The following cemetery listing was scanned from:
Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletter No. 20; November 1988
Editor: Merle McNeese

A list of people buried in Brooks Cemetery located in Hood County near Paluxy, Texas about a mile or so off the Glen Rose and Paluxy Road. It is east of Paluxy on the old Brooks place. Compiled by Maggie Parker Davis in 1969. Additions were put in later.

J.M. Underwood                       W.P. Underwood
Aug. 30, 1829                        Nov. 27, 1858
Jan. 15, 1886                        Dec. 16, 1938
M.A. Underwood                       Jacob .J. Underwood
July 26, 1844                        Mar. 6, 1827
Jan. 14, 1896                        Aug. 5, 1904
Nancy, wife of                       Mary E. Underwood,
J.P. Heavens                         wife of J. J. Underwood
May 18, 1815                         Dec. 9, 1827
Apr. 20, 1886                        Aug. 31, 1902
J. P. Heavens                        Baby Sanderson
Feb. 11, 1816                        Mar. 28, 1971
Sept. 1, 1883                        Mar. 29, 1931
Eppie Daughter of                    Alden Sanderson
C.B. & E. Harris                     Mar 28, 1926
July 15, 1876                        July 19,1947      
Oct. 16, 1898                        Son of J.B. and
                                     Lorene Sanderson
Lydia W. Daughter of                 Elmer D. Alseys
L.M. $ M.J. Porter                   Sept, 29, 1883
Sept. 15, 1861                       Oct. 3, 1956
Aug. 21?, 1867
Josie Toms                           J. W. Nicholson
Sept. 12 1877                        1859 - 1926
Oct. 26, 1878
John A. Underwood                    W.L. Kimbell, Jr., Son of
Nov. 7, 1849                         W.L. and Bulah Kimbell
Dec. 5, 1938                         May 28, 1936
Emmett A. Underwood                  Eliza J.
1900 - 1969                          Wife of F. A. Tandy
Son J.P. & George A.                 Sept. 29, 1864
                                     Jan. 8, 1884
George Ann Wife of                   Lizzie M. Daughter of
John A. Underwood                    F.A. & M.J. Tandy
June 9, 1857                         Mar. 17, 1875
May 8, 1947                          Aug. 1, 1887
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Templeton Son of                     Annie Meek
J.A. & G.A. Underwood                Dec. 10, 1818
Jan 28, 1888                         Aug. 5, 1885
Sept, 21, 1893
John Meek  (See Note 2.0)            Infant son of
Nov. 27, 1805                        W.D. & J. Stanford
Jan. 10, 1882                        Apr. 2, 1883
                                     Apr. 3, 1883
Kossuth Son of                       Infant son of
C.J. & N.L. Meek                     Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Miller
Nov. 23 1878                         Jan. 4, 1914
1 yr. 3 mo. old
Emerson M. Son of                    Leonard Steele
W.S. & M.J. Ethridge                 Aug. 1852
July 11, 1872                        Jan. 1938
June, 1881
William W. Son of                    Lousia Steele
W.S. & M.J. Etheridge                Feb. 1845
Mar. 3, 1876                         Aug. 1914
July 10, 1877
E. O. Wife of                        M. J. Wife of
C. C. Meek                           F. A. Tandy
Feb. 8, 1842                         July 24, 1854
July 22, 1877                        April 16, 1878
Benjamin F. Brooks                   James H. Son of
1865 - 1936                          W.M. & M.J. King
                                     Aug. 1, 1881
                                     Feb. 24, 1977 (?)
Mestic Brooks (See Note 1.0)         T. E. Son of
Oct. 8, 1832                         W.M. a M.A. Tandy
Dec. 27. 1883                        Jan. 6, 1855
                                     Nov. 5, 1873
Charlotte (Meek) Bull                Addie Son of
WifE Cf R. V. Bull                   B.S. & E.J. Tandy
Oct. 2, 1850                         Sept. 1875
May 20, 1873                         Oct. 8, 1877
Brooks Wann                          Andreas Erikson
Son Cynthia & Silas Wann             Nov. 1, 1825
Grave unmarked                       July 9, 1884
Cynthia J. Wann                      August J. Son of (?)
June 14, 1864                        Jan. 7, 1872
June 14, 1864 (?)                    July 22, 1883
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Silas M. Wann                       Maria E.Erikson
Dec, 31, 1857                       Oct. 9, 1831
Dec. 13, 1940                       Feb. 16, 1886
B. W. Wann                          Ole M. Finstad
1892-1959                           May 23, 1886
                                    May 25, 1964
Montie Wann                         Vird Finstad
Died Jan 4, 1978                    Mar. 9, 1881
                                    July 19, 1943
Dan Moody Finstad                   John Locke
July 26, 1926                       Oct. 15, 1869
Aug. 17, 1926                       Mcr. 25, 1891
Sarah Jane Locke                    Herman Calvin Locke
1878 - 1890                         Oct. ?5, 1909
                                    Feb. 20, 1912
Susie Locke, wife of L.A.           L. A. Locke
Feb. 10, 1860                       le6o - 1931
May 3, 1958
                                    Rose Lock
Mary Locke                          1888 - 1968
Mar. 3, 1856
Mar. 19, 1954                      
                                    Gordon McRimmon
Wife of                             1964 - 1966
George W. Locke
Feb. 25, 1856                       J. T. Parker
Oct. 2, 1933                        Dec. 29, 1837
                                    June 23, 1900
Rosa Lee (Parker) Miller
Feb. 27, 1906                       Bulah Parker dau. of
ret. 27, 1952                       J.T. & Susannah Parker
                                    Oct. 8, 1872
                                    June 15, 1894
Loula Fay Parker wife of
H.J. Parker
Jan. 2, 1878                        Jefferson sun of J.T.
Dec. 8, 1946                        & Susannah Parker
                                    May 5, 1879
Henry Johnston Parker               Sept. 27, 1885
June 17, 1870
Mar. 15, 1954                       Ida Parker
                                    May 5, 1875
Willie May Parker                   Nov. 6, 1878
May 21,  1916
Dec 27, 1945                        William R. Parker son of
                                    J.T. & Susannah
Susannah C. Parker wife of          July 5, 1878
J. T. Parker                        
May 21, 1846                        Infant twins of
Apr. 22, 1925                        H.J. and Loula Parker
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Infant of                          Jean Monroe Parker, son
H.J. amd Loula Parker              H.J. & Loula Parker
                                   Sept. 23, 1922
Infant of                          Nov. 16, 1969
H. J. and Loula Parker
                                   Mrs. Elizabeth Walquist
Infant of                          1879 - 1968
H. J. and Loula Parker             (Sister of Loula Parker)
Daughter of                        Edward Walquist
Tom & Rosa Parker                  (Husband of Elizabeth)
Mack Parker
Jan. 28, 1887
Sept. 18, 1973

The Brooks Cemetery reading was contributed by Dorothy Leach of Glen Rose Texas, together with copies of “Guide to Somervell County Cemeteries” prepared by the Somervell County Historical Commission, 1987. The Guide includes a very clear map which locates 26 cemeteries, four of which are nearby in Hood County, namely, Mitchell Bend, Barnard, Nubbin Ridge, and Brooks. Anyone needing a copy of this guide may request one from the Somervell County Historical Commission, P.O. Box 1174. Glen Rose, TX 76043. A copy of the Guide has been placed in the vertical files of the Hood County Public Library and in Hood County Archives at the Granbury Depot.


Note 1.0

  I was searching through the Brooks Cemetery list on your web site for what seems like the 100th time in the past seven years; however, on this one occasion I was scrutinizing each name carefully when I noticed a misspelling of my ancestor’s name. 

In the list, there appears a name of “Mestic” Brooks.  That name should correctly read Heustice Brooks.  The cemetery is very old, and I’m sure the tombstones are getting difficult to read, especially after there was some vandalism there a few years back. 

As a family genealogist, I would certainly appreciate your making this correction to your records.  It might help others who are searching years from now.

Leah Sessum
ggg-daughter of Heustice Brooks


Note 2.0

From: JanetLSaltsgiver
Date: Mar 30 2006 – 12:18am

Dear Virginia:

In looking at Brooks Cemetery listing, I noticed an error in Grandpa John Meek’s death date. He died January 11, 1902, according to a diary entry made by Mary Cowan Williams, daughter of Isaac Cowan.

I quote what she wrote:

January 11, 1902
Grandpa Meek died at 2 o’clock in the morning.

January 12, 1902
Went to Grandpa Meek’s burying.

Also, I noticed that Huestice Brooks’ name was misspelled. It should be Huestice instead of Meutic.

Thank you for making the corrections.

Kind Regards,

Janet L. Saltsgiver