Hood County Death Records 1903 – 1940 S – Z

    The following records were scanned by computer from issues of The 
Hood County Genealogical Society's Newsletter.  This data may contain 
scanning and OCR introduced errors.  If you find entries that contain 
suspicious spellings or dates you may request a photo copy of original 
Newsletter Record.
    These certificates may be ordered from the Office of Vital Statistics,
1100 W. 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756 Cost; $8.00.
                Extracted by Billie Groeing

  Name                           Death Date        Certificate Number
Russle, H.D. Mrs.              1-31-10              19443
Rylee, Jeff D.                 9-7-17               25351
Rylee, Mary Ida                1-26-31              3315
Ryles, Carl Milliam            1-14-34              2961
Sargent, Lavena Elizabeth      11-13-32             47379
Sargent, Marselle              1-4-18               2861
Sargent, Theodore Pinkney      2-17-35              8476
Sartor, William W.             3-26-40              15024
Savage, William Poole          8-14-33              37595
Saxon, Robert Beverly          9-18-35              42878
Schulte, Rozena Idella         6-27-36              31595
Scott, Sarah Ann               2-22-14              3735
Self, Larrinda Ellen M.        2-1-30               8862
Shaffer, Mattie W. Mrs.        8-23-40              38154
Shannon, Martha Emilene        6-27-16              14657
Shirly, Mary                   4-16-14              8227
Shook, N.E.                    5-14-14              10436
Shuck, Ada May                 10-10-17             28391
Sickells, Elizabeth            7-8-10               20429
Simmons, Annie                 2-23-32              7418
Simms, Alice                   3-13-21              11179
Simms, J.D.                    4-9-39               19068
Simpler, W.H.                  1-30-39              3063
Sims, Sarah                    4-28-33              18803
Sirkel, D. W.                  1-15-33              3289
Skipper, Riley, Mrs.           1-26-20              2125
Sledge, Sarah Elizabeth        7-4-37               36927
Slocum, A.W. Inf of           11-?-31               52139
Smith, (blank)                 2-22-20              6588
Smith, Dolph                   5-26-23              15755
Smith, Hester Ann, Mrs.        3-18-38              13769
Smith, J.D.                    4-29-25              14668
Smith, James                   10-6-18              41859
Smith, Jesse, JR               3-14-31              13807
Smith, Jewel                   7-28-20              23083
Smith, Mary Jane               9-4-40               42284
Smith, P.M.                    9-22-14              18854
Smith, Susan Caroline          6-23-17              16635
Smith, Thomas Claud            2-20-20              6590
Smith, W.A.                    11-9-10              20956
Snider, Edbert                 11-24-17             31674
Snider, Erma                   5-3-18               21336
Snider, Maude Levill           7-6-13               15755
Snider, Worth                  5-16-38              23780
Southard, Anna                 9-11-14              18859
Spoon, Eliga, Inf of           4-15-15              8230
Stanford, Elisa J.             2-8-13               3995
Staudt, W. R.                  4-19-17              10910
Stavenhayen, Sarah             11-16-35             52151
Stephenson, Margaret       3-27-22              8652
Stewart, Sarah Jane        4-25-35              19310
Stewart, Thomas Marine     1-17-29              4442
Stewart, William Marshall  4-3-14               8221
Stendt, D.C.               3-28-20              10871
Stone, Julia Ann          12-18-36              60526
Stovall, Allis             5-17-14              10439
Stringfellow, Mary W       4-20-29              21468
Stuart, Bessy Bell        11-30-11              24518
Stunbridge, Lon,Inf of     9-28-22              26421
Sublett, Calvin. J         1-15-30              3390
Sue, Fred W.               3-12-37              15838
Suggs,  Ed Judson         7-23-17              19465
Suggs,  John H.           2-8-1~               5087
Suggs,  Nannie         ยท  1-22-15              1419
Sullivan, J.J.            10-16-36             50386
Sullivan, Mary Elizabeth 5-17-35               24259
Summers, C.L.,Inf of      ~-29-18              25288
Summers, Vergie            6-19-29              31205
Swaim,  Elizabeth Ann     11-18-37             55876
Swaim,  Louise            4-20-21              11183
Swaim,  Malissie          7-20-21              19908
Swaim,  T.J,              11-24-22             31904
Swains, Amry T.           10-24-19             29816
Tankersley, Henry Asberry 6-5-39               28941
Tankersley, Mary Ann      5-5-31               24315
Tankersly, A.W.           2-25-35              8255
Tansy, F.M.               4-2-33               18801
Tate,   Calvin A.         2-7-39               8431
Tate,   Leonard H.        8-17-39              38393
Tate,   Lillian Daisy     6-3-14               12704
Tate,   Minnie Mrs.       9-27-29              15217
Taylor, F.E.Mrs.          9-11-19              26945
Taylor, R.D.              1-8-18               2864
Teakell, Arckie,Inf of   10-11-18              41853
Thomason,  Doris Oleta   12-30-20             38320
Thomason,  G.E.,Inf of    1-15-21              1902
Thomason,  Hughey B.      2-15-12              4647
Thomason,  James Mike     4-4-14               8225
Thomason,  Johana         5-18-23              15758
Thomason,  Letha Florence 11-8-33              51099
Thomason,  W.M.           1-23-27              2243
Thompkins, Emma           3-26-16              7348
Thompson, Bernice         1-22-23              2006
Thompson, Florence A      9-2-14               18853
Thompson, Mary Jarnma     3-23-29              13792
Thompson, Rebecca Jane    8-11-19              24456
Thompson, Sallie         12-22-31              56798
Thorne, James W.          8-7-32               34980
Thornton, Nellie          1-16-19              3027
Thorp, Essie              3-9-18               12571
Thorp, J.B.              10-13-15             22346
Thorpe, John Henry       10-30-35             47252
Thrash, Margaret Adelene 10-26-12             23722
Thurmon, Gwendlyn        7-3-12               :7945
Tidwell, H.H.            2-25-19              7386
Tidwell, Albert          11-21-37             55875
Tidwell, Billy Jack      7-4-32               30645
Tidwell, Billy Gus       4-26-38              18914
Tidwell, Bobbie Jean     6-27-32              61929
Tidwell, Cleasty         10-17-18             47285
Tidwell, Clyde A.        12-24-17             35286
Tidwell,   Dallas        1-3-13               1655
Tidwell,   Emily, Mrs.   3-22-12              7710
Tidwell,   Gus Henry     6-1-35               29072
Tidwell, H.H.Mrs.       11-3-39               51450
Tidwell,   Laura         8-29-15              18054
Tidwell,  Sarrah A.      4-13-24              13300
Tidwell   T.S.Mrs.       2-23-38              8509
Tittle, Robert           8-6-37               41845
Tles(?) ILES, William A. 1-14-23              1656 corrected 7-28-2000
Tomlinson, Melvin        3-24-37              15839
Tomkins, John W.         7-20-32              30646
Towles, Fay Mildred      5-5-21               14265
Townsend, M.J.Mrs.       4-25-19              13448
Tracy, Annie Eliza        5-14-18              21335
Turner, Martha J.         3-27-31              13801
Turner, Ruby Nell         2-9-32               7420
Tye, Ola                  9-25-31              43317
Umphress, Lissie          5-26-16              12205
Umphress, Ras             7-15-15              15651
Umpress, Ida May          8-5-12               20052
Underwood, John Alexander12-5-38               56272
Underwood, William Beene 12-16-38              56274
Unphress, W.J.Inf of      5-7-16               12207
Vandergribb, P.F.        12-8-39               55934
Vandergriff, Joe N.      3-14-40               15022
Vandergriff, Mary L., Mrs.       7-4-40                 33497
Van Zandt, John Alfred            3-1-33                 13878
Van Zandt, Thomas Bryson          4-25-38                18913
Vaughn, Saphrona Ann              1-8-37                  3310
Vest, Chas. M.                    6-28-32                60408

Walden, Braunell                  3-11-35                14056
Waldrup, J. B.                    5-31-36                26463
Walker, Michael Roack             2-25-31                 8620
Walker, Rhoda Anne                10-7-29                49684
Walker, S. P., Mrs.               6-25-39                28942
Walker, W. J.                     9-?-12                 21872
Walls, Lucie J.                   2-10-13                 3396
Walters, Mary                     4-19-36                21246
Walters, W. C.r Inf. of           12-31-17               35285
Ward, Fannie                      8-26-19                24457
Ward, Lula Etta                   7-24-15                15654
Warren, Clemmie                   1-18-19                 3035
Warren, I. D.                     10-23-15               22348
Waters, Oleta                     5-12-11                11242
Welch, Alice Eddy                 8-30-40                38157
Wentworth, Virginia               7-15-29                36018
Wesson, W. H., Inf. of            4-2-20                 14191
West, Benjamin Tinsley            4-17-33                18805
West, John James                  4-30-12                10589
West, W. J.                       4-1-30                 ;19436
Wharton, Eugene Coke              6-29-17                16638
Wheeler, Andrew Jackson                                  13699
Whitacer(?), Gertrude Elizabeth   8-23-15                18050
White, Asa Patton                 4-22-37                21654
White, Berry                      10-25-29               49685
White, Hortense Marie             1-26-13                 1657
White, Jessie J.                   1-1-29                4437
White, John Burton                4-15-35                19311
White, M, A.                      4-20-18                17086
White, Martha Mildred             1-16-13                 1658
White, Minnie Lee                 11-7-32                47382
White, Wesley C.                  3-12-34                13496
Whitehead, Curtis, Inf. of         2-8-29                11066
Whitehead, R. S., Mrs.             1-7-38                 3083
Whitehead, Robert S.              10-8-31                47718
Whitlock, Lucinda Tidwell         5-22-17                13841
Whitworth, T. J.                  8-19-28                35802
Wilhoit, Lu Wanda                 1-19-32                 2697
Wilkerson, Cecil Freddie           2-2-32                 7417
Williams, C, T.                   6-28-39                28943
Williams, Cora Effie              6-27-35                29071
Williams,   E. H.                 1-5-10                24175
Williams,   Ercell                4-9-21                11180
Williams,   John I.               2-3-15                3598
Williams, Maria Elizabeth         6-7-14                12706
Williams, Sarah Jane Tatum       12-13-34                 50083
Williams, T. J.r Mrs.            10-16-14                 20756
Williams, T. J.                12-18-20                 38306
Williamson, Jefferson Bart     4-15-31                  19191
Williamson, Sarah E.           9-25-37                  46459
Willis,  W. E., Inf. of        5-31-31                  24320
Wilson,  A. J., Mrs.           6-10-19                  19016
Wilson,  D. R., Mrs.           6-6-29                31206
Wilson,  E. K., Mrs.           8-26-23                  24466
Winn, Ross                    12-4-22               34876
Winsor, Stephen Decatur        5-4-31                24312
Wohlford, James L.             7-10-36                  36616
Wood, Annie L., Mrs.           6-24-38                  28578
Wood, Mary Caroline            1-1-40                3347
Wood, Sallie                   12-24-32                 52957
Woodard, A. J.                  8-1-37                41848
Woodard, A. J., Mrs.            5-15-40                  24234
Woods, Fount Aphonso            4-4-31                19189
Woods, Ruth                    7-29-26                  25591
Wright,  George                5-25-24                  16831
Wright,  Henry                 6-14-26                  22068
Wright,  Isaac Martin          3-28-39                  13793
Wright, Martha                12-11-17                        35283
Wright, Mary Alice             5-15-13                  10884
Wright , Mollee Bell           1-25-18                 2 86 5

Yancy, Julia A.                3-12-13                  6429
Yantis, Felix                  12-28-24                 39306
Yantis, Marla Quintana, Mrs.    1-8-21                     1906
York, Nancy J. Josephine       12-13-34                55082
Young, Ed                      11-23-39                51449
Young, Jamgs M.                 5-23-40                 24233

Zachary, B. B.                  6-21-18                 25295
Zacharyl L. D.                  3-23-21                  8054
Zachary, W. M.                    1-1-20                2122
Zwifel, Sarah Elizabeth           4-9-36               21244