Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor


Last Sunday at 11 o’clock Bro. E.P. Newsom of Granbury preached an eloquent sermon.

Mr. Nutt and sister and Miss Flora Hopping, of your town, paid us a pleasant call Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. Kelley, Lay, Love and Snider, Misses Abbott and Dobbs of Rucker’s Creek, and Mr. Shirley of Weatherford, were with us Sunday.

G.W. Scott of Dublin is visiting relatives and old friends in our midst.

Miss Jennie Wells of Thorp Spring was visiting in the Valley last week.

Mrs. McKenzie of Weatherford is on a visit to her parents this week.


Mrs. Nesbitt has been unwell this week.

Miss May Miller’s school in Parker County, closed last Friday. We gladly welcome her back to Add-Ran.

At the close of the third term, the Univeristy is losing a number of valuable students, among them, Messrs. Moodie, Charles King, Metcalf, Sterling Taylor, C.B. Rider, Guy Rice, Robert Caldwell, Misses Roxanna Wood, Ollie Foster, and Maggie Brooks.

Miss Ella Bush is visiting at home, Allen, Texas, this week.

Misses Burr, Daniels, and Lou Ella Clark attended as delegates the Second Annual Convention of the YWCA in Fort Worth.


Dr. Holt and lady and Mrs. L.F. Gordon are visiting relatives in Granbury.

Mr. Kight is adding some valuable improvements to his neat residence in the way of windmill fixtures, storm house, etc.

Mr. P. Ballentine and family of Altus, Ark., are visiting his brother, R.M. Ballentine of this place.


John Lilly was over from the prairie to visit his brother last week.

Mr. Jackson has had some improvements made on his farm.

Charley Bird has quit the use of tobacco since he has to sing lullabies to a new girl at his house.

William Porter went to Cleburne last week to see his son.

Rev. Charles Morton preached a good sermon last Sunday at 11, and Rev. Will Hutson at night.


Deputy Lon Morris has been in our community issuing invitations to several of our citizens to visit the Capitol of Hood Co. during District Court.

Reprinted from Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletter dated Nov. 1992