey, Uva Bell              1-13-35                         3059
Massey, J. H., Mrs            1-19-33                         3291
Massey, J. W,, Inf. of        1-13-31                         3316
Massey, James Elija           4-2-34                          18522
Massey, John H.               8-12-37                         41846
Massey, N, E., Mrs.           8-29-32                         34979
Massey, Nancy June            3-2-33                          13881
Mathews, Laura Josephine      4-21-19                         13449
Maxwell, Julian               4-22-11                         8699
Mayberry, Charlie Allen      10-27-14                         20760
Mayfield, Amanda Caroline     5-15-31                         24317
Mayfield, Jeff C.             8-12-17                         22472
Mayfield, Larkin              7-21-23                         21600
Mayfield, Louce May           1-2-19                          3028
Mayfield, P. S.               8-3-28                          35801
Mays, Jim, Inf. of            4-4-29                          21471
Meeker, T. R.                11-24-37                         55874
Melton, Mary                  2-28-14                         17037

Merrifield, Mahala Jane         5-5-19                      16253
Merrill, Kate                   5-19-30                     24640
Meyer, Mary Ida                12-7-17                      32579
Meyers, A.L.                    9-24-19                     26941
Middaugh, M.T., Mrs.           12-14-38                     56268
Middleton, Mattie, Mrs.         6-14-11                     13696
Miliam, L.D.                    1-29-19                     3020
Milikien, John M.               5-27-31                     24321
Miller, John Henry              5-1-37                      26904
Miller, John Wesley             3-16-31                     13804
Miller, Lloyd Alton             5-10-40                     71401
Miller, Inf. of Sam            11-3-18                      50601
Miller, T. A., Mrs.             7-11-15                     15653
Miller, W.J.                    9-1-29                      45218
Miller, William                 5-27-13                     10881
Millican, Susien                5-25-16                     12206
Millington, Ira                 8-7-10                      15326
Millington, S.C,               11-18-38                     51125
Mitchel, John                   9-4-11                      20155
Mitchell, T. C.                 8-28-34                     37327
Mitchon, James                  6-7-20                      20071
Molder, Elsa Gipson             4-21-33                     18804
Monroe, Laura Ann               8-11-21                     22854
Moore, Alford Emery             2-18-11                     3786
Moore, Charles R.               8-18-30                     40209
Moore,  Inf. of Ed              7-27-12                     17950
Moore,  Inf. of H.R.            7-5-20                      23082
Moore,  Isaac                  10-17-16                     23575
Moore, James Henry             10-27-36                     50387
Moore, L.P.                    11-17-29                     54400
Moore, Myrl Luecil              2-7-13                      4001
Moore, Nancey Jane              2-16-11                     3785
Moore, Opal                     7-23-21                     19909
Moore, Susie                    1-11-20                     2123
Morgan, Inf. of G,W.            3-27-22                     5653
Morris, Elizabeth A.            1-1-14                      1400
Morris, Inf. of Sid             2-28-16                     4674
Morris, T.L.                    4-9-18                      17084
Morrison, Cora Lee, Mrs.        2-17-12                     4641
Morrison, Oran Andrew           6-2-13                      13460
Morrison, Z.C.                  3-10-30                     14246
Moseley, Henry                  1-3-24                      2121
Mosely. Clem                   11-20-10                     15914
Mugg, Edgar Best                3-25-35                     14057
Murdock, Clealsy Newt           2-13-20                     6593
Murphree, J. B.                 1-3-18                      2858
Musick, Jane                    6-4-16                      16979
Musick, Cecil                  11-30-25                     40000
Musick, Elizabeth Ann           3-13-34                     13499
Musick, Henry                  10-1-28                      44248
Musick, Irain                  11-30-32                     47381
Musick, Laurence Arnold        12-8-31                      56801
Musick, Lavro Maud             10-23-33                     46320
Mynatt, James L.               11-10-31                     52138