WILLIAM E. JACKSON 1850 – 1932

From Texas Under Many Flags – Published in 1930

Transcribed by Margaret McCleskey

William E. Jackson has been a Texan for sixty years, and for more than half a century has been a resident of Hood County, where he has enjoyed the success of a substantial farmer and the reputation of a public spirited citizen.

He was born in Arkansas, January 4, 1850, and was eighteen years old when he arrived in Texas, August 1, 1868. His father, Charles C. Jackson, was born in Tennessee, served through the Civil war in the Confederate Army, and followed the business of farming and live stock dealing. He died at Baird City, Callahan County, Texas, February 12, 1908. Charles C. Jackson married Sally Lewis whose father was a native of Tennessee and a farmer and slave owner. Sally Lewis was born in Mississippi, in 1831, and died June 25, 1908. She was the mother of eight children, four sons and four daughters, and besides William E. the only other one now living is Bernice, wife of Earl Hart, a farmer and rancher in Callahan County, and mother of two children.

William E. Jackson acquired his early education in Arkansas and was married the same year he came to Texas. He first located in Hunt County, where he rented land, and in 1874 moved to Hood County, buying a tract of railroad land. Part of this farm extended over into Johnson County. In this one locality he has been identified with farming and stock raising ever since, more than half a century, and his steadfast application, industry and good judgment have enabled him to provide well for his growing family and set aside enough for all his reasonable needs. Mr. Jackson’s farm comprises 320 acres. He is affiliated with Lodge No. 392 of the Masonic Order at Granbury and is active in the Methodist Church.

He married in Arkansas in August, 1868, Miss Lucy C. Butler, who was born in that state April 19, 1846. Her father, Zachary Butler, was a native of Arkansas, a farmer, and died February 15, 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson had a family of six children. The daughter Emirintha, born September 23, 1870, is the mother of four sons and two daughters, her husband being W.C. Woodard, a farmer and merchant at Fort Worth. Rosette Lee, born in 1874, married Dan Moss, a farmer and stock man, and both are now deceased, leaving one child. Samuel Edman Jackson, born April 30, 1876, died March 13, 1920, a farmer in Hood County. He married Addie Renfro, who still occupies the old farm. William Albert Jackson, born September 20, 1879, a Hood County farmer, married Effie Anderson and has one child, George Baker Jackson, born February 6, 1881, a traveling salesman with home at Fort Worth, married Sally Kelly and has two children. Robert Earl Jackson, born July 26, 1885, has had a successful career as an educator, and principal of a school at Denton, Texas. He is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, and by his marriage to Ida May Hall has two children.

William E. Jackson was born January 4, 1850 and died June 10, 1932. He was buried in the Cresson Cemetery next to his wife and two of his sons.


Texas Under Many Flags, Volume III. Clarence R. Wharton, Author & Editor. 1930: The American Historical Society, Inc., Chicago and New York.