“A” BRIDES, Hood County Marriages 1875-1900

GROOM                 BRIDE                DATE BK. / PAGE     By*
SPARKMAN, J. C.        1886 C/125 (323)
WOMACK, D, S.  Abbott(Mrs)M. C.       21July1885 C/079 (341)
SINDER, J. L.  Abbott, Dovie          14Oct.1897 D/294 (012)
HATFIELD, W.H. Abbott, L.G.           10Mar.1885 C/072 (219)
MARTIN, Levi   Abbott, Margaret I     20Ap1.1881 B/160 (021)
ANDERSON, J.L. Abbott, N.J.           9Oct.1876 A/109 ( 1)
SHAW, J. T.    Abbott, S. Kate        18Dec.1889 C/234 (012)
LILES, T. B.   Abbott, V. S.          8May 1895 D/181 (253)
LILLY, W. E.   Abel, Ada Lee          10Jan.1897 D/262(012)
PEARSON, W. A. Abel, Nancy            13Ap1.1875 A/009 (056)
CURL, Walter   Adams, Belle           26June1892 D/052 (051)
LAMB, Charles  Adams, Catherine T,    1July1877 A/192 (037)
WELLS, C. M.   Adams, Eliza           28NOv.1889 C/233 (012)
GALLIHANE, G.  Adams, G.A,            9July1885 C/078 (NR)*'
MATHEWS, Boston Adams, Josie           27Mar.1895 D/178 (029)
CUMMINGS, J. W. Adams, L. T.           18Dec,1887 C/167 (069)
RIDGEWAY,A. H. Adams, M. E.           27June1880 B/089 (102)
KENNON, Thos.  ADams, Melissa         19Aug.1886 C/123 (240)
WILLIAMS, T. B. Adams, Mildred Patra   20Nov.1896 D/251 (012)
YOUNG, T. M.   Addison, Louvenia      30Jan.1896 D/198 (021)
NUNN, J.H.     Adkins, H. A.          29NOv.1877 A/206 (024)
HALL, C.R.     Admire,(?) Rosa        24Jan.1892 D/039(058)
SIMPLER, J. L. Aekin, Missouri        31July1881 B/180 (087)
BRIT, Hubbard  Ake, Jane              17July1878 A/231 (020)
SPANGLER, M. I. Allen, Laura           27Ap1.1891 D/003 (012)
DANIEL, W. B.  Allen, Lou             24July1881 B/177 (012)
THOMASON, E.B. Allen, Peaul           30Jan.1896 D/199 (330)
BRADY, Chas. A. Allgood, M.A.          23Dec.1883 C/025 (037)
ADDISON, G.W.  Allison, Eliza         20Mar,1890 C/246 (14)
MURDOCK, R. F. Allison, Elizabeth     6Dec.1892 D/072 (023)
McCLUNG, George M.     Allison, Linnie 9Aug.1897 D/285 (022)
COONEY, J. H.  Allison, V. R,         24Nov,1892 D/070 (149)
ALLISON,H.L.   Allison,Rebecca        4Jan.1883 B/280 (25)
GARNER, Alexander      Almond, Lizzie  3Dec.1879 B/056 (039)

On your listings for ā€œGā€ Grooms, Hood County Marriages, there is an error.

Garner, Alexander married ATWOOD, Lizzie not ALMOND, 3 Dec 1879     B/056 ( 039 )

These are my Great Grand Parents. Posted 20 August 2007

Herb Kast Herb333@comcast.net
GUTHRIE, J.F.  Alsup, Lettie          3Dec.1892 D/071 (040)
LANE, J, H.    Anders, A. B.          17Aug.1884 C/050 (080)
JEFFRESS, R. P. Anders, Callie         21Mar.1888 C/176 (070)
STEEL, P. J.   Anderson(Mrs) N. J.    2June1887 C/151 (325)
YANTIS, G. R.  Anderson, Birdie       13Aug.1897 D/286 (016)
SHANNON, G. R. Anderson, E. G.        16June1881 B/164 (194)
 HUNTER, J. T. Anderson, Susie        27Aug.1896 D/243 (132)
BAUGH, W.E.    Andrews, C.B.          23Spt.1880 B/1O1 (NR)*'
BIRD, M.D.     Archer, Delitha        12Nov,1893 D/113 (12)
McADOO, Joseph C.      Armstrong, Denlma      3Jan.1878 A/217 (258)
LOWE, Wm. W.   Armstrong, Jennie      26Dec.1889 C/235 (069)
JOHNSON, L. N. Armstrong, Leona       17Jan.1880 B/133 (037)
NORRIS, V. W.  Armstrong, M. A.       20Aug.1899 D/378 (229)
JONES,D. G.    Armstrong, Milie       16Ap1.1896 D/226 (046)
LITTLE, A. J.  Armstrong, Sarah J.    12Dec.1875 A/047 (165)
ADDISON, I.C.  Arnold, Ada            16Mar.1890 C/246 (14)
WILLIAMSON, S. J.      Arnold, F. S.  29Aug.1894 D/147 (094)
STALCUP, W. J. Arrington, Emma        24June1888 C/184 (084)
WILLIAMS, L. J. Arrington, H. L        14Oct.1875 A/039 (169)
RICHARD, Joseph Arrington, Lucretia    7Aug.1895 D/193 (201)
WILLIAMS, J. M. Arrington, Nancy A.    llJan.1877 A/144 ( )
 HUFFSTUTLER, J. H,    Arrington, Sudie       23Dec.1894 D/169 (084)
WHITE, A.P.    Arrinston, Minnie      3July1895 D/186 (316)
GRIFFIN, T.T.  Aston, Belle           19Jan.1895 D/167 (038)
LANE, S. W.    Aterberry, R. L.       12Ap1..1896 D/225 (248)
PATTON, J. E.  Atkins, A. V.          22Oct.1882 B/263 (128)
GREGORY, G.S.  Atkins, Cordia         24Dec.1884 C/066 (128)
LYLE, H. E.    Atkins, E. E.          27 Aug.1876A/108 (002)
McCARTY, E. F. Atkins, L. S.          13June1880 B/084 (024)
COOKE, J. A.   Atkins, Rosalie E.     18Mar.1876 A/088 (020)
GREGORY, W.L.  Atwood, Ella           23Jan.1898 D/312 (208)
JOHNSON, J. H. Atwood, Roxie          28Dec.1891 D/033 (001)
THRASH, R. E.  Austin, Maggie         15May 1892 D/048 (119)
BUSSELL, J.B.  Austin, Mary J.        20Spt.1885 C/087 (001)
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ceremony is listed as "Minister" although he may be a civil official. 
When the Minister ID number is listed as (NR) it indicates that a 
license was issued but there is no record of marriage being performed.