From the O. B. Powell Newspaper Collection
Contributed by James Barrett
[Note: Believed to have been printed in the Granbury Democrat in the Spring of 1905; date and source were not given.]
Two fine horses were stolen from Mr. Geo Walters near this place on Friday of last week. See notice of reward.
Mr. Abe Landers gave us a pleasant surprise yesterday by treating the Vidette corps to a bunch of choice Havanas. Thanks.
MARRIED – At the residence of the bride’s parents, on Wednesday evening, March 5th, by Esquire Sears, Mr. David Strain and Miss Adeline Grundy, all of Granbury.
Stephenville men hire out conveyances to strangers, and then follow them up with ropes and arouse farmers along the route to pursue horse thieves. Such was the case last Thursday.
Messrs. Pitts and Miller have completed one of the neatest jobs of carpenter work in town, considering that the building is entirely of native lumber. J.R. Morris has moved in already.
We have had the pleasure of a visit from Col. John R. Baylor, of Dallas. He is a courteous gentleman, and we spent a pleasant half hour while listening to his old time reminiscences of frontier life in Texas.
AGAIN OPEN – By referring to our advertising columns, the numerous friends of A.P. Gordon will be glad to learn that he has again opened out, this time in a new store and with a fresh line of goods. “Give him a call.”
A nuisance in the shape of a dead cow lies in the rear of the buildings on the east side of the square, which will in a few days compel the inhabitants of the neighborhood to seek pure air, if not removed. Oh! for the incorporation.
We were wrongly informed last week as to the exact name of the man, killed by Indians near Palo Pinto a day or two previous. It was Mr. Jesse Veal, not Mat Veal, who was killed. A subsequent scouting party lost two men, severely wounded, and got no Indians.
Mr. R.P. Robertson and Johnny Reichstetter left on Wednesday for Galveston and New Orleans and intend purchasing “calico and sich like till you can’t rest,” besides a splendid line of other goods. We are not fully posted in regard to the orange blossoms Johnny was talking of, but hope he will bring them along this time.
Geo. O’Brien, the Deputy U.S. Assessor at Waco, sized up an illicit Distillery at Black Foot, in this county, on Wednesday. The parties owning and running the same are estimable citizens of this county, and were totally ignorant of doing wrong, as they claim to have had permission from the Deputy United States Marshal, at this place, to do business.
It took only five men to roll the old law office of Shropshire & Stone to a position on the public square on Thursday, but the big bay nigger who figures in the water business could have dragged it with one hand. [That “big bay nigger” is still here, and officiates at Geo. & Henry Wright’s slaughter pen. – Editor Democrat.]
IMPORTANT TO CATTLE MEN – The Cattle Record and Tally Lit that was stolen from the clerk’s office last summer has been found. Some little boys, while at play, near Stroud’s Creek discovered it hid beneath a shelving rock. The book is in good state of preservation. Cattlemen are notified that they may come up and draw their cattle.