District Court Minutes, 2 Aug 1875 – 24 Jun 1875 Book “B – Hood County TX

Transcribed by: Society Members

Compiled by: Mary Hayden

Description of Source: Book 8 x 12.5 inches, no column headings. Titled ” HOOD COUNTY, TX. DISTRICT COURT MINUTES, 2 Aug 1875 – 24 Jun 1875, Book “B”

Name                                       Case  
Abbey, N. L.                            96 - 97  
Abercrombrie, L. J.           356       124  
Adams, John                   407       149  
Adams, Sam                    327       135  
Adams, W. B.                  407       149  
Adkins, T. M.                           1  
Airy, Thomas                  413       166  
Ake, Ike                      387       150  
Ake, Jane                     387       150  
Alexander, Margaret           253       64  
Allen, R. W.                  368       146  
Allen, S. B.                  298       65 - 84 - 122  
Allen, Wm.                              2 - 22  
Allen, Wm.                    170       12  
Allen, Wm.                    184       83  
Allison, John                           2  
Anderson, E. P.                         97  
Anderson, J. W.                         18 - 73 - 74  
Anderson, J. W.               361       91 - 125  
Anderson, J. W.               370       129  
Anderson, John                160       24  
Archer, J. C.                           87  
Armstrong, L.                 343       55 - 122 - 123  
Arnold, ?                               117  
Arnold & Brothers             50        19 - 48  
Arrington, C. T.                        44  
Arrington, Joe E.                       112  
Arrington, T. C.              370       129  
Arrington, T. C.              362       168 - 169 - 170  
Aston, John                   161       6 - 77  
Baccus, Peter                           43  
Baker, ?                                89  
Baker & Grover                392       59  
Baker, J. D.                            112 - 113  
Ball & Roach                  170       12 - 36  
Ballard, Samuel Orbison                 171  
Bankston, John                          167  
Barnard, C. D.                          49  
Barnard, C. E.                272       11  
Barnard, C. E.                271       10 - 62  
Barnard, C. E.                272       62  
Barnard, C. E.                271       81  
Barnard, C. E.                191       105 - 119  
Barnard, C. E.                271       121  
Barnard, Charles E.           406       126  
Barnard, Harvey               308       105  
Barnes, A. H.                 272       11 - 62 - 81 - 121  
Bassett, Jack                 390       30 - 140  
Bassett, Reuben               390       30 - 140  
Bateman, J. M.                341       136  
Bateman, J. M.                410       160  
Bates, ?                      203       84 - 85  
Bates Brothers etal           271       10  
Bates Brothers etal           299       11  
Bates, E. H.                  184       83  
Bates, F. L.                  184       83  
Bates, F. L.                  299       70  
Bates, L. K.                  240       8  
Bates, L. K.                  299       70  
Bates, L. K.                  240       79 - 120  
Bates, L. K.                  184       83  
Bates, R. P.                            82 - 83 - 86  
Beavest, James                381       107 - 108 - 111 - 139 -    
Beavest, James                          140  
Bell, Henry                   403       126 - 142  
Bellah, Pinckney              372       139  
Bernstein, J.                 397       100  
Bernstein, J.                 399       147  
Berry, J.L.A.                           43  
Bills, D. C.                            2  
Black, Anna                   152       19 - 118  
Blair, ?                      343       123  
Blake, ?                      350       93  
Blake, ?                      403       141  
Blake & Blake                 338       11 - 20 - 24 - 45  
Blake, C. H.                  409       160  
Blake, T. R.                  394       65  
Blake,Thomas                            98  
Blanton, F.                             22  
Blanton, Julia C.                       23  
Blanton, Mahala                         22  
Bledsoe, W. G.                          22 - 23 - 25 - 48  
Bledsoe, W. T.                160       3 - 57  
Blevins, ?                    184       119  
Blevins & Russell             181       47  
Blevins, R.                   181       19  
Blevins, Richard              400       95 - 141  
Block, ?                      264       121  
Block, Greenleve & Co.        262       9  
Block, Greenleve & Co.        264       52  
Block Jet & Co.               241       47  
Block, Jett                   240       79 - 80  
Block, Jett                   203       84 - 85 - 120  
Block Jett & Britian          235       8  
Boatright, Lewis              253       63 - 64  
Bodenhime, ?                  397       147  
Boon, Geo.                              43  
Boyett, E. W.                 340       45 - 87 - 91  
Bradshaw, A.                            49  
Bradshaw, A.                  191       105 - 119  
Bradshaw, A.                  406       126  
Bradshaw, Hiriam              381       107  
Brewer, J. J.                           44  
Brewer, Joseph                371       138  
Brewington, J. M.                       40 - 41  
Britian, ?                    240       79  
Brooks, Z.                              1  
Brown, ?                      343       87 - 122 - 124  
Brown, ?                      351       124 - 158  
Brown, ?                      394       156  
Brown & McCarty               343       55  
Brown, E. Y.                            44 - 78  
Brown, E. Y.                  340       91  
Brown, E. Z.                  299       70  
Brown, Early                  160       24  
Brown, John                             116 - 177  
Brown, W. A.                  271       62 - 81 - 121  
Brown, W. R.                            43  
Bryant, John L.                         44  
Buchannan, Andrew             83        5  
Buchannan, Isabella           83        5  
Buckhalter, W. J.             383       26  
Burnes, T. A.                           115 - 165 - 166  
Bush, F. C.                             87  
Cameron & Holt                381       56  
Cameron, D. C.                          78 - 115 - 167  
Cameron, Holt                 371       158  
Campbell, Wm.                 162       48 - 118  
Caraway, J. K.                          78  
Caraway, Jesse                          115 - 167  
Carmichael, A.                          87  
Carmichael, Wm.               414       166  
Carnelius, J. C.              394       126  
Carpenter, J. W.                        87  
Carson, ?                     184       82  
Carson & Lewis                184       10  
Chadwick, ?                   350       93  
Chadwick, J. M.                         87  
Chalmers, T. B.               164       46 - 47 - 78 - 118  
Chalmers, T. B.               182       7 - 78 - 79  
Chamberlin, Flint             348       53 - 54 - 88 - 91  
Chamberlin, Flint             347       90  
Chamberlin, Flint             308       105  
Chamberlin, Flint             349       90 - 124  
Chamberlin, Flint             350       93  
Chamberlin, Flint             352       124  
Chamberlin, Flint             351       158  
Chambers, J. H.               350       54  
Chambers, J. M.               350       93  
Chambers, T. R.               182       119  
Chatham, R. K.                183       16 - 50 - 79 - 119  
Chatham, R. K.                340       45 - 87 - 91  
Christian, Ab                           2  
Clark, A.                     286       11 - 62 - 84 - 121  
Clark, W. M.                            115 - 166  
Cleveland, F. M.              343       123  
Cochran, Thomas               367       130  
Cogdell, Dan                  396       50 - 140  
Cogdell, Dan                            116 - 168 - 177  
Cogdell, J. R.                          1  
Coldsmith, Jefferson                    57 - 58  
Collins, S. B.                387       56  
Conahan, J. B.                          168 - 177  
Cook, J. T.                             1  
Cooper, ?                     394       156  
Cornelius, Wm.                348       137  
Cornelius, Wm.                303       135  
Cotrell, Gilbert              323       144  
Counts, H. B.                 362       168 - 169 - 170  
Counts, James                 267       53  
Counts, James                 315       113  
Counts, James                 316       143 - 148  
Counts, James                 353       155  
Counts, James                 362       168 - 169 - 170 - 171  
Counts, James                 362       176  
Counts, James A.                        67  
Crites, C. A.                           43  
Cross, Mack                   361       138  
Cross, Mack                   374       154 - 155 - 176  
Cross, S. C.                  374       155  
Crum, S. T.                   347       17 - 22  
Crum, S. T.                             22 - 23  
Cyrus, ?                      164       78  
Davis & Oatis Attorneys                 57   
Davis, Harrison                         1  
Davis, J. S.                  412       166  
Dennis, B. H.                           77  
Dennis, John                  399       72 - 73 - 87 - 141  
Dennis, Wm.                             87  
Dilahunty, G. B.              386       32  
Dillard, John                           43  
Dodson, A. J.                           87 - 167  
Douglass, J. S.                         43  
Dowell, Caroline              388       56 - 126  
Doyle, James                            112  
Driscol, James                347       17  
Driscol, James                253       45 - 62  
Duke & Ewell Attorneys        24        51  
Duke, T. J.                   38        102 - 103  
Duke, T. J.                             160  
Duke, W. E.                             167  
Dunngan, Steve                          1  
Durham, James                           135  
Duvall, W. H.                           44 - 87 - 112  
Duvall, W. H.                 368       145 - 146  
Earp, B. P.                             77  
Eden, F. M.                             1  
Eden, F. M.                   325       30  
Eden, F. M.                   267       21  
Edgar, A.                               23  
Edgar, A. E.                            23  
Edon, F. M.                             17 - 41  
Edwards, C. C.                          77  
Edwards, S. T.                          2  
Elam, James                   367       153  
Ellis, N. R.                            23  
Ernest, Cury                  349       54  
Ernest, W.                    349       54  
Estes & Williams Attorneys              57  
Estes, John T.                          115  
Ethridge, W. S.               239       104  
Ewell & Duke Attorneys        24        51  
Faucett, William              374       175  
Faucett, Wm.                  329       136 - 145  
Ferrell, D. R.                408       101  
Fleming, C. S.                          59  
Fleming, C. S.                268       61  
Fleming, C. S.                405       146 - 147  
Fleming, Cynthia Mrs.         268       61  
Fleming, David                411       166  
Fleming, J. R.                          180  
Fletcher, Andy                          116 - 177  
Forbess, F. M.                          1  
Forgy, Hiriam                           44  
Formwalt, J. A.               160       24  
Formwalt, J. A.                         87  
Formwalt, J. A.               348       88 - 89 - 90 - 91  
Formwalt, J. A.               239       106  
Formwalt, J. A.               403       126 - 142  
Formwalt, J. A.               246       153  
Formwalt, John                          167  
Foster, J. D.                           168  
Frey, John A.                 257       9 - 53 - 120   
Gafford, W. R.                          78  
Gardner, N. J.                          43  
Garland, ?                              65  
Garland, F. E.                372       131  
Garland, T. L.                          78  
Garland, T. L.                350       94  
Garland, T. L.                381       108  
Garrison, J. B.               382       111  
Gaskins, G. L.                          22  
Gaskins, Margaret L.                                             22  
Gates, Peter                  415       166  
Gibson, E.                    242       80  
Gibson, E.                    342       120  
Giles, J. W.                            168  
Giles, John                             116 - 177  
Gilkin, J. B.                           23  
Gill, I. W.                             44  
Glenn, F. M.                            1  
Glenn, W. B.                            115 - 167  
Goforth, J. L.                          41 - 171  
Goldsmith, Charles                      57 - 58  
Goldsmith, Charles A.         83        5  
Goldsmith, Dodson                       57 - 58  
Goldsmith, George                       57 - 58  
Goldsmith, Ida                          57 - 58  
Goldsmith, J. B. Estate of              57  
Goldsmith, J. E.              83        5  
Goldsmith, Jefferson D.       83        5  
Goldsmith, Jesse, D.          83        5  
Goldsmith, John B.            83        4 - 5  
Goldsmith, Sarah E.                     57 - 58  
Goldsmith, William                      57 - 58  
Goldsmith, Wm. B.             83        5  
Goodlett, J. C.                         77  
Gordon, A. P.                 338       20 - 24 - 45  
Gordon, A. P.                 337       11  
Gordon, A. P.                           167  
Gordon, John W.               389       159 - 161 - 176  
Gordon, L. F.                           87  
Graham, ?                     348       91 - 93  
Graham, ?                     308       105  
Graham & Chamberlin           348       53 - 54  
Green, E.                     404       164  
Green, E.                     407       162  
Greenleave, ?                 264       121  
Greenleve, Block              255       81  
Greenleve Block & Co.         262       9  
Greenleve, Block & Co.        264       52  
Greer, George                 376       31  
Gregory, W. J.                          116  
Grover, ?                               89  
Grover & Baker                392       59  
Gunerels, John M.             267       21  
Halbert, W. H.                413       162 - 176  
Halcomb, B. W.                395       100 - 165  
Haley, J.                     239       104  
Hall, A. C.                   384       125  
Hall, J. R.                             177  
Hanby, L. S.                  384       108  
Harden, R. E.                           96 - 97  
Hardin, Mary T.               38        3 - 101  
Hardin, Milton A.             38        3 - 101 - 102 - 103  
Hare, Martha                  247       98  
Hare, Martha J.               347       16 - 90  
Hargus, Larry                 279       10 - 62 - 84  
Hargus, Larry                 235       8 - 47 - 79 - 157  
Harper, Wm.                   253       64  
Harris, J. R.                 377       161  
Harris, J.K.P.                406       149  
Harris, James                           177  
Harris, P.                              116  
Harris, Poke                            177  
Hart, A. J.                   174                                7 - 45  
Hart, A. J.                   325       29  
Hart, A. J.                             59 - 60  
Harwell, ?                    367       153  
Haynes, J. C.                 355       114  
Haynes, J. W.                 343       123  
Haynes, W. J.                 184       83  
Haynes, W. J.                           160 - 161 - 180  
Headrick, J. W.               385       126 - 139  
Heathington, John                       43  
Henderson, Jap                          78  
Henry, John                   64        2 - 46 - 78   
Henry, John                             117  
Henry, W. S.                            1  
Hensley, H. T.                341       88  
Hensley, M. C.                336       136 - 137  
Herring, M. D.                405       146  
Hickey, James                           77  
Hightower & Middleton         243       8  
Hightower & Middleton         24        51  
Hightower, Defts              24        51  
Hightower, J. C.              404       98 - 142  
Hightower, J. C.                        160  
Hightower, J. C.              288       158  
Hightower, M. W.              383       125  
Hightower, Mary               411       153  
Hightower, W. M.              270       9 - 121  
Hightower, W. M.              387       56  
Hightower, Wm.                386       56  
Hightower, Wm.                270       64 - 81  
Hiner, Joe                              171  
Hinmens, D.                   239       104  
Hinmens, Sarah                239       104  
Holinsly, J. M.               160       24  
Holland, R.                   358       125  
Holland, R., etal             160       3 - 24  
Holt & Cameron                381       56  
Holt, A. C.                   183       16  
Holt, A. C.                   183       50 - 79 - 119  
Hood, A.                                41 - 76  
Hood, A. J                              1   
Hood, A. J.                   239       106 - 114  
Horgus, Larry                 235       174  
Horgus, Larry                 271       175  
Howard, M. J.                 345       124  
Huffsteller, Lee              396       50 - 140  
Hufstuttler, Lee              354       156  
Hufstuttler, Mal                        167  
Hunter, A. L.                           34  
Hunter, John                            34  
Hunter, W. B.                 314       143  
Hurd, Bell                    83        5  
Hurd, G. W.                   83        5  
Hurd, Geo. S.                 83        5  
Hurd, Jesse                   83        5  
Hurd, Washington A.           83        5  
Hurd, Wm. B.                  83        5  
Hutchinson, O. P.                       115 - 167  
Hutchinson, O. P.             343       123  
Jackson, Andrew                         115 - 166  
Jackson, R. J.                394       50 - 68 - 69 - 156  
Jackson, R. J.                400       94 - 141  
Jackson, R. J.                          167  
Jackson, R. N.                          65  
Jacobs, S.                    359       125  
James, John                   412       160  
James, P. H.                            43  
Jett Block & Co.              341       47  
Jett Block & Britian          235       8  
Johns, Wm.                              112  
Johnson, Leroy                167       7 - 46 - 78 - 118  
Johnson, S.J.T.               359       75 - 76  
Jones, W. P.                            43  
Karnes, W. A.                           77  
Keith, Wm.                    174       7 - 45 - 59 - 60  
Kelly, Nicholson              152       19 - 118  
Kerr, D. S.                             177  
Kerr, D. X.                             116  
Kerr, J. F.                             87  
Kerr, Joseph F.               407       162  
Kerr, Martha A.               407       162  
Kerr, W. A.                             78  
Kingsbury, W. H.              160       24  
Kirkpatrick, W. H.            289       65  
Kuykendall, Eliza Jane                  23  
Kuykendall, William                     23  
Lamar, Alvin                  261       9  
Lamar, Amon                   262       52 - 82 - 121  
Lambert, D. S.                          116 - 177  
Lambert, T.                   170       13 - 14  
Lamkin, T. A.                 411       153  
Landers, A. W.                          116 - 168 - 177  
Landers, Abel                 160       3 - 24  
Landers, C. L.                          77 - 112  
Landers, C. L.                395       71 - 100 - 165  
Landers, F. G.                338       24  
Landers, F. G.                160       3 - 24  
Landers, J. L.                160       24  
Landers, Robert                         1  
Landes, Wallis                299       11  
Landes Wallis Co.             299       70 - 71  
Lanham, S.W.T.                          1 - 15 - 43 - 77  
Lankin, T. A.                 411       160  
Lassiter, ?                             161  
Lazenby, H. C.                134       3 - 25 - 48 - 118  
Lewis, ?                      184       82  
Lewis & Carson                184       10  
Lewis, John                             1  
Lewis, Wm.                              43  
Littlepage, T. A.             383       26  
Littlepage, T. A.                       87  
Loftin, C. C.                           112  
Logan, Alick                  361       138 - 139  
Logan, Alick                  366       31 - 153 - 154 - 155 -  
Logan, Alick                  366       176  
Logan, Wm.                    370       138 - 139  
Lorrance, T. D.                         57  
Lyle, J. S.                             167  
Lyle, Wm.                               2  
Magness, B. A.                370       129  
Magness, J.L.L.                         67  
Malory, John                            67  
Martin, E. H.                 341       88  
Martin, J. J.                 341       88  
Martin, Thomas                          160  
Martin, Wm.                   347       16 - 90 - 124  
Martin, Wm.                   247       98  
Martin, Wm.                             135  
Massey, William R.                      2  
Matherson, Frank              401       159  
Matthews, Jackson             367       130 - 165  
May, H. L.                    346       36  
May, R. A.                              167  
McAmant, J. D.                170       12 - 13  
McAmant, J. D.                50        19  
McAnear, Alex                           22  
McAnear, Alex, Heirs of       347       17 - 22  
McAnear, Daniel                         22  
McAnear, Elizabeth                      22  
McAnear, John                           22  
McAnear, Mary                           22  
McAnear, Nancy                          22  
McAnear, Sarah E.                       23  
McBride, J. M.                382       132  
McBride, James                270       9 - 64 - 81 - 121  
McBride, Josephine            382       132  
McCall, J.L.L.                267       53  
McCall, J.L.L.                398       100 - 150  
McCamant & Mullins                      36  
McCamant, A. S.                         1 - 43 - 89 - 116 - 177  
McCamant, A. S.               392       59  
McCamant, A. S.               316       143  
McCamant, A. S.               382       132  
McCamant, A. S.               376       125  
McCamant, A. S.               364       167 - 71  
McCamant, J. D.               168       86 - 117 - 133 - 134  
McCamant, John D.             107       26 - 27  
McCamant, John D.             50        48  
McCarty, ?                    343       55 - 87 - 122 - 124  
McCarty, ?                    351       158  
McCarty & Brown               343       55  
McClanahan, L. B.             165       46  
McClanahan, L. B.             374       154 - 155  
McCowan, J. M.                162       48 - 118  
McDonald, W. A.               166       7  
McDonald, W. A.               365       129  
McDowell, J. W.               367       130  
McErvin, W. J.                          44  
McGaughey, W. L.                        43 - 44 - 49 - 72 - 73  
McGaughey, W. L.              350       55  
McGowen, Samuel               239       104  
McIntosh. J. S.                         2  
McKenzie, ?                   286       84  
McKinzie, George              391       31 - 146  
McKinzie, J. R.               286       10 - 62 - 121  
McLaughlins, W.                         23  
McNeil, Hector                          22  
McNeil, Ruth                            22  
McWhorter, W. D.              381       56 - 158  
McWhorter, W. D.              384       125  
Meek, C. J.                   239       45 - 104 - 106 - 112  
Meek, C. J.                   239       172  
Merdith, V. T.                394       126  
Meyers, ?                     397       100 - 147  
Middleton & Hightower         243       8  
Middleton & Hightwoer         24        51  
Middleton, D. L.              386       56  
Middleton, D. L.                        77 - 98 - 167  
Middleton, D. L.              402       101 - 159  
Middleton, D. L.              383       125  
Middleton, John               341       137  
Middleton, John               368       127 - 129 - 165  
Middleton, John W.            107       26  
Middleton, John W.            380       56 - 99 - 158  
Middleton, John W.            369       165  
Milam, Scott                  355       114  
Milliken, Samuel              388       21 - 110  
Milliken, Samuel                        44 - 60  
Millikin, J. H.               384       108  
Millington, Ira                         167  
Mitchell, Edward              358       138  
Mitchell, Nelson              325       15 - 27 - 29 - 37 - 38 -  
Mitchell, Nelson              325       39 - 135  
Montgomery, J. H.             341       88  
Moore, A. E.                            77  
Moore, B. R.                            87 - 112 - 115 - 167  
Moore, C. E.                  168       86 - 119 - 133  
Moore, Isaac                            1  
Morris, F. C.                 384       108  
Morris, Samuel                          49  
Morris, T. W.                 239       45 - 106 - 112 - 204  
Morris, T. W.                 139       172  
Mullins & McCamant                      36  
Mullins, T. P.                170       12  
Mullins, T. P.                          112  
Murchison, J. B.                        160  
Murchison, John                         44  
Nall, M. G.                   64        2  
Nall, M. G.                             117  
Nalls, M. G.                  64        78  
Nelson, George                356       138  
Nesbett, J. N.                43        4 - 117  
Nesbett, J. W.                43        47 - 48  
Newman, G. W.                 252       8 - 51  
Newsom, B. F.                 348       91  
Nichols, Knox                 366       100  
Nickolls, Knox                366       159  
Northcutt, ?                            175  
Nutt, Abel                    261       9 - 52 - 81 - 120  
Nutt, Abel                              1  
Nutt, D. L.                             87  
Oatis & Davis Attorneys                 57   
Odom, Wm.                     349       48  
Orbison, Samuel                         41 - 171  
Orbison, S. M.                          34 - 35 - 150  
Orbison, S. M.                268       63  
Orbison, S. M.                253       61  
Owens, W. J.                  325       29  
Owens, William                325       27  
Oxford, S. A.                           73 - 74  
Parks, ?                                150 - 151  
Parks, Wm.                    253       63  
Parnell, J. D.                379       148  
Parnell, Jesse                379       147  
Patrick, G. M.                346       36  
Patrick, G. M.                345       124  
Patterson, W.                 349       54  
Patton, G. W.                           1  
Pearson, W. A.                343       55 - 87 - 122 - 123  
Penn, Theodore                          77  
Perkins, W. E.                          77  
Peters, A. L.                           2  
Peters, R. G.                           34 - 35 - 44 - 77 - 167  
Peters, R. G.                 242       80  
Peters, R. G.                 395       71  
Peters, R. G.                 342       120  
Peveler, F. M.                          2  
Peveler, James                          43  
Phillips, W. C.               184       119  
Phillips, W. C.               181       19 - 47  
Pidcoke, Amelia               365       174  
Plumlee, J. D.                          18  
Porter, Wm.                             57  
Powell, W. G.                           115  
Powell, W.G.W.                          167  
Prestage, ?                   297       64  
Prestage & Walters            297       11  
Prestage, Walters             297       84  
Prestage, Walters                       121  
Price, W. S.                  348       91  
Puryear, S. H.                385       126  
Pynes, ?                      164       118  
Pynes & Rogers                164       46  
Randall, G. W.                255       120  
Randle, G. W.                 255       8 - 81  
Randle, George                386       17 - 32 - 33 - 109  
Randle, John                  134       3  
Randle, John H.               134       25 - 48 - 118  
Rash, S. A.                   372       131  
Rash, S. A.                   376       125  
Ratcliff, Charlotte           246       152  
Ray, H. L.                              59  
Reaves, W. L.                           168  
Reed, J. F.                   393       126  
Reed, John                    311       107 - 143  
Reed, John                    358       125  
Reed, John                    362       153  
Reed, John F.                 411       153 - 160  
Reichstelter, John                      112  
Reichstetler, John                      116 - 177  
Reichstetter, J. H.                     167  
Renick, S. H.                 134       25  
Rhea, P. V.                   394       68  
Richmond, ?                             161  
Richsteller, John             317       144  
Roach & Ball                  170       12  
Roach & Ball                            36  
Roberson, R. P.               255       120 - 121  
Robertson, R. P.              241       47 - 79  
Robertson, R. P.              24        51  
Robertson, R. P.              264       52  
Robertson, R. P.              255       81  
Robertson, R. P.              397       100  
Robertson, R. P.              399       101  
Robertson, R. P.                        177 - 178 - 179  
Robinson, John                329       136 - 145  
Robinson, John                372       131 - 175  
Robinson, R. P.               240       8 - 9  
Robinson, R. P.                         178  
Robinson, R. P.               399       147  
Rogers, ?                     164       78 - 118  
Rogers & Pynes                164       46  
Rogers, George                398       100 - 150  
Rogers, W. L.                           44  
Ross, ?                                 175  
Rucker, G. A.                           33 - 34  
Rucker, G. A.                 320       122  
Rucker, G. A.                 389       159 - 161 - 176  
Runnels, ?                              161  
Russel, ?                     184       119  
Russell & Blevins             181       47  
Russell, D. R.                239       104  
Russell, Ella                 239       104  
Ryburn, F. M.                           115 - 167  
Rylee, John                             78  
Rylee, Y. J.                  242       80  
Satchell, Wm.                 371       159  
Scarborough, Silas            253       63  
Sears, H. J.                  359       75 - 99 - 162  
Selby, J. J.                  366       31 - 32  
Selby, John                   393       50 - 140  
Self, S. M.                             2  
Shapere, Jacob                          167  
Shaw, D. A.                   325       28 - 29 - 30 - 37  
Sheek, J. W.                  402       101 - 159  
Sherwood, ?                             150 - 151  
Shipley, E. T.                          78  
Shoemaker, Catherine                    22  
Shoemaker, M. D.                        22  
Shropshire, A. V.             380       56 - 99 - 158   
Shropshire, A. V.             395       50 - 71  
Shropshire, A. V.             379       125  
Shropshire, A. V.             395       140  
Shropshire, M. T.             379       125  
Sikes, E. D.                  382       111  
Slater, Randolph                        57  
Smith, I. J.                            112  
Smith, Jack                   350       137  
Smith, S. H.                  386       32  
Snead, Robert                 378       75  
Snider, Henry                           167  
Snider, John                  38        102  
Snider, W. M.                           116  
Snider, W. W.                 397       55 - 141  
Snider, W. W.                           161 - 177  
Snider, W. W.                 405       149  
Spencer, A. N.                371       159  
Stanfield, E. S.              401       159  
Stanfield, L.                 365       129 - 164  
Stanfield, L.                 319       144  
Stavenhagan, L.               259       9 - 52  
Stavenhagan, L.               348       80  
Stavenhagen, ?                342       120  
Stephenson, J. A.             184       83  
Sterrett, John H.             161       6  
Stewart, W. S.                239       104  
Stokes, N. M.                 348       88 - 91 - 92  
Stokes, W. M.                 348       53  
Stone, J. C.                  394       156 - 157  
Stone, J.C.C.                           116 - 167 - 177  
Studer, August                404       113 - 159 - 164  
Studer, Rebecca               404       113  
Studer, Rebecca F.            404       159 - 164  
Sturgas, E. A.                          59  
Sturgis, E. A.                268       61  
Sullivan, John O.                       77  
Tandy, J. A.                            77  
Tankersly, C. G.              298       65 - 84 - 122  
Taylor, F. M.                 167       7 - 46 - 78 - 118  
Taylor, John H.               338       20  
Terrell, D. P.                408       159  
Terrill, D. P.                          177 - 178  
Thaxton, D. L.                379       148  
Thompkins, L.                 385       140  
Thorp, C.                     359       162  
Thorp, Henry                  387       109  
Thorp, P.                     359       75 - 99  
Thrash, P. H.                 359       125  
Throp, Henry                  387       21  
Thurman, M. M.                401       141  
Tingley, John                 349       54 - 90 - 124  
Tompkins, ?                   385       17  
Tompkins, ?                             40  
Tracy, J. F.                            44 - 78  
Traylor, John H.                        44 - 115 - 160 - 161  
Turner, D. K.                           67 - 175  
Turner, Georgia               239       104  
Turner, Green                           43  
Turner, J. L.                 239       104  
Waldren, John                 392       140  
Walker, G. B.                 412       160  
Wallis, J. C.                 299       70  
Wallis Landes Co.             299       70 - 71  
Walls, M. G.                  64        46  
Walsh, ?                      350       93  
Walsh, T. B.                            87  
Walters, ?                    297       64  
Walters & Prestage            297       11  
Walters, A. C.                43        4 - 48 - 117  
Walters, M.                   370       129  
Walters, Moses                          77  
Walters, Tom                            90  
Walters, W. C.                337       11  
Walton, Joe T.                241       47  
Walton, John                  391       31  
Ward, John                    239       45  
Ward, John W.                 347       17  
Ward, John W.                 253       62  
Warren, Edward                          22  
Warren, George W.                       22  
Warren, Isaac N.                        22  
Warren, Jacob                           22  
Warren, Mary                  352       138  
Warren, Mary E.                         22  
Washburn, J. M.               378       75  
Washburn, J. W.                         45  
Washburn, J. W.               300       122  
Washburn, S. R.                         45 - 167  
Washburn, S. R.               300       122  
Watson, J. S.                 259       9 - 52  
Watters, ?                    83        5  
Watts, A. T.                  239       105 - 107 - 112 - 173  
Watts, Thomas                 376       139  
Weatherford, B. B.            241       47  
Weatherford, B. B.                      112 - 177  
Weaver, W. H.                 182       7 - 47 - 78 - 79  
Weaver, W. H.                 188       119  
Westover, W. A.               408       101 - 159  
Westover, W. H.                         177 - 178  
Wharton, ?                    403       141  
White, G. W.                  356       124  
White, T. R.                            78  
White, W. W.                  373       139  
Whorton, Calib                403       98  
Wilkes, J. W.                           40 - 41  
Williams & Estes Attorneys              57  
Williams, A. J.               408       149  
Williams, B. F.               388       56 - 126  
Williams, B. F.                         73  
Williams, B. F.               413       162 - 176  
Williams, Frank               367       153  
Williams, J. R.               153       19 - 118  
Williams, Josephine                     121  
Williams, R. E.                         167  
Williams, W. H.                         34  
Williamson, Josephine         297       11 - 64 - 84  
Willington, Ira                         115  
Willis, J. M.                 289       65  
Willis, J. M.                 320       122  
Willis, J. M.                 377       154  
Wilson, Harvey                337       11  
Wilson, Harvey                343       123  
Wise, Henry                   368       145  
Wohlford, Ballard                       171  
Wood, D. M.                             40  
Woodard, A. B.                          78  
Woodburn, E. T.                         2  
Wray, David                   378       75  
Wright, A. J.                           1 - 43 - 77  
Wright, A. J.                 267       21  
Wright, H. C.                           33 - 34  
Wright, M. F.                           34  
Y_arr, J. J.                            97  
Yates, A. N.                            77  
Zriglin, J. H.                386       126