1830 – 1898

 From History of Texas, Published in 1896

FREDERICKD MOSS CLEVELAND.-Among the sturdy, energetic and successful farmers of Hood County who thoroughly understand the vocation which they follow, and are consequently enabled to carry on their calling with profit to themselves, is the subject of this sketch, a native of South Carolina, born in Pickens County, August 13, 1830. He is descended from good old Revolutionary stock. His parents, Osborn and Jane (Moss) Cleveland, were also born in Pickens County.

Our subject was reared to manhood upon his father’s farm, early becoming familiar with the duties that fall to the lot of the agriculturist, and obtaining his education in subscription schools of the neighborhood. He remained at home until twenty-five years of age, when, in March, 1856, he was united in marriage with Miss Nancy Marie Isbell, and they began their domestic life upon a farm which he continued to operate until the breaking out of the late Civil War.

In 1862 Mr. Cleveland enlisted in Company K, Twenty-second South Carolina Volunteer Infantry, and served until hostilities had ceased, participating in a number of important engagements. At the Battle of Petersburg, where twenty-three of his company were killed, he was injured and rendered unconscious for many hours, from the effects of which injury he has never fully recovered.

On returning to his home in South Carolina, Mr. Cleveland resumed farming and remained there until 1870, when he came to Texas, locating in Hood County. The first year he lived on the Paluxy and the following year he planted a crop on Rucker’s Creek, but since the 10th of January, 1873, he has made his home upon his present farm. At that time it comprised only eighty acres, but as his financial resources have increased he has extended its boundaries until they now contain four hundred acres, one hundred of which have been placed under a high state of cultivation, and he now rents his land.

By his first marriage Mr. Cleveland had six children, but one died in early childhood; and Mamie, who grew to womanhood and married Mr. Green, and died in 1889. Those living are: Warren Wilson, a farmer of Hood County; John F., a merchant of Acton; Samuel, who has been in the mining states for several years, and Wade Hampton, at home. The mother of these children was called to her final rest in 1883. On the 1st of January, 1895, Mr. Cleveland was again married, his second union being with Mrs. Gregory.

Our subject is now retired from active business, having accumulated a sufficiency of this world’s goods to enable him to pass his remaining years in ease, surrounded with the comforts of life, and enjoying the respect and confidence of his fellow men in the highest degree. He is a true-hearted man, an earnest believer in the doctrines of Christianity, and a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, while his wife is a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.

Frederick Moss Cleveland died November 3, 1898 and is buried in Acton Cemetery, next to both of his wives, in Hood County, Texas.

History of Texas, 1896, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.