Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor
Very few people in Granbury know that there is a fine little vineyard, heavily loaded with grapes, within our corporate limits. About two years ago Mr. Miles Hardy, father-in-law of Capt. J. R. Morris was here on a visit from Arkansas and being a successful grape grower, at once saw the adaptability of the rich sandy bottom land just east of town for grape growing. He interested Capt. Morris in the enterprise, about two acres of land near the bridge was purchased and put in grapes, blackberries, and raspberries. The grapes have done exceedingly well.
Rev. Jere Reese died in this city on last Saturday night. He had been in declining health for several years and his demise was not unexpected. He was about 72 years old; had been a minister about 59 years. Appropriate services were held at the Methodist Church on Sunday morning by the pastor, Rev. J. S. Barens. His remains were interred in the cemetery at Cleburne on Sunday evening.
We understand that Mr. G. G. Walker contemplates putting in a small electric light plant in order to light up his gin during the coming season.
Mr. W. J. Stribling and his little daughter, Mary, of Walhalla, S.C. came in last Friday on a visit to his brother Mr. J. H. Stribling of Acton. Another of the brothers, J. W. Stribling, accompanied by his wife, came to Texas at the same time, stopping off at Dallas to spend a few days attending the great Southern Baptist convention, reaching here on Monday.
Wink Wilson and Coon Holmes were in yesterday and said they had helped Dallas Tidwell haul in his cotton, and that he is broken forever from holding cotton over.
Rev. S. P. Bright of Windsor, Missouri, a Baptist minister, is in the city visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. F. Nutt, and preached at the Baptist Church on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
Mr. Fred Wilson of Taledega, Ala., arrived Tuesday for a visit to his sister, Mrs. S. L. Brown.
Mr. J. M. Boswell made a business trip to Dallas last week.
Miss Minnie Thornton of Erath County is in the city visiting Miss Mattie Nutt.
Miss Sue Smith left on Tuesday afternoon for a visit to friends at Stephenville.
Rev. W. J. Moore joined Sam Jones on Tuesday and is with him at Brownwood.
Uncle Jesse Nutt left last Thursday for Dallas to attend the Southern Baptist Convention.
Cashier Houston attended the meeting of the banker’s association at Fort Worth last Week.
M. T. Gardner has just returned from the Alvin country, perfectly delighted — to stay away.
Mrs. T. J. Evans of Quanah, visited Dr. Hanna’s family last week.
Mr. T. O. Martin attended the Knights of Pythias picnic at Glen Rose last Thursday and delivered an address.
Major Ewell is still confined at home by sickness, but manages to write a short chapter of the county history.
Dr. Hanna was not getting along so well yesterday as he had been, but we hope the set-back is only temporary.
Elder R. A. Biggs of the Primitive Baptist Church will preach at Center Point school house next Saturday night & Sunday.
Elder J. A. Clark is spending several weeks in Stephens and Palo Pinto Counties, preaching.
L. J. Caraway has been attending the Sam Jones meeting at Weatherford.
Mrs. Jarvis was over from Fort Worth this week.
Randolph Clark has been on the sick list several days.
Frank Talmage of Palestine has consented to preach the Baccalaureate sermon June 10th.
All are invited to attend the closing exercises of Add-Ran College June 10-14.
Mrs. H. P. Alexander of Seneca, SC, arrived last Friday on a visit to her brothers, J. N. & J. H. Doyle. She is delighted with Texas.
John Tandy and Miss Mamie Doyle, of your city, was here last Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Jesse and Will Stribling of S.C. are visiting their mother and brother at this place.
Babies, of gosh! Lee Hiner’s is a girl. Frank McCarty was visited by another squall not long ago. Also one at Oce Gee’s.
Prof. Jacobs and pupils will spend next Saturday on Comanche Peak picnicking.
The Acton and Peak ball teams will play a match game on top of the Peak next Saturday evening.
Mr. R. L. Bailey and family of Walnut Springs have been visiting the family of W. S. Wilson this past week. Mr. John Ethridge was with us last Sunday.
Mr. G. L. Pate of your town was here last week.
Thomas Holmes, who has been attending school in your city for some time, has returned home to help his father make a crop.
Revs. E. Blanton and Tom Neely are attending the Baptist Convention at Dallas.
A. P. Bowers has been quite sick for the past two weeks, but is slowly recovering.
Mr. J. E. Lewis has been acting as roadmaster for the Rio Grande during the past month. He is now visiting in Fort Worth.
Jno. R. Powell goes deer hunting every few days but has never brought any venison home yet. He says he is curing it on the hunting grounds.
Ballard Thomason has gone off on a trip to Greer County, and S. O. Love is holding down the blacksmith shop alone.
Mrs. Ada Hipp, of Fort Worth, has been visiting her parent near this place.
Messrs. J. B. Hastings and J. M. Peveler went to Weatherford Saturday to hear Sam Jones preach, but did not get to hear him.
Mr. Bob Dillard has been absent from our Sunday School for two or three Sundays and we don’t know the cause.
The young people of this community, and a great many older ones, too, had a most enjoyable song service at Mr. F. N. Peveler’s Sunday afternoon.
The above newspaper items were extracted from newspaper microfilm by Merle McNeese, Granbury, Texas, and first appeared in Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletters