Herring Cemetery

The following cemetery listing was scanned from:
Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletter No. 19; August 1988
Editor: Merle McNeese

Herring family burial site for generations. First grave was the mother of S. C. Herring in November, 1880.

Driving instructions to the cemetery from Granbury: Leave Granbury town square on North Houston Street. Travel 3.5 miles on Highway #4 to Thorp Spring. Turn right onto Highway #2580 and proceed for 3.5 miles to the entrance or Arrowhead Shores. Turn right into second gateway with the name in the stone markers. Inside the area of Arrow- head Shores turn left and drive to swimming pool. Turn right an Park Street. Take first left onto Highland Drive. Follow that to Highland Circle. Turn right and continue to the cemetery gate. You will have driven approximately .5 mile within Arrowhead Shores. Highland is a very winding street. There are mobile homes that will hide the cemetery from your view; so look carefully!

In August, 1988, we found 63 groves that were marked and could be identified. There are at least twelve or more with fieldstone markers, but there is no inscription visible.

Merle McNeese & Mary Kate Durham


NAME                           DATES

ARMSTRONG, Baby                1941      1941

ARMSTRONG, Herman J.            5-01-1898   5-27-1953

BLEVINS, Adaline                1-27-1855   5-05-1949

BLEVINS, John Ira               2-12-1881   9-16-1964
BLEVINS, Mary Ann Pointer       5-20-1829
        Wife of Squire Blevins
BLEVINS, Ralph E.               7-11-1909
     Married Willie E.(Eleanor) 1-30-1927

BLEVINS, Richard                5-07-1830   8-14-1897
     Co. K 15 Texas Cav CSA
BLEVINS, Richard                4-15-1849   2-09-1929

BLEVINS, Squire                 2-04-1814   1-15-1883
BLEVINS, Willie E.(Eleanor)     5-14-1911   1-12-1987
BROCKMAN, Kelley Lynn           4-29-1967   7-09-1987
CRAWFORD, John W.               8-14-1883   7-20-1956

CRAWFORD, Joyce Jean            1-28-1921
CRAWFORD, Mildred Faye          9-20-1919   9-04-1946
CRAWFORD, Sarah Marrs           1-17-1891   11-28-1974
CRAWFORD, Wade McDonald         6-15-1917
GUILBAULT, Edna Herring         8-16-1900

GUILES, Early A,                4-23-1885   12-31-1890
        Son of J.B. & P.A.
HERRING, Elisha                 9-15-1798    4-16-1881
  (Fieldstone headstone - marker added later)
HERRING, Frances Ellen          7-07-1871    5-27-1939
HERRING, Joel                   7-30-1862    1-04-1892
HERRING, L. Ethel               3-08-1898    9-19-1978

HERRING, Lavina                 9-01-1794    11-27-1880

      First Burial In Herring Cemetery
    (Fieldstone headstone - marker added later)

HERRING, Lucinda                3-11-1850 1  2-08-1884
         Wife of S.G.
  (Fieldstone headstone - marker added later)
HERRING, Stephen G.             11-01-1825   11-29-1909
  PVT Co K 17 Regt Miss Inf CSA

LEWIS, J. D.                    7-16-1924    12-24-1986
       S.Sgt U S Army WW II

LINTHICUM, Billy Ray                4-04-1951 12-23-1979
         "A loving son

LINTHICUM, Buster B.                11-02-1905 4-01-1976
   Father of Clifton, Bruce & Billy
LINTHICUM, J. B.                    3-24-1870    3-30-1957
LINTHICUM, Mrs. Sarah Ann           11-02-1867   5-02-1942
MARRS, Bertha Jo                  1940
MARRS, Charles Warren                2-15-1875   5-19-1956

MARRS, Clifford Ray             1939     1983
    Children or Clifford & Bertha Jo

          Danny Joe
          Debra Dianne
          Rory Ray
          Fonda Christine
          Laura Dalene

MARRS, Edward N.              6-23-1881 3-08-1933

MARRS, Effie May              9-07-1893 11-26-1904
         Dau of W.M. & L.J.

MARRS, Felix Lloyd            6-10-1915 10-19-1975

MARRS, Florence                 10-22-1888 10-11-1918
        Wife of J. H. Marrs

MARRS, infant                   11-22-1908 11-22-08
        Son of J.H. & N.F.

MAKRS, James H.                 11-27-1876 4-03-1964

MARRS, Lola                      5-25-1889 1-22-1969

MARRS, Lucinda Jane              2-13-1848 9-25-1940
     "A tender mother and a faithful friend"

MARRS, Mary Belie Selvidge       4-13-1870   3-14-1958

MARRS Myrtle A.                  1-26-1889   11-07-1921
MARRS, Robert Stephen            1-01-1905 6-04-1987
        SEA 1 U S Navy
MARRS, Sally Belie               8-19-1909 12-16-1984

MARRS, Thelma A.                 1-07-1900 4-29-1958

MARRS, W. M.                     3-15-1842 11-03-1908

      "No pain, no grief, no anxious fear
      Can reach the peaceful sleeper here."

MEXICAN, Infant Leonard Farm worker's child buried
             during Great Depression.

ROGERS, Flordia Ader             9-20-1890 5-04-1968

RODGERS, Roland                  1-02-1917

RODGERS, Ruth                    7-18-1916

RODGERS, Willie R.               3-16-1887 5-16-1962

SHEA, Ray                   1960     1960

SOSEBEE, DeForrest               10-02-1907  4-15-1977

STONE, Arthur J.                 6-06-1882   9-20-1959

STONE, Francis                   5-13-1915   3-23-1961

STONE, Julia Ann                 9-20-1886 12-18-1935
         Wife of A.J. Stone

THOMAS, Colette Bird             11-13-1920
     Wife of Marion E. Thomas Born 1-04-1915
     Mother of Mackye         Born 3-08-1943
     Great-granddaughter of S.G. Herring

TRIMMERS, Mary Kathleen          3-18-1911 6-07-1977
        Mother of Five
WILHOIT, M. A. (Andy)            12-25-1872 8-04-1951

WILHOIT, Viola                 12-21-1876 5-23-1959

WILLLS, Emma Tennie            11-27-1872 3-17-1969
WILLIS, William Riley          7-02-1882 12-08-1946