By Robert M. Knebel

Highlights of this study:
   1. Important entries are on the following pages: 9, 11, 26, 148, 149, and 172.
   2. The main goal was to find a definite date for the shutdown of the electric plant. What I found was the next best thing, namely, a one month jump (Aug 1954) in the money paid to BRAZOS ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE, INC. by the City of Granbury for electricity bought in July.*

Council minutes mentioning the PLANT (by page and then by date):

3, 31 Jan 1949: Financial Report on PLANT.

5, -  Feb  "  :    "        "     "   "

9, 18 Apr   " : PLANT sup't. A.W. Newman says PLANT is operating at full capacity and needs expanding.

11, 25 Apr  " : Council makes plans to buy ele. from BRAZOS RIVER TRANSMISSION ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. (BRAZOS)

12, 2 May   " : Pricing copper wire to hook up to BRAZOS.

13, 9  "    " :   "

16, 31 "    " : Hiring A.E. Dale as city electrician.

20, 25 Jul  " : Ele. current to ZWEIFEL GIN (being built). Discussing rates with BRAZOS.

21A, 18 Aug " : Agmt. with GRANBURY ELECTRIC GIN to sell the GIN ele.

23, 22  "   " :  "

26, 13 Sept " : Council OKs first bill tendered by BRAZOS for  $2590.26.

30, 10 Oct  " : OK'd $969.14 bill from BRAZOS.

34A, 14 Nov  " :  "  $994.38  "    "      " (these bills become routine each month).

44, 14 Feb 1950: OK'd $1038.46 bill from WAUKESHA.

65, 12 Jun  "  : OK'd purchase of 50 40-foot poles from BRAZOS.
82, 83, 25 Sep ": Budget for City OKd. Included $12,900 for one year of "Plant Operation". $25/mo. raise for
A.W. Newman.

85, 14 Nov 1950 : OK'd $1006.75 bill from BRAZOS. OK'd 1-yr. contract for A.W. Newman @ $350/mo. and Newman to
furnish performance bond. (Bonding probably indicates 
a change in title for Newman to Utilities Supervisor).

100,101, 30 Jan 1951: Meadow Heights Add'n. Annexed by City.

107, 9 Apr 1951 : Aldermen & mayor elected.

112, 14 "    "  : Fireworks in Gby. banned.

119, 17 Aug  "  : Aldermen & mayor elected.

120, 27  "   "  : City Budget adopted. Cost of operating PLANT for previous fiscal year (1950-1951): $9163.78 and projected for 1951-1952: $10,100.00.

124, 3 Oct   "  : A. W. Norman acreage north of Hwy #377 on Cherry Ln. to be annexed.

141, 14 Apr 1952: Substitute aldermen elected.

145, 23 Jun  "  : PLANT insurance to be reduced from $50,000 to $16,000.

148, 25 Aug  "  : A.W. Newman offers to resign as Utilities Supervisor. Annual City budget: PLANT cost
$8100.01 to operate for previous year; projected to cost $9700.00 for fiscal 1952-1953.

149, 26 Aug  "  : A.W.Newman salary to be raised to $350/mo. He resigns as Utilities Supervisor (apparently
wanted to reduce his responsibilities back to PLANT operator).

153, 22 Dec  "  : Discussed renewing Lone Star Gas' franchise for another 25 years.

157, 13 Apr 1953: Aldermen and mayor elected.

163, 14 Sep  "  : City applying to Austin for Brazos River water rights.

164, 30  "   "  : Approx. 100 names on 1937-1945 delinquent tax list...forgiven.

171, 12 Apr 1954: New aldermen.

172, 12 May   " : New 5-yr contract with BRAZOS for ele. City demand increased from 150 kw to 300 kw but
no mention of rate increase to Gby.

173, 14 Jun   " : 25-yr. Lone Star Gas contract OK'd.

176, -  Sep   " : Annual City budget: PLANT cost for prior year: $8140,90; projected for 1954-55: $9550.00.

177, 18 Sep 1954: Mayor to sign a quit claim deed in Thrash Add'n
                  This the FINAL ENTRY in vol.6!

  *1953-1954 trend of bills paid by City of Granbury to BRAZOS ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE, INC. (note sharp increase in Aug.
   1954 indicating probable shutdown of Granbury's PLANT in the
   proceeding month, July 1954):

          Jan 1953      $1206
          Feb            1170
          Mar            1155
          Apr            1156
          May            1194
          Jun            1361
          Jul            1758
          Aug            1756
          Sep            1832
          Oct            1477
          Nov            1437
          Dec            1465
          Jan 1954       1535
          Feb            1398
          Mar            1219
          Apr            1394
          May            1471
          Jun            1372
          Jul            1826
          Aug            2444
          Sep            2413