ISAAC MOORE 1831 – 1916

From History of Texas Published in 1896

ISAAC MOORE is numbered among Hood county’s leading citizens, being prominently connected with its agricultural and milling interests, and few men are better known or more highly respected in central Texas. He is also a representative of that patriotic band of men who, reared in the south and true to its principles and its teachings, went forth in its defense at the time of the civil war. He ever loyally upholds his principles and what he believes to be right, and all who know him respect him for his sterling worth.

Mr. Moore is a native of Grayson county, Virginia, born November 28, 1831, a son of James and Lydia (Hanks) Moore. The Moores were an early colonial family and the grandfather of our subject, William Moore, was probably a soldier in the Revolution. James Moore was a native of Surry county, North Carolina, and when he had arrived at years of maturity married Miss Hanks, who was born in Virginia and was a daughter of Joshua Hanks, who was also born in the Old Dominion and aided the colonies in the struggle which brought to this country her independence. James Moore was also found in the military service of his native land, taking part in the second war against England. He was a farmer by occupation, following that pursuit throughout his business career. About 1843 he removed with his family to the Cherokee purchase in Georgia, where he spent his remaining days, his death occurring at the age of 65 years. His wife reached the advanced age of 98, and her father was 102 years old at the time of his death! In the family were eight children, seven of whom reached adult age, while three are yet living.

Isaac Moore was reared on the old homestead and through the winter months attended the public school, while in the summer season he aided in the labors of the fields. When he had reached man’s estate he started out in life for himself, and as a companion on the journey he chose Miss Caroline Barton, the marriage being celebrated January 27, 1853. The lady is a native of South Carolina and a daughter of Joseph and Morning (Cannon) Barton. The young couple began their domestic life in Georgia and after three years removed to Alabama, settling in Marshall county, where Mr. Moore engaged in farming until the commencement of the war.

Feeling that the call to duty on the field of battle should be answered by all loyal sons of the south, he enlisted, in 1862, as a member of the Fourth Alabama Cavalry, and served with the Army of the Tennessee. Among others he participated in the battles of Nashville, Parker’s Cross Roads, Racine, Strawberry Plains, and at the last named was wounded in the right shoulder. While serving on detail duty he was captured and taken as a prisoner of war to Camp Chase, in Ohio, where he was confined for nine months and 20 days, or until the close of the war.

When hostilities had ceased he returned to Alabama and followed farming in that state until his removal to Texas in 1869. Coming to Hood county he settled on an unimproved tract of land on Pony creek, and to-day is the owner of 348 acres of land, of which 100 acres has been transformed into rich and fertile fields that yield a good return for his labor. In the early days the settlers experienced much trouble with the Indians, but all that is now passed and Hood county is the home of a contented, prosperous people and is a monument to the thrift, enterprise and progressiveness of such men as Mr. Moore.

To our subject and his wife was born a daughter, Margaret Jane, but when she was five years of age she passed away. Their kindness and generosity, however has prompted them to care for two orphans and therefore the home has not been childless. These were:

Amanda Lane, who became the wife of J.P. Jackson and

Robert Sexton of New Mexico.

Mr. Moore is an esteemed member of Paluxy Lodge, No. 393, F.&A.M., and in politics he is an uncompromising Democrat. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and by all who know them are held in high regard.

Isaac Moore died October 17, 1916 and was buried in Rock Church Cemetery in Hood County, Texas


History of Texas, 1896, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.