Hood County Death Records 1903 – 1940 H – K

    The following records were scanned by computer from issues of The 
Hood County Genealogical Society's Newsletter.  This data may contain 
scanning and OCR introduced errors.  If you find entries that contain 
suspicious spellings or dates you may request a photo copy of original 
Newsletter Record.
    These certificates may be ordered from the Office of Vital Statistics,
1100 W. 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756 Cost; $8.00.

                   Abstracted by Dorothy Stewart

Name                          Death Date               Certificate No.

Hadley, Amos Merrill                2-6-38                  8513
Hale, Madison R.     12-06-35     57461 *
Hale, Mattie francis     01-16-39      3064 *
Hall, Elbert N                      5-27-11                  11240
Hall, J. C., Inf. of                7-19-14                  15024
Haly, Sarah                         3-7-12                   7718
Hamberlin, Gloner(?)               10-18-24                  32766
Hamilton, C. H. Krs                 1-18-25                  2665
Hamilton, J. P.                    11-3-36                  55348
Hamilton, W. T.                    11-3-37                   55871
Hanford, Eligeiga                   7-26-20                  23079
Hannaford, E. A.                   11-5-15                   24741
Hannaford, Fred Wilson             10-21-18                  41856
Hannaford, Nettie                   3-25-38                  13767
Harbor, W. N.                       8-30-13                  17858
Harbor, Susan                      10-16-34                  45487
Hardin, Robert                      1-22-14                  1395
Harkins, John                      11-1-25                   39998
Harrell, T. J.                      8-30-15                  18052
Harris, Georgia A                   1-19-38                  3085
Harris, Wesley Smith                6-7-3O                   29894
Harvey, W. H.                       3-22-18                  12563
Hassler,Francis Jane                2-13-31                  8618
Hasting, Caroline                   2-19-16                  4676
Hastings, Guy Wallace               8-5-19                   24453
Hastings, Lula Holmes               3-10-19                  10525
Hastings, William Nolan            12-4-37                   61152
Haught, John Ollie                  2-23-76                  9217
Hawthorne, Sarah Jane              11-11-32                  47478
Hays, Sampson                       4-13-16                  9741
Hayworth, Corine                    1-9-19                   3029
Hayworth, John A                    4-11-37                  18302
Hayworth, M. L.                     4-11-16                  9740
Hayworth, Oren D                    8-4-19                   24454
Hayworth, Zara G                    3-16-11                  6178
Hasel, Lillie                      12-20-20                  38303
Head, Hattie, Mrs                   6-27-40                  28864
Heathington, Amanda                 4-4-29                  21469
Heathington, Cecil                  2-3-28                   7296
Heathington, John                   5-9-23                   15757
Heathington, Mary Elvira            9-29-35                  42876
Heathington, Orin                   8-1-28                   35800
Heathryton, Telsia                 12-1-30                   59017
Henderson, Alex                    11-15-39                  51447
Henderson, Thomas B.                1-8-13                   1660
Hendon, Ross Edgar                  5-24-15                  10656
Hendon, Sarah Drewcilla             2-6-14                   3734
Hensel, Annie                      11-6-30                   53834
Hensell,  Martha S.                 1-28-17                  2074
Hensell, Pauline Watson             4-25-37                  21653
Henslee, John Calhoun               6-23-37                  32000
Henslee, Lucindia Jones            12-31-37                  61155
Henslee, M. C.                     12-9-33                   61144
Henslee, Susie Elizabeth            2-8-34                   8253
Herring, Nevada Earl                1-9-20                   2121
Hestand, John Farley               11-19-18                  50597
Hickey, Charles, Inf. of           11-9-22                   31901
Hicks, William Dan                 10-25-37                  50934
Higgs, Mary Elizabeth               1-8-31                   3312
Hightower, Allie                   10-25-14                  20765
Hightower, Annia                    3-12-10                  10295
Hightower, B. B.                    3-15-39                  13790
Hightower, Barney                   5-13-31                  24319
Hightower, Bertha                   4-26-19                  13450
Hilbun, Conille Bright              1-18-19                  3025
Hilburn, Tulita Mrs                 4-19-12                  10392
Hilburn, Tulita                     4-18-12                  10393
Hines, Marvin Neal                  1-23-21                  1903
Hines, Willie Bruce                 4-5-14                   8230
Hinnard, Sarah Catherine            2-24-38                  8515
Hobbs, Masie Dimple                 4-1-39                   19070
Hobson, Unknown                    10-27-10                  10448
Hobson, T. Y. (void)                6-1-25                   22468
Holder, Julia Ann                  12-30-40                  56070
Holland, Alfred Rufus               5-13-59                  24015
Holland, Annie                      3-50-25                  10836
Holland, Joe                        2-8-11                   3784
Holland, John L.                   11-17-24                  35878
Holland, T. D.                      4-29-28                  17271
Hollyfield, Annie                  11-5-36                   55350
Holmes, E. G., Inf. of             10-12-19                  29814
Holmes, Henry Wayne                11-12-18                  50594
Holmes, L.V., Mrs.                 12-8-51                   56800
Holmes, Lorena                      3-17-32                  12403
Holmes, Louisa                      9-11-11                  20157
Holmes, W.H., Inf. of               1-10-11                  1386
Holms, Robert Hilman                4-26-17                  10912
Holms, Wiley, Inf. of               7-17-1                   19463
Holt, Marian Spencer               12-25-                    61153
Holyfield, Jacob                    6-14-40                  28862
Hoodenpyle, Myrtle                  5-18-34                  23342
Hopper, Annie                       9-10-52                  38973
Horton, Delina Ellis                4-21-14                  8218
Hossler, Francis Jane               2-13-31                  8618
Houser, A. L.                       3-9-33                   13877
Houston, A. L.                      2-5-38                   8516
Howell, Saphrena                    1-24-39                  3062
Hudgins, Wm. Lee                    5-9-57                   26902
Hudson, Eugene                      7-6-20                   23080
Hudson, Llewyn                      7-8-70                   35198
Hudson, Mary Virginia               7-4-15                   15652
Huffalutes, Ollie Jane              5-18-g7                  23617
Huffstuttler, John H.               7-20-28                  12186
Huffstuttler, Myria Jane            3-6-21                   8055
Huffstuttler, Maggie Jane          11-28-33                  51101
Hufstedler, Essie                   1-25-19                  3017
Hufstetler, John N.                 1-25-17                  1663
Hughes, Bernice Rosi e              1-24-19                  3036
Hughes, Margurette E. , Mrs         7-31-12                  17947                            17947
Hughes, S. B.                       6-26-14                  12710
Hughes, Souria M.                  11-20-35                  52152                                        52152
Hughes, W. B.                       3-8-76                   15506
Hughs, Anna Otis                    5-24-17                  10882
Hulsey, Annie, Mrs                  2-26-20                  6586
Hunt, Thomas Telletious             7-16-16                  16981
Hunter, James Monroe                5-9-40                   24232
Hunter, Tom M.                      2-17-18                  7896
Huston, Ellen Hastings              3-11-39                  15796
Hutcheson, S. E., Mrs               7-29-22                  20895
Hutchinson, Alen L.                 6-4-14                   12703
Hutchison, John                     1-13-13                  1661

                          Abstracted by Dorothy Stewart

Iles, Mattie Ines              6-15-18                   25296
ILES, William A.  1-14-23              1656
Ince, Agnes                    6-25-22                   17816
Ince, Thomas Jason             7-18-40                   33499
Insley, S. E,                  4-16-22                   11836
Irby , Elisabeth               6-30-20                   20072
Israel, Etta                   8-20-12                   20055
Iverson, Nannie                7-30-11                   15939
Iverson, W. H,                 6-5-34                    28239

Jackson, C. W.                 8-13-34                   37329
Jackson, DeWitt Harold         7-27-14                   15023
Jackson, John Findell          5-7-32                    21836
Jackson, Mary Louise           5-30-36                   26466
Jackson, Herman Lee           10-25-15                   22350
Jackson, Herman Osborne        7-29-40                   33498
Jacobs, Sammie Clark          11-28-10                   11339
James, Roy Day                  5-22-39                  24017
James, W. H,                    8-7-29                   40762
Jameson, Helen Jospehine        9-25-27                  27197
Jarrett, A. R., Mrs.            6-20-39                  28940
Jasper, Gilliland Newton        8-3-21                   22856
Johnson, Ethel Lenora          12-20-20                  28330
Johnson, Inf. of John           2-26-22                  5063
Johnson, Mable                 12-14-25                  43771
Johnson, Margrett               1-17-29                  4443
Joiner, Jordan R.               4-28-30                  19439
Jones, Cynthia Emeline         12-2-25                   43768
Jones, D, G.                    2-15-10                  11834
Jones, Emma, Mrs.               6-3-25                   22469
Jones, J. L.                    7-8-16                   16978
Jones, J. W.                    4-4-18                   17085
Jones, Mary Mollie              1-28-36                  3196
Jones, Millard Fillmore         5-14-28                  21970
Jones, Oscar Earl               7-2-10                   11943
Jones, P, A., Mrs.             10-20-18                  41852
Jones, Pearl C.                 8-26-12                  20058
Jones, Tom                      5-27-19                  16254

Karnes, William Astor           9-13-14                  18858
Kedd, M.                        4-1-11                   8701
Keith, Amy S.                   4-18-21                  11182
Keith, Elsie                    9-15-26                  32178
Keith, Harrett                   4-3-23                  21470
Kelley, Edward                   4-9-36                  21243
Kelley, Edward D.                4-9-36                  71681
Kelley, G. L., Inf. of           6-4-18                  25299
Kelley, JeRusha                  1-14-28                 2698
Kelley, John Anderson            3-30-37                 15837
Kelley, Laura                    6-9-18                  25290
Kelley, Lillie May               6-5-22                  17813

Kelley, Lula                      8-4-14                      17037
Kelley, Nancy J,, Mrs             7-12-23                     21599
Kelley, Wilson, Mrs               8-2-25                      29819
Kelley, Wilson Garner             8-19-40                     72995
Kelly, L. V., Inf. of             2-2-10                      12201
Kelly, Margarett Jane             1-14-39                     3065
Kencanon, Charles Russell         8-12-13                     17861
Kendrick, Ben C                  10-11-23                     49686
Kennon, Margaret Maranda         10-7-10                      12144
Kennon, Milton                   11-7-10                      12265
Kerr, David Stanley              10-1-24                      32765
Kerr, Henry Jackson               3-10-12                     7713
Kerr, Joe F.                      8-25-20                     26042
Killough, Ruth                    3-14-39                     13789
King, D. C., Inf. of              5-8-11                      11237
King, Katherine D.                1-21-19                     3023
King, Mary H.                     1-17-19                     7024
Kinnard, Amon Lester             10-28-14                     20764
Kinson, E. A.                     6-7-22                      17814
Kinson, Nancey                   11-14-16                     25773
Kirby, Liffy Abbygill             7-?-13                      15753
Kirkland, Jacob                  10-31-20                     32357
Kirkland, Mary Ann                1-12-22                     1962
Kissler, T. O.                    3-26-12                     7714
Knight, James H.                  1-25-38                     3084
Knight, Lotie Margarette          3-10-15                     5850
Knight, Sam                       3-30-25                     10875
Knox, John F,                     2-3-28                      7297
Kronick, John                     9-7-20                      29588

** This name was missed in first posting.  Correction by Billie Groening 1 December 1998