Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor
Mr. J. W. Egloff returned last week from a pleasant visit to his old home in Mason City, Iowa. Of the family reunion the Mason City Gazette says: “Dr. Egloff has been enjoying a visit from his brothers, J. W. Egloff of Granbury, TX, M. G. of Waterloo, and E. C. of Cedar Rapids. The four brothers were together for the first time in sixteen years.
The barbecue near George Walter’s place last Thursday was attended by a large crowd, among whom the candidates circulated with energy.
The many Hood County friends of the brilliant young preacher of the Christian Church, Elder J. M. Campbell, will be glad to know that he now has charge of the church in San Antonio during the summer vacation of the pastor, and has been called to the permanent pastorate of the thriving church in Wichita Falls.
Mr. J. L. Davidson is on the sick list.
Work is progressing fast on Lee Riddle’s new residence.
Mrs. Nunn and Miss Laura Lyle visited friends at Acton.
Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Doyle entertained their young friends with a social hop on Friday night.
A letter from Major T. T. Ewell, who is now at Goliad, states that his health is gradually improving.
Mr. Evans, our photographer, has recently gotten some tinted photos that attracted much attention.
The above newspaper items were extracted from newspaper microfilm by Merle McNeese, Granbury, Texas, and first appeared in Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletters