Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor
County Court. The court met in regular session last Monday, Judge Riddle presiding. The following citizens compose the regular venire for this week:
C. C. Hines | W. J. Johnson |
J. E. Holmes | W. H. Harber |
Newt Gresham | E. C. Edens |
O. C. Milliken | G. W. Fitzhugh |
J. E. Crites | J. C. Archer |
J. T. Wright | D. K. Glenn |
The following cases were disposed of up to noon yesterday.State vs. R. A. Cundy, disturbing the peace; dismissed for want of testimony.State vs. J. O. Lee, aggravated assault; plea of guilt to simple assault and fined $5.00 and costs.In the famous crap shooting cases several entered pleas of guilty and were fined $10.00 and costs, two or three fought the cases and were fined the same amount, several bonds were forfeited, a number of cases were dismissed, and the remainder were continued.
The young people were splendidly entertained at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. L. B. McGaughey on Monday night. An elegant supper was spread and the evening passed in the most enjoyable manner.
Mrs. E. M. Twist of Denver, Colorado, is visiting her parents, Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Duke.
Miss Trixie Green is expected home today from Waco, where she has just completed the course in Hill’s Business College.
Mr. C. T. Ewell has purchased the Fine stock of family groceries and is continuing the business at the same stand.
Miss Birdie Haney left for her home at Dallas on Tuesday, after a stay of sometime in Granbury teaching a class on the guitar and mandolin.
Mrs. J. S. Turner visited her brother, Rev. Emmett Hightower at Dublin last week.
Mr. W. B. Barbee and family have removed to Alvin, where they will make their home in the future.
Mr. A. E. Keith was out on the streets last Monday, for the first time since he was crippled last August.
Mr. B. M. Aston of Buffalo Gap, on his return from a business trip to Ft. Worth, last week, stopped off at Granbury to spend a day with relatives.
Mr. S. A. Rash of Acton, made the printers happy on Tuesday, by calling and subscribing for two copies of The News, one for himself and the other for his brother in Alabama.
Mr. J. S. Liles left yesterday for a visit to the place of his nativity in Newton County, Missouri, having removed from there to Texas when 9 years of age and this is his first visit back.ACTON
Prof. Jacobs boasts a pair of the finest Bershire pigs in the neighborhood. He keeps them in a pen not over 10 ft. square, but it did not cost $250 as did Mr. Floyd’s of Tolar.
Noah Parks went with Mr. Wann to the Territory.
Mrs. Gardner has been quite sick for the past week.
Bill James swapped two pigs for a hound dog not long since. Hogs must be plentiful with Bill.
Acton school March 2: Following is a list of those who are entitled to 100 per cent in deportment:
Annie, Mary, & Mattie Harvey | Katie Little |
Molie Maloney | Henrietta Barrett |
Annie Duckworth | David Gardner |
Etta Bradley | Jim Donathan |
Ida Gee | Jesse Stribling |
Minnie Keith | Sam Smith |
Minnie Tarrant | Bert Tandy |
Alma Powell |
We are glad to note that Mr. W. H. Forrester is improving – thanks to the careful nursing of Chas. Thorp. Our citizens should not let his earnest labor go unrewarded.
Elder Jones, who has been absent sometime, has returned.
Mr. R. Clark spent Sunday in Caddo, Stevens County.
We were made glad by a visit from V. Z. Jarvis of Ft. Worth. “Van” is so full of business now that he seldom comes over; but his visits are always appreciated and enjoyed.
Reprinted from Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletter dated November 1991