The Southside Baptist Church had its beginning at the old Brushy school house some five miles out on the Paluxy Road. The first services were conducted by a young man, Rev. Yates, in May 1945. The church was organized with ten charter members. For a few months they met at the old Round House at the top of the hill near the present church location. Rev. Yates led in the first building program. Rev. Leonard Watkins was the first pastor in the new building. Rev. and Mrs. Park left the church a short time before going as missionaries to the Philippines. Mr. and Mrs. Dan South were leading in the music of the church when they were appointed missionaries to Chile. Total membership reported in 1980 was 455. The very efficient and dearly loved pastor is Rev. L.B. Moss.
SOURCE Paluxy Baptist Association Centennial Story 1880 – 1980 |