Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor


John W. Jones in on the sick list this week.

Mrs. George Tinnin has been quite sick this week.

Mr. S. B. Ferrell returned on Friday from his visit to Missouri.

Miss Lota Gordon, of Bluff Dale, is in the city visiting relatives and friends.

Henry Kerr and lady entertained their little friends Monday night.

Little Miss Ferguson, of Fort Worth, is visiting Mrs. George’s family.

The Hon. Lee Riddle is building a nice residence on E. Bridge.

Rev. J. C. Gaston will preach at the Christian Church next Sunday at 11 o’clock.

Died on Wednesday of last week, Mr. Bennie Morton, at his mother’s residence on College Hill, after a short illness. The bereaved relatives have our sympathy.

Mr. E. Barbee and family returned on Tuesday from their visit to Brown County.

Major Sparks, from Johnson County, was in the city on business this week.

Ralph Bowden is learning the saddle and harness makers’ trade with J. M. Boswell.

Knox Deering rejoices over the advent of a fine girl at his home who arrived last Sunday.

Miss Cora Berry came in last Sunday from Houston for a visit to her Granbury friends.

Mrs. Foster, from the Putnam Ranch, came in on Tuesday for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Fears.

Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Crockett entertained their young friends in a social party last Friday night.

Street Commissioner Duval has a force of men doing street work in the north part of town this week.

Mr. Ed Allard came over from Cleburne on Monday for a visit to relatives and friends in Granbury.

Pat Berry is in this week from Childress County on a visit to his parents, Mr. & Mrs. J.L.A. Berry.

Misses Joe and Carrie Hornby of Fort Worth came in last Friday on a visit to their friend, Miss Daisy Cogdell.

Miss Mattie B. Nutt returned on Saturday from Erath County.

Walter Squyres came in or Sunday’s train from Tecumseh, OK, enroute to Lipan for a visit to his friends.

Mrs. J. R. Hall received a telegram last week announcing the serious illness of her father, Judge Talbot, at Texarkana, and left by first train.

Rev. J. S. Barcus left on Monday for Blum, Hill County, to assist in a series of meetings.

Uncle Jesse Nutt informs us that Revs. Kirby and Airhart of Rockdale, TX, will begin a series of meetings at the Baptist Church on August 2nd.

Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Watkins, Mrs. N. E. Schilling and daughter, Miss Manie, left this week for Burnet and Williamson Counties where they expect to spend the summer.

On Sunday morning last, Mr. A. P. Hightower’s little boy, Clayton, was badly, but is thought not seriously, hurt by a horse falling on him.

We are sorry to learn of the death of Grandma Clark at Thorp Spring last Monday morning. Her remains were buried in cemetery at that place yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock.

Little Eva George, while on the river fishing, last Thursday afternoon, was bitten on the finger by a poison snake, but antidotes were given at once, and she is now all right.

The above newspaper items were extracted from newspaper microfilm by Merle McNeese, Granbury, Texas, and first appeared in Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletters