Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor


Mrs. Giles has been on he sick list but is now up.

Grandma Clements is visiting her son-in-law, Mr. Carlisle, this week.

Messrs. Gardner, Hale, Hurn, Iles, Tarrant and others visited your town last week.

Mrs. Petty, aunt to Tom Petty, from Missouri, has been visiting here for a few days.

Mr. Davis of Waco, is visiting his cousin, Willie Lee.

Following is the program for our Sunday School picnic:

Welcome, A. P. Clements;
Song, Misses Leota Woodburn, May Roach, and Messrs. Tarrant, Lee, and Rippetoe;
Prayer, Rev. Long;
Recitation, Kittie Sligar;
Essay, Miss Fletcher Doss;
Declamation, Hite Rippetoe;
Address, John Milliken;
Essay, Miss Birdie Drake;
Song, Mrs. Gafford, Messrs. Rice, Hurn, Robinson and Vandergriff;
“The good derived from Sunday Schools,” Messrs. Roach, Petty, McKenzie and E. T. Woodburn;
“Best method to promote cause of Sunday Schools,” Messrs. Yates, Ator, Beavers, and Dave Patterson;
Declamation, Chas. Woodburn;
Essay, Miss Florence Foster;
Essay, Miss Leota Woodburn;
Other subjects by George Tarrant, J. D. Sligar, C. F. Whorton, and T. D. Stell.

Mr. Bonnie Ator and Miss Annie Giles were married at the residence of the bride’s mother yesterday evening, Rev. Long officiating. Miss Giles is one of Lipan’s fair daughters; Mr. Ator came here from Arkansas a few months ago and has made many friends here, all of whom join us in extending to the young couple congratulations.


Lige Crites came in on Sunday from a visit to Oklahoma.

Col. Cooper went down to Glen Rose Monday on legal business.

Mrs. M. M. Smith of Duffau, is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Neely, who has been confined to her bed for the past five years.

Mr. J. L. Caraway is being talked of as a suitable man for flotorial representative from this District. No better man could be selected.

J. M. Boswell sold two of his fine Jersey cows last week to Jack Dabney of Cleburne, taking in a good span of horses in the trade.

J. M. Holcroft, from Longview, watchmaker and jeweler, has located in Granbury and has his shop in the P.O. building.

Dr. J. R. Lancaster is attending the meeting of the district board of medical examiners at Stephenville.

Mr. P. H. Dawson left last Saturday for Alvin where he will probably locate.


I. A. Stewart left on yesterday for Alvin, TX, accompanying W.O. Cameron from Weatherford, and others from Cleburne.

R. P. Barker will probably have electric lights in his gin house this fall, thus enabling him to keep up with his work.

Little Robert Wright was run over by a team, while the little fellow was crossing the street, bruising him badly, but not seriously.

Mr. R. J. Sikes, an aged Texan, is yet very low and his recovery doubtful. The citizens of Cresson are attending his bedside faithfully.

Messrs. Shirley, Fidler, Barker, Freeland and others made a general delivery of yearlings here last week to a northern man, whose name we failed to learn.


Miss Bettie Clark, our teacher, left for her home at Fowler last Saturday.

Rev. Lee Clark preached here last week.

Grandpa Huckaby was very sick last Friday night but is improving now.

The above newspaper items were extracted from newspaper microfilm by Merle McNeese, Granbury, Texas, and first appeared in Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletters