QUERYLL665500@cs.com wrote:I have a 16 X 20 picture of a little girl with a pink dress looking into a mirror. The only writing on it is, “compliments of Smith Wallace Shoe”.
I bought it at an auction sale, I have no idea the date. The Atlanta library gave me what little information I have. They gave me Smith Wallace, Hood County Texas.
I would appreciate in information you could furnish me.
Subject: .Re: Smith Wallace Shoe Co.
Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 06:22:28 -0500
From: Frank Saffarrans <opa@hcnews.com
To: LL665500@cs.com
I checked the Hood County Civil Fee Record ledger, September 1893 – March 1898. Page 147 is the record for Smith Wallace Shoe Company Vs Bush & Morgan, action for debt. The entire page is filled with entries of payment of various fees associated with the case. Apparently the case was in progress in 1894 and 1895. There was also an entry in Jurors Time Book for “Picked up Jurors in Smith Wallace Vs Bush & Morgan, __ November 1894”. No info about the case except the listing of fees paid and time book entry.
I did not find any other references to this shoe company in our records that have been indexed. I have concluded that Smith Wallace Shoe Co. is a retail store, not a manufacturer. I found it interesting that my computer search of Granbury Depot Archive records for “Shoe” turned up several other shoe companies in Hood County in this general time period – Howell Brothers Shoe Company, Brown Shoe Company/Brown & Hamilton Shoe Co., and Peters Shoe Co. In Later time period (1900-1930) there were Noyes & Norman and Battrall Shoe Company. There were probably other stores but they must have managed to avoid paying taxes, being a party to a court case, or their records were lost.
Frank Saffarrans
Hood County Genealogical Society
NOTE:This message also sent to TxHood-L mail list. Do any of you have any Hood County Shoe Company info that you would like to share with us?