Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor
The following cases were disposed of in the District Court up to noon yesterday:
- State vs W. M. Stephens, theft of horse; guilty and given five years in the pen.
- State vs Claude Hilbun, burglary; guilty and given two years in the state reformatory.
- State vs Horton Adams, theft of horse; guilty and given five years in the pen.
- State vs Wilmer Connor, burglary; plea of guilty and given two years in the reformatory.
- State vs Robert Keith (col.), burglary; guilty and given two years in the reformatory.
- State vs Ernest Rucker (col.), burglary; dismissed.
- State vs Charles Rucker (col.), burglary; dismissed.
- State vs M. V. Johns, horse theft; plea of guilty and given five years in pen.
- J. E. Crites vs J. B. Hastings et al., for debt and foreclosure of deed of trust; dismissed on motion of plaintiff at his cost.
- State vs Albert Helsley, burglary; on trial.
G. W. White has purchased Mrs. Kellenberg’s residence and improvements, moving same on his own lots where he is arranging for a nice home.
Miss Quinn from Georgia, niece of E. K. Wilson, is here to take charge of a music class.
Prof. Crank is now teaching a subscription school, and the children all seem to like him.
Uncle Jim Elam wants to buy yearlings, but says they are a scarce article.
Abijah Long, from Alvin, was in our midst last week and gives a glowing account of that country.
The young folks had quite a nice hop last night at the residence Mr. J. S. Adams.
Mr. C. P. Perkinson and wife have departed for the territory where he will take charge of a station on the Rock Island.
John Tandy paid us a brief visit last Sunday.
Lum Green has a fresh stock of groceries and says his trade is improving all the time.
Baker & Doyle seem to be doing a nice dry goods business.
Young Dr. R. H. Ryburn had a patient yesterday – a little boy with the tooth ache.PALUXY NEWS
The young people enjoyed a nice singing at Mr. Ethridge’s last Sunday night.
Rev. Steele preached here last Sunday at 3 pm.
Miss Bettie Clark, “our school teacher,” was in your city last Saturday.
The writer and Charley Taylor attended the Sunday School and preaching at Marvin Chapel last Sunday.
Walter Brooks says Dee Brown and Early Long are graceful riders.
Rev. Long moved his family to our village last Thursday.
The infant child of Mr. & Mrs. Milliken is quite sick at this writing.
Grandma Clements was on the sick list last week, but is up at present.
Ossie Fears of Plains, Texas passed through last Wednesday en route to Mr. Foster’s Put Ranch.
Professor Mugg’s school closed last Friday.
Lee Rippetoe is exercising his muscles on the farm awhile now, but comes in on Saturday to see his girl.
Allen Carlile spent Saturday night and Sunday with his uncle, A. P. Clements.
Willie Lee is chief clerk at Mr. Hurn’s while the latter is attending court in your city.
Mrs. Allen and friends, of Olive Branch, visited the family of Dr. McFail last Saturday night and Sunday.
Miss Sallie Wicks of Weatherford is visiting Miss Dora Cook.
W. A. Parker is back from Parker County.
We are sorry to chronicle the death of W. J. Bowers at his home near Asbury Church last week. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his death
S. O. Love is happy over the arrival of a son. We understand he has named him Grover ClevelandTHORP SPRING ITEMS
Mr. Brock and family have lately moved into the dwelling near the store.
Mrs. James Jarrott, wife of city attorney Jarrott of Stephenville, is visiting at Mrs. Tommie Clark’s this week.
Mr. T. M. Clark spent a few days with his family here this week.
Mr. John Jacobs has sold his property here to C. L. Heath of Cleburne, and will move to that place.
Dr. Bowen, his sons Willie and John, and daughter, Annie, from Parker County, spent a short time here with friends and relatives.
The above newspaper items were extracted from newspaper microfilm by Merle McNeese, Granbury, Texas, and first appeared in Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletters