GEORGE E. JACKSON 1849 – 1923

From History of Texas Published in 1896

GEORGE E. JACKSON – History and biography for the most part record the lives of those only who have attained military, political or literary distinction, or who in any other career have passed through extraordinary vicissitudes of fortune. The unostentatious routine of private life, although in the aggregate more important to the welfare of the community, cannot, from its nature, figure, in the public annals, but it is the men of private life who are the true source of strength of a nation. We cannot all follow the example of those who have been warriors or statesmen, but the man who has been true and honorable in all the relations of life furnishes to the world a career that is well worthy of emulation.

Such a man is the subject of this review, George E. Jackson, who is justly regarded as one of the leading farmers and stock-raisers of Hood County, and he has the esteem of all who know him. He was born in Georgia and is the second child and eldest son of Andrew Jackson, a prominent citizen of this locality. The natal day of Mr. Jackson was April 23, 1849. When a child of eight years he was brought to Texas and was reared on the Paluxy, his time being largely passed in the work of the farm. His school privileges were meager, his boyhood being spent in assisting in the improvement of the frontier farm. He remained with his parents until he had attained majority and then started out in life for himself, turning his attention to the pursuit with which he had become familiar when under the parental roof.

In 1872 Mr. Jackson made his first purchase of land, becoming the owner of a tract of one hundred and thirty-five acres of which twenty acres were under a partial state of improvement. He at once began its further development, and success has crowned his energetic and well-directed efforts. In connection with general farming he is engaged extensively in stock-raising, making a specialty of the breeding of Jersey and Berkshire hogs, graded shorthorn cattle and Clydesdale horses.

He may truly be called a self-made man, for he started in life without means, and by his own industry and perseverance accumulated a handsome property, comprising three hundred and twenty acres of fine land on the Paluxy, of which one hundred and ten acres are under a high state of cultivation. He makes the best of his opportunities and demonstrates that success is not a matter of genius but the result of earnest purpose and energetic labor.

Mr. Jackson has a pleasant home and happy family. He was married on the 14th of September, 1873, to Miss Elizabeth Caraway, a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of Bryant and Rachel (Deil) Caraway, who came to Hood county in 1859. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are the parents of nine children, namely: Charles L., Emma S., Mary T., Jessie A., Catherine M., Alice R., Robert E., Sarah E. and George A. Our subject is devoted to the interests of his family and has provided his children with good educational advantages, thus fitting them for life’s practical and responsible duties. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, their membership being with the congregation at Marion Chapel. Socially Mr. Jackson is connected with Paluxy Lodge, No. 393, A.F.&A.M., has passed all the chairs and is the present master of the lodge. Politically he votes with the Democracy.

George E. Jackson died December 11, 1923 and was buried next to his wife in Rock Church Cemetery in Hood County, Texas.


History of Texas, 1896, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.

Web Page by Jo Ann Hopper