Transcribed by: Eloise Cramer

Compiled By: Jennifer Nichols


Name                         Page Number

Adams, J. C., Mr. & Mrs.           61
Aiken, Erris                       14 - 18 - 41 - 45 - 47
Arrington, M. L.                   62
Baker Hardware & Imp Co.           71
Bowden Cafe                        72
Bradley, Juanita Merle             14 - 16 - 19
Carter, Phillip                    1
Cherry Drug Co.                    76
Cherry, W. H.                      76
Childress, O. R. (Mathematics)     9
Clifton, Kathleen                  27 - 28 - 54
Clifton, Paul                      28 - 44
Clonch, Ella Mae                   17
Cox, George L., Supt.              1 - 8
Crockett, Walkup                   14 - 14
Crockett, Wauchope W.              21 - 42 - 45
Daniel, Arlos                      42 - 45 - 47
Daniel, W. B., Mr. & Mrs.          62
Dean, Clarence C.                  14 - 21 - 40 - 47
Dobbins, Charles                   28
Dobbins, Mrs. (5 & 6th Grades)     12
Dobbins, Theron                    31 - 65
Doyle & Pate Dry Goods             74
Doyle, Price                       31 - 42 - 45 - 47
Ferrell & Co.                      77
First National Bank                75
Gilliam, Curtis                    14 - 16 - 43 - 65
Gilliam, DeWitt T.                 1 - 14 - 18
Gilliam, J. Curtis                 20
Gilliam, Wallace                   1
Glenn, Nelle                       35
Granbury Furniture Co.             79
Grisson, Sam                       31 - 43
Hannaford, Edwin                   14 - 19 - 41 - 45 - 65
Hannaford's Drug Store             80
Hich School Building               2
Hightower, E. Colman               19 - 45 - 47 - 65
Hiner, T. H., Mr. & Mrs.           61
Hudson, Louis                      14 - 28 - 31 - 40 - 45
Hudson, Mary                       31
Jarrett, A. R.                     78
Jones, Emmett                      1
Keith & Hudson, Ford Agents        73
Keith, Fort                        47
Kelly, Norma J.                    14 - 18 - 51
Kerr, Mrs. (2 & 3 grades)          13
Legend of Comanche                 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Maloney, A. A.                     78
Maloney, Marvin                    28 - 43 - 45 - 47
McCarty, Lorene                    27 - 28
McCarty, Sue                       28
Mitchell, Mary Ruth                35
Morgan, Grace Ulene                16 - 21
Morrison, Frank                    28
Morrow, Theodore                   47
Mugg, Mrs. (1st grade)             12
Pate, Grace                        27 - 28
Peveler, Hollis                    44
Peveler, Mabel                     28
Porter, Earl                       41
Powell, Sid                        78
Powell, W. J.                      31
Randle, Mrs (4th grade)            13
Riley, Buster                      14
Riley, Buster                      16 - 17 - 40 - 45 - 47 - 65
Riley, W. M.                       81
Robertson, H. E., Mr. & Mrs.       61
Robinett, M. M.                    78
Roe, Anna (History)                11
Sandlin, Elsie                     31
Sidebottom, Alice                  17
Sparkman, Hattie Pearle            20
Stapp, Jessie, (Latin & English)   10
Stribling, P. D.                   28
Stringfellow, Mary Kate            35
Stringfellow, Ned                  28 - 65
The City National Bank             78
The Hood County Herald             71
Warren, Oscar                      22
White, Loma                        27 - 28
Williams, Eule Belle               22
Williams, Willie Mae               28
Williamson, Willa                  16 - 20
Wohlford, James L.                 71

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