Hopewell Cemetery Sommervell County

Contributed By: Mary Kate Durham

Photos by Frank Saffarrans

The following family biographical note was scanned from:
Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletter No. 22; May 1989
Editor: Merle McNeese

Sommervell County, Texas

To travel to this little cemetery from Granbury, start counting mileage at the intersection of W. Pearl Street and Morgan Street. After 10.6 miles south on Highway #144, Sommervell County Road #502 will be on the west (right) side of the road. Turn right and proceed for 1.1 miles to a gravel road on the right. Follow this road to the north for .5 mile to the cemetery.

Vircy Macatee, Merle McNeese, and I visited here in April, 1989. We found the cemetery to be near Squaw Creek Reservoir for the Comanche Peak Steam Generating Plant. When the surrounding property was fenced, the little cemetery was left an the outside, so there is no problem driving to it. It is enclosed by its own fence.

Along with the 55 tombstones we were able to read, there are at least 15 or more graves marked only with field stones. There is no way to identify these.

Mary Kate Durham

HOPEWELL CEMETERY Birth date Death date

CALDWELL, Lou Emma 10-27-1875 10-11-1945
“Daughter of B.F. & Nancy May”

CALDWELL, Sallie 1868 1884

CHANDLER, Claud 4-06-1876 4-06-1876
“Son of A.H. & J.N. Chandler”

CHANDLER, Cora D. 2-06-1868 4-16-1889
“Daughter of D.J. & J.N. Chandler”

HOPEWELL CEMETERY                    Birth date Death date
CALDWELL, Lou Emma           10-27-1875 10-11-1945
       "Daughter of B.F. & Nancy May"
CALDWELL, Sallie              1868        1884
CHANDLER, Claud              4-06-1876      4-06-1876
        "Son of A.H. & J.N. Chandler"
CHANDLER, Cora D.           2-06-1868       4-16-1889
       "Daughter of D.J. & J.N. Chandler"
CHANDLER, James A.          1-17-1861       10-04-1876
          "Son of D.J. & J.N. Chandler"
CHANDLER, Jessie Thomas      12-22-1899     12-22-1899
CHANDLER, Moses              4-15-1878      4-15-1878
          "Son of A.H. & J.N. Chandler"
CHANDLER, Thomas F.          6-26-1852 11-07-1874
          "Son of M.E. & J.N. Chandler"
GAINES, George Joseph       1-10-1882       7-05-1884
          "Son of R.J. & W.E. Gaines"
GAINES, Leona               8-05-1881       7-30-1882
        "Daughter of R.J. & W.E. Gaines
GATEWOOD, Luther A.          7-15-1888 7-10-1908
          "Son of C.L. & Mollie Gatewood"
GATEWOOD, Ollie May         1-21-1893       3-03-1895
        "Daughter of C.L. & M.S. Gatewood"
GREEN, Gloria Ann            8-20-1938      2-15-1941
GUESS, H. N.              ?                 7-26-1886
            "Age 48 ys 7 ms"
HOLLY, Mercer T. 3-26-1889 8-31-1954
     TEXAS Horseshoer 143 Inf 36 Div WW I
HOLLY, S. Minnie              1893        1967
HOLLY, J. J.                6-30-1848       8-24-1891
LEE, Wyatt H.               6-??-1833       1-1?-1917
LOWE, H. L.                  10-03-1888     9-22-1937
LOWE, James Rebie           5-16-1883       3-08-1897
        "Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Lowe"
MARTIN, Orange                             2-??-1850 4-??-1905
MASON, C.                    11-29-1839     7-29-1897
         "Wife of I.S. Mason"
MASON, Mary ELla            2-19-1877       8-04-1888
        "Daughter of C. & I.S. Mason"
MAY, Amanda                  10-29-1870     11-18-1921
     "She was too good, too gentle and fair
      To dwell in this cold world of care.
MAY, Benjamin F.            4-14-1836       6-16-1911
    ARKANSAS pvt Co G 26 Regt Ark Inf
      Confederate States Army (2 markers)
MAY, Dollie                 4-03-1868 10-15-1913
MAY, Edward Wayne of I.N. & Dolly May"      6-16-1894 2-19-1896
MAY, Issiac Newton          8-18-1861       2-01-1931
        (2 markers)       (1860)
MAY, James Martin           3-31-1831       11-28-1916
       MISSISSIPPI Confederate States Army
MAY, John R.                8-04-1856       1-18-1888
    (6 graves on lot marked only with rocks)
MAY, Nancy                               3-14-1834        4-07-1918
          "Wife of B.F. May"
MAY, Sister                 5-07-1894 2-07-1909
       "Daughter of E.M. & G. May"
MERRILL, Infant             1-28-??1?        ?
       RDaughter of Mr. & Mrs. L.P. & S.A. Merrill"
MERRILL, Infant              no dates
       "Son of Mr. & Mrs. L.P. & S.A. Merrill"
MERRILL, Infant              no dates
       "Son of Mr. & Mrs. L.P. & S.A. Merrill"
MERRILL, Infant              no dates
       "Son of Mr. & Mrs. L.P. & S.A. Merrill"
MERRILL, John Hiner         8-25-1896       4-04-1952
MERRILL, Lemuel Pruitt      12-19-1848      1-01-1909
*C.S.A. 1864-5 Trail Driver 1867-84 Cowman - Sheriff"
MERRILL, Lemuel Pruitt      19-19-1916      4-03-1926
MERRILL, Sarah Antonia Hiner 8-17-1862      3-27-1932
MERRILL, Winnie Cora        11-17-1894
MIDAUGH, Missouri T. Holly    8-13-1857 12-14-1938
MILLION, Euphamy              7-??-1820 5-71-1916
TAYLOR, Elizabeth             9-19-1878
    "Infant dan of J.M .Tay lo r " ( S t one bad ly bro ken)
TRAWEEK, George                   9-30-1884       4-15-1886
        "Son of W.B. & J.V. Traweek"
TRAWEEK, R. C.                      ??         11-15-1888
"Age 61 yr 6 mo               9 days"
WALKER, Jeff                  8-04-1860     2-12-1928
WALKER, Lou                              8-20-1870     1-21-1935
WILLLAMS, Gee. P.             7-29-1835        11-08-1914
WILLIAMS, John I.             2-15-1883       2-03-1915
WILLIAMS, Mrs. Mary Jane      4-22-1855     8-06-1942
WILLIAMS, Mrs. Sallie         4-03-1830     9-28-1896
WLLLIS, Betty Lou             9-13-1913      12-12-1935