Thorp Springs Christian College Yearbook 1920 “The Spring Board” by the Senior Class, volume 2

Aiken, Erris M.Junior, Society, Collegian AthleticsGranbury, TX., Adv. Mgr. Athenaeum, Football, Basketball, BaseballBook II, III,V
Albright, RebahSophomore, SocietyHistorian, Public Speaking, AthenaeumBook II, III
Allen, BessieJunior, Collegian, SocietyMertzon, TX., Music, Voice, Social Ed., AthenaeumBook II, III
Allen, HermanSophomore, Clubs, SocietyPerrin Hall, AthenaeumBook II, III
Baker, MaryFreshman, SocietyAthenaeumBook II, III
Bird, OttieFreshman, SocietyDemosthenianBook II, III
Bishop, BessieSophomore, SocietyCommercial Dept., Music, AthenaeumBook II, III
Bishop, JuliaSophomore, SocietyCommercial Dept., AthenaeumBook II, III
Black, JoannaSophomore, SocietyPublic Speaking, AthenaeumBook II, III
Bupp, MadgeSophomore, SocietyAssistant Secretary, DemosthenianBook II, III
Chambers, Mrs. O.B.StaffMusicBook I
Clark, IlaSocietyPublic Speaking, Music, DemosthenianBook II, III
Cravens, Mattie EllaStaffEnglishBook I
Cravens, WilleneJunior, SocietyWinchell, TX., AthenaeumBook II, III
Crawford, EulaFreshman, SocietySecretary, DemosthenianBook II, III
Currie, BruceJunior, Sergeant-at-arms, Society, AthleticsSentinel, OK., Voice, Commercial Dept., Perrin Hall, Glee Club, Public Speaking, Demosthenian, BasketballBook II, III, V
Curry, Ora MaeSenior, Spring Board, SocietyRock Island, TX., Voice, Asst. Ed., AthenaeumBook II, III
Davidson, DelanaSophomore, SocietyAthenaeumBook II, III
Davidson, GeorgeSophomore, SocietyPerrin Hall, Public Speaking, AthenaeumBook II, III
Davidson, Mary KateFreshman, SocietyTreasurer, AthenaeumBook II, III
Davidson, ThelmaJunior, SocietyGodley, TX., AthenaeumBook II, III
Davis, Sadie JaneJunior, Sec. & Treas., Collegian, SocietyCorpus Christi, TX., Voice, Commercial Dept. Asst. Ed. AthenaeumBook II, III
Eads, Ray AllenSenior,Society, Spring Board, Collegian, AthleticsBarksdale, TX. Perrin Hall, Glee Club, Asst. Ed. Bus. Mgr. Voice, Public Speaking, Athenaeum, BaseballBook II,III,V
Ehrlich, Junius T.Sophomore, Society, AthleticsPresident, Commercial Dept. Glee Club, Athenaeum, BaseballBook II, III, V
Elkins, NaomaSophomore, SocietySecretary, Public Speaking, AthenaeumBook II, III
Ervin, LeslieAthleticsFootball, BaseballBook V
Ervin, ViolaPrepsTreasurerBook II
Eubanks, MaryFreshman, SocietyAthenaeumBook II, III
Evans, KathaleenJunior, SocietyJewett, TX., AthenaeumBook II, III
Forbes, JewelFreshman, Society, PrepsDemosthenian, MusicBook II, III
Foreman, WilfordAthleticsBaseballBook V
Foster, FoySocietyVoice, Glee ClubBook II, III
Foster, JewellFreshman, SocietyAthenaeumBook II, III
Fowler, ByrtlePrepsBook II
Fowler, Thomas G.StaffPrincipal of Public SchoolBook I
Freeman, EunaSocietyAthenaeumBook III
Freeman, MintaSocietyAthenaeum, Music, Public SpeakingBook II, III
Freeman, UnaMusicBook II
Garrett, James O.Dean of CollegeForeign LanguagesBook I
Halton, JackFreshman, SocietyPresident, Perrin Hall, Glee Club, AthenaeumBook II, III
Hammond, Minnie RuthStaffExpression & Painting, Public SpeakingBook I, II
Hayes, AnnaSenior, SocietyThorp Springs, TX., DemosthenianBook II, III
Hayes, IvaPreps, SocietySecretary, DemosthenianBook II, III
High, ThelmaSocietyCommercial Dept., Voice, Athenaeum.Book II, III
Hooper, Katherine A.StaffVoice & Shorthand, Glee Club Inst.Book I, III
Jackson, MarySenior, SocietyLeona, TX., Music, AthenaeumBook II, III
Janes, AdeleSpring BoardAsst. Art EditorBook III
Johnston, ViolaSophomore, SocietyMusic, AthenaeumBook II, III
Jones, AdeleSenior, SocietyJewett, TX., Music, AthenaeumBook II, III
Jones, Golden B.AthleticsDesdemonia, TX, Football, BasketballBook V
Kelley, MaymeSocietyAthenaeum, Music, B.C.A.Book II, III
KindSocietyGlee ClubBook III
King, CarmenSenior, SocietyRector, Ark., Voice, AthenaeumBook II, III
King, HarrisFreshman, SocietyVoice, AthenaeumBook II, III
Lanford, EvaJunior, Collegian, SocietySan Angelo, TX., Ed-in-Chief, AthenaeumBook II, III
Lanier, OscarSenior, Spring Board, SocietySentinel, OK, Perrin Hall, Bus. Mgr. DemosthenianBook II, III
Ledlow, HarveyJunior, SocietyThorp Springs, TX., AthenaeumBook II, III
Ledlow, RobertFreshmanVice President, Commercial Dept.Book II
Ledlow, William F.President of CollegeBook I
LeeClubsPerrin HallBook III
Lee, Virgle P.StaffSocial ScienceBook I
Lemons, Addie LeeStaffDomestic Science & ArtBook I
Leverett, KatherinePrepsMusic, AthenaeumBook II, III
Lewallen, FoyPrepsPresidentBook II
Lewis, Lena R.StaffMathematics & ScienceBook I
Lewis, Mrs. HettyStaffPrimary DepartmentBook I
Lipscomb, AlbertSophomoreClass ProphetBook II
Lookingbill, R. AlvaSophomore, AthleticsPort, OK., Glee Club, Voice, Football, Basketball, BaseballBook II, III, V
Lovelace, LucySocietyDemosthenian, Public SpeakingBook II, III
Loveless, HazelSophomore,Music, AthenaeumBook II, III
Maloney, BobCommercial Dept.Book II
Malony, Marvin S.AthleticsGranbury, Tx., Football, Basketball, BaseballBook V
Marshall, RubyJuniorTeague, TX., AthenaeumBook II, III
MartinSocietyGlee ClubBook III
Martin, DowStaffMathematics & ScienceBook I
McBroom, Alva MoselleSeniorGodley, TX., Public Speaking, DemosthenianBook II, III
McClure, MerleSenior, Spring Board, SocietyCeleste, TX. B.C.A., Athletic Ed., Music, Athenaeum, Most Popular GirlBook II, III, VI
McCordClubsPerrin Hall, Glee ClubBook III
McCord, GarfieldFreshmanHistorian, Voice, Public Speaking, DemosthenianBook II, III
McDougald, RobertSophomorePerrin Hall, Glee Club, Voice, DemosthenianBook II, III
McKinney, OlaFreshman, PrepsPublic Speaking, AthenaeumBook II, III
McLemore, LucilePrepshistorianBook II
Moore, BessiePrepsDemosthenianBook II, III
Moore, SamAthleticsBaseballBook V
Morgan, Grace UleneSenior, Spring Board, Clubs, SocietyGranbury, TX., Secretary, Social EDT., B.C.A., AthenaeumBook II,III
Morris, DonAthleticsFootball, BaseballBook V
Morris, Don H.Senior, Spring Board, Society, AthleticsDeSoto, TX., Vice President, Ed.-in-Chief, Voice, Athenaeum, Glee Club, Perrin Hall, Football, BaseballBook II, III, V
Mr. McBrideFreshmanClass PoetBook II
Mullens, CecilAthleticsBaseballBook V
Mullens, IvaPreps, SocietyDemosthenianBook II, III
Murdock, HermanPrepsBook II
Nash, EloineSenior, SocietyLeona, TX, Athenaeum.Book II, III
NemanSocietyGlee ClubBook III
Newman, John S.StaffBibleBook I
Overton, JesseJunior, SocietyThorp Springs, TX., DemosthenianBook II, III
Overton, RichardJunior, SocietyThorp Springs, TX., DemosthenianBook II, III
Pair, DoyleSophomore, Society, AthleticsPerrin Hall, Glee Club, Demosthenian, BaseballBook II, III, V
Petty, Minnie EthelFreshman, SocietyMusic, AntenaeumBook II, III
Randolph, OnaStaffLibrarianBook I
Relf, Willie MaudeJunior, SocietyChilton, TX., AthenaeumBook II, III
Roach, Arlie BSenior, Athletics, Spring Board, SocietyBradwell, TX., Perrin Hall, Athletic Ed., Athenaeum, Football, BaseballBook II, III, V
Roberts, Arthur L.Junior, Society, AthleticsThorp Springs, TX., Athenaeum, Football, BasketballBook II, III, V
Roberts, FredPrepsBook II
Roberts, GladysJunior, SocietyThorp Springs, TX., DemosthenianBook II, III
Roberts, Ida MaePrepsBook II
Roberts, NeilSophomore, Society,Music, Public Speaking, AthenaeumBook II, III
Roberts, OlaFreshmanAssistant SecretaryBook II
Rowland, EffieJunior, SocietyThorp Springs, TX., DemosthenianBook II, III
Rowland, LoraFreshman, SocietyDemosthenianBook II, III
Schneider, LeoJunior, SocietyMart, TX., Perrin Hall, AthenaeumBook II, III
Scruggs, GuyJunior, Society, AthleticsDeSoto, TX., President, Perrin Hall, Athenaeum, Football, Basketball, Baseball, Most Popular BoyBook II, III, VI, V
Sears, PerrySophomore, Athletics, SocietyCommercial Dept. Athenaeum, FootballBook II, III, V
Sherman, Anna BelleSophomore, SocietyCommercial Dept., Public Speaking, AthenaeumBook II, III
Smart, AubreySenior, Spring Board, Society, AthleticsWalnut Springs, TX. President, Perrin Hall, Asst. Bus. Mgr., Public Speaking, Athenaeum, Football, BaseballBook II, III, V
Smart, Cecil EugeneSeniorWalnut Springs, TX.Book II
Smart, EugeneSociety, Athletics, Spring BoardWalnut Springs, Athenaeum, Perrin Hall, Art Ed., Football, Basketball, BaseballBook II, III, V
Spruiell, Lona BelleSenior, SocietyJewett, TX., Music, AthenaeumBook II, III
Spruiell, MargueriteSocietyAthenaeum, MusicBook II, III
Stewart, RuthSophomore, SocietyDemosthenianBook II, III
Tankersley, ChlorineFreshmanMusicBook II
Thompson, ZehnerSenior, Society, Spring BoardLeona, TX. Athenaeum, Joke Ed.Book II, III
Thomson, RubinsteinJunior, Collegian, SocietyCorpus Christi, TX. Joke, EDT. Public Speaking, AthenaeumBook II, III
Vick, J.O.AthleticsBaseballBook V
Vick, MarySocietyDemosthenian, Public SpeakingBook II, III
Watkins, Chester A.Junior, Society, AthleticsLevita, TX., Perrin Hall, Glee Club, Athenaeum, BasketballBook II, III, V
Weatherford, MaryJunior, SocietyTerrell, TX., Vice President, Voice, B.C.A., AthenaeumBook II, III
Wells, ElmyrtaSophomore, SocietyClass Poet, DemosthenianBook II, III
White, BessieJuniorThorp Springs, TX.Book II
Wilhoit, RichardSophomoreCommercial Dept.Book II
Wilhoit, RosaSophomore, SocietyAthenaeumBook II, III
Wilhoit, WillardFreshman, Preps, SocietyCommercial Dept., Athenaeum, Public SpeakingBook II, III
Williams, BlanceSophomore, SocietyAthenaeumBook II, III
Williams, BonnieSocietyAthenaeum, Music, Commercial Dept.Book II, III
Wisdom, William J.Staff, Society,Business & Athletic Coach, Glee Club, FootballBook I, III, V
Wooten, AlfredPrepsBook II
Young LottieSocietyAthenaeum, VoiceBook II, III
Young, WillieSocietyAthenaeum, MusicBook II, III
YowellAthleticsFootballBook V

Engravings by Southwestern Engraving Co. Ft. Worth, Texas

Printing by McNitzky Printing Co. Denton, Texas

Index Compiled by:
Janet Stephenson